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Many recent studies have shown that deep neural models are vulnerable to adversarial samples: images with imperceptible perturbations, for example, can fool image classifiers. In this paper, we present the first type-specific approach to generating a dversarial examples for object detection, which entails detecting bounding boxes around multiple objects present in the image and classifying them at the same time, making it a harder task than against image classification. We specifically aim to attack the widely used Faster R-CNN by changing the predicted label for a particular object in an image: where prior work has targeted one specific object (a stop sign), we generalise to arbitrary objects, with the key challenge being the need to change the labels of all bounding boxes for all instances of that object type. To do so, we propose a novel method, named Pick-Object-Attack. Pick-Object-Attack successfully adds perturbations only to bounding boxes for the targeted object, preserving the labels of other detected objects in the image. In terms of perceptibility, the perturbations induced by the method are very small. Furthermore, for the first time, we examine the effect of adversarial attacks on object detection in terms of a downstream task, image captioning; we show that where a method that can modify all object types leads to very obvious changes in captions, the changes from our constrained attack are much less apparent.
115 - Akshay Chaturvedi , Abijith KP , 2019
Neural machine translation (NMT) systems have been shown to give undesirable translation when a small change is made in the source sentence. In this paper, we study the behaviour of NMT systems when multiple changes are made to the source sentence. I n particular, we ask the following question Is it possible for an NMT system to predict same translation even when multiple words in the source sentence have been replaced?. To this end, we propose a soft-attention based technique to make the aforementioned word replacements. The experiments are conducted on two language pairs: English-German (en-de) and English-French (en-fr) and two state-of-the-art NMT systems: BLSTM-based encoder-decoder with attention and Transformer. The proposed soft-attention based technique achieves high success rate and outperforms existing methods like HotFlip by a significant margin for all the conducted experiments. The results demonstrate that state-of-the-art NMT systems are unable to capture the semantics of the source language. The proposed soft-attention based technique is an invariance-based adversarial attack on NMT systems. To better evaluate such attacks, we propose an alternate metric and argue its benefits in comparison with success rate.
At present, adversarial attacks are designed in a task-specific fashion. However, for downstream computer vision tasks such as image captioning, image segmentation etc., the current deep learning systems use an image classifier like VGG16, ResNet50, Inception-v3 etc. as a feature extractor. Keeping this in mind, we propose Mimic and Fool, a task agnostic adversarial attack. Given a feature extractor, the proposed attack finds an adversarial image which can mimic the image feature of the original image. This ensures that the two images give the same (or similar) output regardless of the task. We randomly select 1000 MSCOCO validation images for experimentation. We perform experiments on two image captioning models, Show and Tell, Show Attend and Tell and one VQA model, namely, end-to-end neural module network (N2NMN). The proposed attack achieves success rate of 74.0%, 81.0% and 87.1% for Show and Tell, Show Attend and Tell and N2NMN respectively. We also propose a slight modification to our attack to generate natural-looking adversarial images. In addition, we also show the applicability of the proposed attack for invertible architecture. Since Mimic and Fool only requires information about the feature extractor of the model, it can be considered as a gray-box attack.
This paper presents an approach for automatic detection of Munros Microabscess in stratum corneum (SC) of human skin biopsy in order to realize a machine assisted diagnosis of Psoriasis. The challenge of detecting neutrophils in presence of nucleated cells is solved using the recent advances of deep learning algorithms. Separation of SC layer, extraction of patches from the layer followed by classification of patches with respect to presence or absence of neutrophils form the basis of the overall approach which is effected through an integration of a U-Net based segmentation network and a capsule network for classification. The novel design of the present capsule net leads to a drastic reduction in the number of parameters without any noticeable compromise in the overall performance. The research further addresses the challenge of dealing with Mega-pixel images (in 10X) vis-a-vis Giga-pixel ones (in 40X). The promising result coming out of an experiment on a dataset consisting of 273 real-life images shows that a practical system is possible based on the present research. The implementation of our system is available at https://github.com/Anabik/CapsDeMM.

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