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We propose a novel approach to estimating the precision matrix of multivariate Gaussian data that relies on decomposing them into a low-rank and a diagonal component. Such decompositions are very popular for modeling large covariance matrices as they admit a latent factor based representation that allows easy inference. The same is not true for precision matrices, due to the lack of computationally convenient representation, which restricts the use to low to moderate dimensional problems. We address this remarkable gap in the literature by introducing a novel latent variable representation for such decomposition for precision matrices as well. The construction leads to an efficient Gibbs sampler that scales very well to high-dimensional problems far beyond the limits of the current state-of-the-art. The ability to efficiently explore the full posterior space allows the model uncertainty to be easily assessed. The decomposition also crucially allows us to adapt sparsity inducing priors to shrink the insignificant entries of the precision matrix toward zero, making the approach adaptable to high-dimensional small-sample-size sparse settings. Exact zeros in the matrix encoding the underlying conditional independence graph are then determined via a novel posterior false discovery rate control procedure. We evaluate the methods empirical performance through synthetic experiments and illustrate its practical utility in data sets from two different application domains.
Studying the neurological, genetic and evolutionary basis of human vocal communication mechanisms is an important field of neuroscience. In the absence of high quality data on humans, mouse vocalization experiments in laboratory settings have been pr oven to be useful in providing valuable insights into mammalian vocal development and evolution, including especially the impact of certain genetic mutations. Data sets from mouse vocalization experiments usually consist of categorical syllable sequences along with continuous inter-syllable interval times for mice of different genotypes vocalizing under various contexts. Few statistical models have considered the inference for both transition probabilities and inter-state intervals. The latter is of particular importance as increased inter-state intervals can be an indication of possible vocal impairment. In this paper, we propose a class of novel Markov renewal mixed models that capture the stochastic dynamics of both state transitions and inter-state interval times. Specifically, we model the transition dynamics and the inter-state intervals using Dirichlet and gamma mixtures, respectively, allowing the mixture probabilities in both cases to vary flexibly with fixed covariate effects as well as random individual-specific effects. We apply our model to analyze the impact of a mutation in the Foxp2 gene on mouse vocal behavior. We find that genotypes and social contexts significantly affect the inter-state interval times but, compared to previous analyses, the influences of genotype and social context on the syllable transition dynamics are weaker.
We consider the problem of multivariate density deconvolution where the distribution of a random vector needs to be estimated from replicates contaminated with conditionally heteroscedastic measurement errors. We propose a conceptually straightforwar d yet fundamentally novel and highly robust approach to multivariate density deconvolution by stochastically rotating the replicates toward the corresponding true latent values. We also address the additionally significantly challenging problem of accommodating conditionally heteroscedastic measurement errors in this newly introduced framework. We take a Bayesian route to estimation and inference, implemented via an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, appropriately accommodating uncertainty in all aspects of our analysis. Asymptotic convergence guarantees for the method are also established. We illustrate the methods empirical efficacy through simulation experiments and its practical utility in estimating the long-term joint average intakes of different dietary components from their measurement error contaminated 24-hour dietary recalls.
Estimating the marginal and joint densities of the long-term average intakes of different dietary components is an important problem in nutritional epidemiology. Since these variables cannot be directly measured, data are usually collected in the for m of 24-hour recalls of the intakes, which show marked patterns of conditional heteroscedasticity. Significantly compounding the challenges, the recalls for episodically consumed dietary components also include exact zeros. The problem of estimating the density of the latent long-time intakes from their observed measurement error contaminated proxies is then a problem of deconvolution of densities with zero-inflated data. We propose a Bayesian semiparametric solution to the problem, building on a novel hierarchical latent variable framework that translates the problem to one involving continuous surrogates only. Crucial to accommodating important aspects of the problem, we then design a copula-based approach to model the involved joint distributions, adopting different modeling strategies for the marginals of the different dietary components. We design efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for posterior inference and illustrate the efficacy of the proposed method through simulation experiments. Applied to our motivating nutritional epidemiology problems, compared to other approaches, our method provides more realistic estimates of the consumption patterns of episodically consumed dietary components.
We consider the problem of flexible modeling of higher order hidden Markov models when the number of latent states and the nature of the serial dependence, including the true order, are unknown. We propose Bayesian nonparametric methodology based on tensor factorization techniques that can characterize any transition probability with a specified maximal order, allowing automated selection of the important lags and capturing higher order interactions among the lags. Theoretical results provide insights into identifiability of the emission distributions and asymptotic behavior of the posterior. We design efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for posterior computation. In simulation experiments, the method vastly outperformed its first and higher order competitors not just in higher order settings, but, remarkably, also in first order cases. Practical utility is illustrated using real world applications.
Studying the neurological, genetic and evolutionary basis of human vocal communication mechanisms using animal vocalization models is an important field of neuroscience. The data sets typically comprise structured sequences of syllables or `songs pro duced by animals from different genotypes under different social contexts. We develop a novel Bayesian semiparametric framework for inference in such data sets. Our approach is built on a novel class of mixed effects Markov transition models for the songs that accommodates exogenous influences of genotype and context as well as animal-specific heterogeneity. We design efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for posterior computation. Crucial advantages of the proposed approach include its ability to provide insights into key scientific queries related to global and local influences of the exogenous predictors on the transition dynamics via automated tests of hypotheses. The methodology is illustrated using simulation experiments and the aforementioned motivating application in neuroscience.
We consider the problem of flexible modeling of higher order Markov chains when an upper bound on the order of the chain is known but the true order and nature of the serial dependence are unknown. We propose Bayesian nonparametric methodology based on conditional tensor factorizations, which can characterize any transition probability with a specified maximal order. The methodology selects the important lags and captures higher order interactions among the lags, while also facilitating calculation of Bayes factors for a variety of hypotheses of interest. We design efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for posterior computation, allowing for uncertainty in the set of important lags to be included and in the nature and order of the serial dependence. The methods are illustrated using simulation experiments and real world applications.
We consider the problem of multivariate density deconvolution when the interest lies in estimating the distribution of a vector-valued random variable but precise measurements of the variable of interest are not available, observations being contamin ated with additive measurement errors. The existing sparse literature on the problem assumes the density of the measurement errors to be completely known. We propose robust Bayesian semiparametric multivariate deconvolution approaches when the measurement error density is not known but replicated proxies are available for each unobserved value of the random vector. Additionally, we allow the variability of the measurement errors to depend on the associated unobserved value of the vector of interest through unknown relationships which also automatically includes the case of multivariate multiplicative measurement errors. Basic properties of finite mixture models, multivariate normal kernels and exchangeable priors are exploited in many novel ways to meet the modeling and computational challenges. Theoretical results that show the flexibility of the proposed methods are provided. We illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods in recovering the true density of interest through simulation experiments. The methodology is applied to estimate the joint consumption pattern of different dietary components from contaminated 24 hour recalls.
We consider the problem of estimating high-dimensional covariance matrices of a particular structure, which is a summation of low rank and sparse matrices. This covariance structure has a wide range of applications including factor analysis and rando m effects models. We propose a Bayesian method of estimating the covariance matrices by representing the covariance model in the form of a factor model with unknown number of latent factors. We introduce binary indicators for factor selection and rank estimation for the low rank component combined with a Bayesian lasso method for the sparse component estimation. Simulation studies show that our method can recover the rank as well as the sparsity of the two components respectively. We further extend our method to a graphical factor model where the graphical model of the residuals as well as selecting the number of factors is of interest. We employ a hyper-inverse Wishart prior for modeling decomposable graphs of the residuals, and a Bayesian graphical lasso selection method for unrestricted graphs. We show through simulations that the extended models can recover both the number of latent factors and the graphical model of the residuals successfully when the sample size is sufficient relative to the dimension.

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