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The concept of biological adaptation was closely connected to some mathematical, engineering and physical ideas from the very beginning. Cannon in his The wisdom of the body (1932) used the engineering vision of regulation. In 1938, Selye enriched th is approach by the notion of adaptation energy. This term causes much debate when one takes it literally, i.e. as a sort of energy. Selye did not use the language of mathematics, but the formalization of his phenomenological theory in the spirit of thermodynamics was simple and led to verifiable predictions. In 1980s, the dynamics of correlation and variance in systems under adaptation to a load of environmental factors were studied and the universal effect in ensembles of systems under a load of similar factors was discovered: in a crisis, as a rule, even before the onset of obvious symptoms of stress, the correlation increases together with variance (and volatility). During 30 years, this effect has been supported by many observations of groups of humans, mice, trees, grassy plants, and on financial time series. In the last ten years, these results were supplemented by many new experiments, from gene networks in cardiology and oncology to dynamics of depression and clinical psychotherapy. Several systems of models were developed: the thermodynamic-like theory of adaptation of ensembles and several families of models of individual adaptation. Historically, the first group of models was based on Selyes concept of adaptation energy and used fitness estimates. Two other groups of models are based on the idea of hidden attractor bifurcation and on the advection--diffusion model for distribution of population in the space of physiological attributes. We explore this world of models and experiments, starting with classic works, with particular attention to the results of the last ten years and open questions.
Three epochs in development of chemical dynamics are presented. We try to understand the modern research programs in the light of classical works. Three eras (or waves) of chemical dynamics can be revealed in the flux of research and publications. Th ese waves may be associated with leaders: the first is the vant Hoof wave, the second may be called the Semenov--Hinshelwood wave and the third is definitely the Aris wave. Of course, the whole building was impossible without efforts of hundreds of other researchers. Some of of them are mentioned in our brief review.
128 - A.N. Gorban 2019
In 1961, Renyi discovered a rich family of non-classical Lyapunov functions for kinetics of the Markov chains, or, what is the same, for the linear kinetic equations. This family was parameterised by convex functions on the positive semi-axis. After works of Csiszar and Morimoto, these functions became widely known as $f$-divergences or the Csiszar--Morimoto divergences. These Lyapunov functions are universal in the following sense: they depend only on the state of equilibrium, not on the kinetic parameters themselves. Despite many years of research, no such wide family of universal Lyapunov functions has been found for nonlinear reaction networks. For general non-linear networks with detailed or complex balance, the classical thermodynamics potentials remain the only universal Lyapunov functions. We constructed a rich family of new universal Lyapunov functions for {em any non-linear reaction network} with detailed or complex balance. These functions are parameterised by compact subsets of the projective space. They are universal in the same sense: they depend only on the state of equilibrium and on the network structure, but not on the kinetic parameters themselves. The main elements and operations in the construction of the new Lyapunov functions are partial equilibria of reactions and convex envelopes of families of functions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems sometimes make errors and will make errors in the future, from time to time. These errors are usually unexpected, and can lead to dramatic consequences. Intensive development of AI and its practical applications m akes the problem of errors more important. Total re-engineering of the systems can create new errors and is not always possible due to the resources involved. The important challenge is to develop fast methods to correct errors without damaging existing skills. We formulated the technical requirements to the ideal correctors. Such correctors include binary classifiers, which separate the situations with high risk of errors from the situations where the AI systems work properly. Surprisingly, for essentially high-dimensional data such methods are possible: simple linear Fisher discriminant can separate the situations with errors from correctly solved tasks even for exponentially large samples. The paper presents the probabilistic basis for fast non-destructive correction of AI systems. A series of new stochastic separation theorems is proven. These theorems provide new instruments for fast non-iterative correction of errors of legacy AI systems. The new approaches become efficient in high-dimensions, for correction of high-dimensional systems in high-dimensional world (i.e. for processing of essentially high-dimensional data by large systems).
Despite the widely-spread consensus on the brain complexity, sprouts of the single neuron revolution emerged in neuroscience in the 1970s. They brought many unexpected discoveries, including grandmother or concept cells and sparse coding of informati on in the brain. In machine learning for a long time, the famous curse of dimensionality seemed to be an unsolvable problem. Nevertheless, the idea of the blessing of dimensionality becomes gradually more and more popular. Ensembles of non-interacting or weakly interacting simple units prove to be an effective tool for solving essentially multidimensional problems. This approach is especially useful for one-shot (non-iterative) correction of errors in large legacy artificial intelligence systems. These simplicity revolutions in the era of complexity have deep fundamental reasons grounded in geometry of multidimensional data spaces. To explore and understand these reasons we revisit the background ideas of statistical physics. In the course of the 20th century they were developed into the concentration of measure theory. New stochastic separation theorems reveal the fine structure of the data clouds. We review and analyse biological, physical, and mathematical problems at the core of the fundamental question: how can high-dimensional brain organise reliable and fast learning in high-dimensional world of data by simple tools? Two critical applications are reviewed to exemplify the approach: one-shot correction of errors in intellectual systems and emergence of static and associative memories in ensembles of single neurons.
The work concerns the problem of reducing a pre-trained deep neuronal network to a smaller network, with just few layers, whilst retaining the networks functionality on a given task The proposed approach is motivated by the observation that the aim to deliver the highest accuracy possible in the broadest range of operational conditions, which many deep neural networks models strive to achieve, may not necessarily be always needed, desired, or even achievable due to the lack of data or technical constraints. In relation to the face recognition problem, we formulated an example of such a usecase, the `backyard dog problem. The `backyard dog, implemented by a lean network, should correctly identify members from a limited group of individuals, a `family, and should distinguish between them. At the same time, the network must produce an alarm to an image of an individual who is not in a member of the family. To produce such a network, we propose a shallowing algorithm. The algorithm takes an existing deep learning model on its input and outputs a shallowed version of it. The algorithm is non-iterative and is based on the Advanced Supervised Principal Component Analysis. Performance of the algorithm is assessed in exhaustive numerical experiments. In the above usecase, the `backyard dog problem, the method is capable of drastically reducing the depth of deep learning neural networks, albeit at the cost of mild performance deterioration. We developed a simple non-iterative method for shallowing down pre-trained deep networks. The method is generic in the sense that it applies to a broad class of feed-forward networks, and is based on the Advanced Supervise Principal Component Analysis. The method enables generation of families of smaller-size shallower specialized networks tuned for specific operational conditions and tasks from a single larger and more universal legacy network.
52 - A.N. Gorban 2018
The paper has two goals: It presents basic ideas, notions, and methods for reduction of reaction kinetics models: quasi-steady-state, quasi-equilibrium, slow invariant manifolds, and limiting steps. It describes briefly the current state of the a rt and some latest achievements in the broad area of model reduction in chemical and biochemical kinetics, including new results in methods of invariant manifolds, computation singular perturbation, bottleneck methods, asymptotology, tropical equilibration, and reaction mechanism skeletonisation.
The notions of taxis and kinesis are introduced and used to describe two types of behavior of an organism in non-uniform conditions: (i) Taxis means the guided movement to more favorable conditions; (ii) Kinesis is the non-directional change in space motion in response to the change of conditions. Migration and dispersal of animals has evolved under control of natural selection. In a simple formalisation, the strategy of dispersal should increase Darwinian fitness. We introduce new models of purposeful kinesis with diffusion coefficient dependent on fitness. The local and instant evaluation of Darwinian fitness is used, the reproduction coefficient. New models include one additional parameter, intensity of kinesis, and may be considered as the {em minimal models of purposeful kinesis}. The properties of models are explored by a series of numerical experiments. It is demonstrated how kinesis could be beneficial for assimilation of patches of food or of periodic fluctuations. Kinesis based on local and instant estimations of fitness is not always beneficial: for species with the Allee effect it can delay invasion and spreading. It is proven that kinesis cannot modify stability of positive homogeneous steady states.
96 - A.N. Gorban , I.Y. Tyukin 2018
The concentration of measure phenomena were discovered as the mathematical background of statistical mechanics at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century and were then explored in mathematics of the XX-XXI centuries. At the beginning of the XXI century, it became clear that the proper utilisation of these phenomena in machine learning might transform the curse of dimensionality into the blessing of dimensionality. This paper summarises recently discovered phenomena of measure concentration which drastically simplify some machine learning problems in high dimension, and allow us to correct legacy artificial intelligence systems. The classical concentration of measure theorems state that i.i.d. random points are concentrated in a thin layer near a surface (a sphere or equators of a sphere, an average or median level set of energy or another Lipschitz function, etc.). The new stochastic separation theorems describe the thin structure of these thin layers: the random points are not only concentrated in a thin layer but are all linearly separable from the rest of the set, even for exponentially large random sets. The linear functionals for separation of points can be selected in the form of the linear Fishers discriminant. All artificial intelligence systems make errors. Non-destructive correction requires separation of the situations (samples) with errors from the samples corresponding to correct behaviour by a simple and robust classifier. The stochastic separation theorems provide us by such classifiers and a non-iterative (one-shot) procedure for learning.
Most of machine learning approaches have stemmed from the application of minimizing the mean squared distance principle, based on the computationally efficient quadratic optimization methods. However, when faced with high-dimensional and noisy data, the quadratic error functionals demonstrated many weaknesses including high sensitivity to contaminating factors and dimensionality curse. Therefore, a lot of recent applications in machine learning exploited properties of non-quadratic error functionals based on $L_1$ norm or even sub-linear potentials corresponding to quasinorms $L_p$ ($0<p<1$). The back side of these approaches is increase in computational cost for optimization. Till so far, no approaches have been suggested to deal with {it arbitrary} error functionals, in a flexible and computationally efficient framework. In this paper, we develop a theory and basic universal data approximation algorithms ($k$-means, principal components, principal manifolds and graphs, regularized and sparse regression), based on piece-wise quadratic error potentials of subquadratic growth (PQSQ potentials). We develop a new and universal framework to minimize {it arbitrary sub-quadratic error potentials} using an algorithm with guaranteed fast convergence to the local or global error minimum. The theory of PQSQ potentials is based on the notion of the cone of minorant functions, and represents a natural approximation formalism based on the application of min-plus algebra. The approach can be applied in most of existing machine learning methods, including methods of data approximation and regularized and sparse regression, leading to the improvement in the computational cost/accuracy trade-off. We demonstrate that on synthetic and real-life datasets PQSQ-based machine learning methods achieve orders of magnitude faster computational performance than the corresponding state-of-the-art methods.

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