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The Observation of Formation and Annihilation of Solitons and Standing Strain Wave Superstructures in a Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystal

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 Added by Yu Hang Chui
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Confining a colloidal crystal within a long narrow channel produced by two parallel walls can be used to impose a meso-scale superstructure of a predominantly mechanical elastic character [Chui et al., EPL 2008, 83, 58004]. When the crystal is compressed in the direction perpendicular to the walls, we obtain a structural transition when the number of rows of particles parallel to the walls decreases by one. All the particles of this vanishing row are distributed throughout the crystal. If the confining walls are structured (say with a corrugation along the length of the walls), then these extra particles are distributed neither uniformly nor randomly; rather, defect structures are created along the boundaries resembling soliton staircases, inducing a non-uniform strain pattern within the crystal. Here we study the conditions of stability, formation and annihilation of these solitons using a coarse grained description of the dynamics. The processes are shown by comparing superimposed configurations as well as molecular animations obtained from our simulations. Also the corresponding normal and shear stresses during the transformation are calculated. A study of these dynamical processes should be useful for controlling strain wave superstructures in the self-assembly of various nano- and meso scaled particles.

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The possibility to achieve entirely frictionless, i.e. superlubric, sliding between solids, holds enormous potential for the operation of mechanical devices. At small length scales, where mechanical contacts are well-defined, Aubry predicted a transition from a superlubric to a pinned state when the mechanical load is increased. Evidence for this intriguing Aubry transition (AT), which should occur in one dimension (1D) and at zero temperature, was recently obtained in few-atom chains. Here, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrate the occurrence of the AT in an extended two-dimensional (2D) system at room temperature using a colloidal monolayer on an optical lattice. Unlike the continuous nature of the AT in 1D, we observe a first-order transition in 2D leading to a coexistence regime of pinned and unpinned areas. Our data demonstrate that the original concept of Aubry does not only survive in 2D but is relevant for the design of nanoscopic machines and devices at ambient temperature.
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