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The mechanism by which nonlinearity sustains turbulence in plane Couette flow

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 Added by Petros Ioannou
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Turbulence in wall-bounded shear flow results from a synergistic interaction between linear non-normality and nonlinearity in which non-normal growth of a subset of perturbations configured to transfer energy from the externally forced component of the turbulent state to the perturbation component maintains the perturbation energy, while the subset of energy-transferring perturbations is replenished by nonlinearity. Although it is accepted that both linear non-normality mediated energy transfer from the forced component of the mean flow and nonlinear interactions among perturbations are required to maintain the turbulent state, the detailed physical mechanism by which these processes interact in maintaining turbulence has not been determined. In this work a statistical state dynamics based analysis is performed on turbulent Couette flow at $R=600$ and a comparison to DNS is used to demonstrate that the perturbation component in Couette flow turbulence is replenished by a non-normality mediated parametric growth process in which the fluctuating streamwise mean flow has been adjusted to marginal Lyapunov stability. It is further shown that the alternative mechanism in which the subspace of non-normally growing perturbations is maintained directly by perturbation-perturbation nonlinearity does not contribute to maintaining the turbulent state. This work identifies parametric interaction between the fluctuating streamwise mean flow and the streamwise varying perturbations to be the mechanism of the nonlinear interaction maintaining the perturbation component of the turbulent state, and identifies the associated Lyapunov vectors with positive energetics as the structures of the perturbation subspace supporting the turbulence.

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Recent studies have brought into question the view that at sufficiently high Reynolds number turbulence is an asymptotic state. We present the first direct observation of the decay of turbulent states in Taylor-Couette flow with lifetimes spanning five orders of magnitude. We also show that there is a regime where Taylor-Couette flow shares many of the decay characteristics observed in other shear flows, including Poisson statistics and the coexistence of laminar and turbulent patches. Our data suggest that characteristic decay times increase super-exponentially with increasing Reynolds number but remain bounded in agreement with the most recent data from pipe flow and with a recent theoretical model. This suggests that, contrary to the prevailing view, turbulence in linearly stable shear flows may be generically transient.
Plane Couette flow transitions to turbulence for Re~325 even though the laminar solution with a linear profile is linearly stable for all Re (Reynolds number). One starting point for understanding this subcritical transition is the existence of invariant sets in the state space of the Navier Stokes equation, such as upper and lower branch equilibria and periodic and relative periodic solutions, that are quite distinct from the laminar solution. This article reports several heteroclinic connections between such objects and briefly describes a numerical method for locating heteroclinic connections. Computing such connections is essential for understanding the global dynamics of spatially localized structures that occur in transitional plane Couette flow. We show that the nature of streaks and streamwise rolls can change significantly along a heteroclinic connection.
The no-slip boundary condition results in a velocity shear forming in fluid flow near a solid surface. This shear flow supports the turbulence characteristic of fluid flow near boundaries at Reynolds numbers above $approx1000$ by making available to perturbations the kinetic energy of the externally forced flow. Understanding the physical mechanism underlying this energy transfer poses a fundamental question. Although qualitative understanding that this transfer involves nonlinear destabilization of the roll-streak coherent structure has been established, identification of this instability has resisted analysis. The reason this instability has resisted analysis is that its analytic expression lies in the Navier-Stokes equations (NS) expressed using statistical rather than state variables. Expressing NS as a statistical state dynamics (SSD) at second order in a cumulant expansion suffices to allow analytical identification of the nonlinear roll-streak instability underlying turbulence in wall-bounded shear flow. In this nonlinear instability the turbulent perturbation field is identified by the SSD with the Lyapunov vectors of the linear operator governing perturbation evolution about the time-dependent streamwise mean flow. In this work, the implications of the predictions of SSD analysis (that this parametric instability underlies the dynamics of turbulence in Couette flow and that the perturbation structures are the associated Lyapunov vectors) are interpreted to imply new conceptual approaches to controlling turbulence. It is shown that the perturbation component of turbulence is supported on the streamwise mean flow, which implies optimal control should be formulated to suppress perturbations from the streamwise mean. It is also shown that suppressing only the top few Lyapunov vectors on the streamwise mean vectors results in laminarization. These results are verified using DNS.
While linear non-normality underlies the mechanism of energy transfer from the externally driven flow to the perturbation field that sustains turbulence, nonlinearity is also known to play an essential role. The goal of this study is to better understand the role of nonlinearity in sustaining turbulence. The method used in this study is implementation in Couette flow of a statistical state dynamics (SSD) closure at second order in a cumulant expansion of the Navier-Stokes equations in which the averaging operator is the streamwise mean. The perturbations are the deviations from the streamwise mean and two mechanisms potentially contributing to maintaining these perturbations are identified. These are parametric perturbation growth arising from interaction of the perturbations with the fluctuating mean flow and transient growth of perturbations arising from nonlinear interaction between components of the perturbation field. By the method of comparing the turbulence maintained in the SSD and in the associated direct numerical simulation (DNS) in which these mechanisms have been selectively included and excluded, parametric growth is found to maintain the perturbation field of the turbulence while the more commonly invoked mechanism of transient growth of perturbations arising from scattering by nonlinear interaction is found to suppress perturbation growth. In addition to verifying that the parametric mechanism maintains the perturbations in DNS it is also verified that the Lyapunov vectors are the structures that dominate the perturbation energy and energetics in DNS. It is further verified that these vectors are responsible for maintaining the roll circulation that underlies the self-sustaining process (SSP) and in particular the maintenance of the fluctuating streak that supports the parametric perturbation growth.
160 - Paul Manneville 2014
The main part of this contribution to the special issue of EJM-B/Fluids dedicated to Patrick Huerre outlines the problem of the subcritical transition to turbulence in wall-bounded flows in its historical perspective with emphasis on plane Couette flow, the flow generated between counter-translating parallel planes. Subcritical here means discontinuous and direct, with strong hysteresis. This is due to the existence of nontrivial flow regimes between the global stability threshold Re_g, the upper bound for unconditional return to the base flow, and the linear instability threshold Re_c characterized by unconditional departure from the base flow. The transitional range around Re_g is first discussed from an empirical viewpoint ({S}1). The recent determination of Re_g for pipe flow by Avila et al. (2011) is recalled. Plane Couette flow is next examined. In laboratory conditions, its transitional range displays an oblique pattern made of alternately laminar and turbulent bands, up to a third threshold Re_t beyond which turbulence is uniform. Our current theoretical understanding of the problem is next reviewed ({S}2): linear theory and non-normal amplification of perturbations; nonlinear approaches and dynamical systems, basin boundaries and chaotic transients in minimal flow units; spatiotemporal chaos in extended systems and the use of concepts from statistical physics, spatiotemporal intermittency and directed percolation, large deviations and extreme values. Two appendices present some recent personal results obtained in plane Couette flow about patterning from numerical simulations and modeling attempts.
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