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Fractional Quantum Hall States in a Ge Quantum Well

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Measurements of the Hall and dissipative conductivity of a strained Ge quantum well on a SiGe/(001)Si substrate in the quantum Hall regime are reported. We find quantum Hall states in the Composite Fermion family and a precursor signal at filling fraction $ u=5/2$. We analyse the results in terms of thermally activated quantum tunneling of carriers from one internal edge state to another across saddle points in the long range impurity potential. This shows that the gaps for different filling fractions closely follow the dependence predicted by theory. We also find that the estimates of the separation of the edge states at the saddle are in line with the expectations of an electrostatic model in the lowest spin-polarised Landau level (LL), but not in the spin-reversed LL where the density of quasiparticle states is not high enough to accommodate the carriers required.

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503 - Medini Padmanabhan , T. Gokmen , 2010
We study a two-dimensional electron system where the electrons occupy two conduction band valleys with anisotropic Fermi contours and strain-tunable occupation. We observe persistent quantum Hall states at filling factors $ u = 1/3$ and 5/3 even at zero strain when the two valleys are degenerate. This is reminiscent of the quantum Hall ferromagnet formed at $ u = 1$ in the same system at zero strain. In the absence of a theory for a system with anisotropic valleys, we compare the energy gaps measured at $ u = 1/3$ and 5/3 to the available theory developed for single-valley, two-spin systems, and find that the gaps and their rates of rise with strain are much smaller than predicted.
We study a model of a quantum dot coupled to a quantum Hall edge of the Laughlin state, taking into account short-range interactions between the dot and the edge. This system has been studied experimentally in electron quantum optics in the context of single particle sources. We consider driving the dot out of equilibrium by a time-dependent bias voltage. We calculate the resulting current on the edge by applying the Kubo formula to the bosonized Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian of this system can also be mapped to the spin-boson model and in this picture, the current can be perturbatively calculated using the non-interacting blip approximation (NIBA). We show that both methods of solution are in fact equivalent. We present numerics demonstrating that the perturbative approaches capture the essential physics at early times, although they fail to capture the charge quantization (or lack thereof) in the current pulses integrated over long times.
Parafermions are non-Abelian anyons which generalize Majorana fermions and hold great promise for topological quantum computation. We study the braiding of $mathbb{Z}_{2n}$ parafermions which have been predicted to emerge as bound states in fractional quantum Hall systems at filling factor $ u = 1/n$ ($n$ odd). Using a combination of bosonization and refermionization, we calculate the energy splitting as a function of distance and chemical potential for a pair of parafermions separated by a gapped region. Braiding of parafermions in quantum Hall edge states can be implemented by repeated fusion and nucleation of parafermion pairs. We simulate the conventional braiding protocol of parafermions numerically, taking into account the finite separation and finite chemical potential. We show that a nonzero chemical potential poses challenges for the adiabaticity of the braiding process because it leads to accidental crossings in the spectrum. To remedy this, we propose an improved braiding protocol which avoids those degeneracies.
Nonabelian anyons offer the prospect of storing quantum information in a topological qubit protected from decoherence, with the degree of protection determined by the energy gap separating the topological vacuum from its low lying excitations. Originally proposed to occur in quantum wells in high magnetic fields, experimental systems thought to harbor nonabelian anyons range from p-wave superfluids to superconducting systems with strong spin orbit coupling. However, all of these systems are characterized by small energy gaps, and despite several decades of experimental work, definitive evidence for nonabelian anyons remains elusive. Here, we report the observation of arobust, incompressible even-denominator fractional quantum Hall phase in a new generation of dual-gated, hexagonal boron nitride encapsulated bilayer graphene samples. Numerical simulations suggest that this state is in the Pfaffian phase and hosts nonabelian anyons, and the measured energy gaps are several times larger than those observed in other systems. Moreover, the unique electronic structure of bilayer graphene endows the electron system with two new control parameters. Magnetic field continuously tunes the effective electron interactions, changing the even-denominator gap non-monotonically and consistent with predictions that a transition between the Pfaffian phase and the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) occurs just beyond the experimentally explored magnetic field range. Electric field, meanwhile, tunes crossings between levels from different valleys. By directly measuring the valley polarization, we observe a continuous transition from an incompressible to a compressible phase at half-filling mediated by an unexpected incompressible, yet polarizable, intermediate phase. Valley conservation implies this phase is an electrical insulator with gapless neutral excitations.
We consider fractional quantum Hall states in systems where two flat Chern number $C=pm 1$ bands are labeled by an approximately conserved valley index and interchanged by time reversal symmetry. At filling factor $ u=1$ this setting admits an unusual hierarchy of correlated phases of excitons, neutral particle-hole pair excitations of a fully valley-polarized `orbital ferromagnet parent state where all electrons occupy a single valley. Excitons experience an effective magnetic field due to the Chern numbers of the underlying bands. This obstructs their condensation in favor of a variety of crystalline orders and gapped and gapless liquid states. All these have the same quantized charge Hall response and are electrically incompressible, but differ in their edge structure, orbital magnetization, and hence valley and thermal responses. We explore the relevance of this scenario for Moire heterostructures of bilayer graphene on a hexagonal boron nitride substrate.
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