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التصنيف التلقائي للهياكل الجيولوجية باستخدام الرؤية الحاسوبية ونموذج التعلم العميق

1128   1   2   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Geology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
Fisher, M.A.; Normark, W.R.; Greene, H.G.; Lee, H.J.; Sliter, R.W. Geology and tsunamigenic potential of submarine landslides in Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California. Mar. Geol. 2005, 224, 1–22.
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Adjectives such as heavy (as in heavy rain) and windy (as in windy day) provide possible values for the attributes intensity and climate, respectively. The attributes themselves are not overtly realized and are in this sense implicit. While these att ributes can be easily inferred by humans, their automatic classification poses a challenging task for computational models. We present the following contributions: (1) We gain new insights into the attribute selection task for German. More specifically, we develop computational models for this task that are able to generalize to unseen data. Moreover, we show that classification accuracy depends, inter alia, on the degree of polysemy of the lexemes involved, on the generalization potential of the training data and on the degree of semantic transparency of the adjective-noun pairs in question. (2) We provide the first resource for computational and linguistic experiments with German adjective-noun pairs that can be used for attribute selection and related tasks. In order to safeguard against unwelcome memorization effects, we present an automatic data augmentation method based on a lexical resource that can increase the size of the training data to a large extent.
We consider the hierarchical representation of documents as graphs and use geometric deep learning to classify them into different categories. While graph neural networks can efficiently handle the variable structure of hierarchical documents using t he permutation invariant message passing operations, we show that we can gain extra performance improvements using our proposed selective graph pooling operation that arises from the fact that some parts of the hierarchy are invariable across different documents. We applied our model to classify clinical trial (CT) protocols into completed and terminated categories. We use bag-of-words based, as well as pre-trained transformer-based embeddings to featurize the graph nodes, achieving f1-scoresaround 0.85 on a publicly available large scale CT registry of around 360K protocols. We further demonstrate how the selective pooling can add insights into the CT termination status prediction. We make the source code and dataset splits accessible.
Irrespective of the success of the deep learning-based mixed-domain transfer learning approach for solving various Natural Language Processing tasks, it does not lend a generalizable solution for detecting misinformation from COVID-19 social media da ta. Due to the inherent complexity of this type of data, caused by its dynamic (context evolves rapidly), nuanced (misinformation types are often ambiguous), and diverse (skewed, fine-grained, and overlapping categories) nature, it is imperative for an effective model to capture both the local and global context of the target domain. By conducting a systematic investigation, we show that: (i) the deep Transformer-based pre-trained models, utilized via the mixed-domain transfer learning, are only good at capturing the local context, thus exhibits poor generalization, and (ii) a combination of shallow network-based domain-specific models and convolutional neural networks can efficiently extract local as well as global context directly from the target data in a hierarchical fashion, enabling it to offer a more generalizable solution.
Deep neural language models such as BERT have enabled substantial recent advances in many natural language processing tasks. However, due to the effort and computational cost involved in their pre-training, such models are typically introduced only f or a small number of high-resource languages such as English. While multilingual models covering large numbers of languages are available, recent work suggests monolingual training can produce better models, and our understanding of the tradeoffs between mono- and multilingual training is incomplete. In this paper, we introduce a simple, fully automated pipeline for creating language-specific BERT models from Wikipedia data and introduce 42 new such models, most for languages up to now lacking dedicated deep neural language models. We assess the merits of these models using cloze tests and the state-of-the-art UDify parser on Universal Dependencies data, contrasting performance with results using the multilingual BERT (mBERT) model. We find that the newly introduced WikiBERT models outperform mBERT in cloze tests for nearly all languages, and that UDify using WikiBERT models outperforms the parser using mBERT on average, with the language-specific models showing substantially improved performance for some languages, yet limited improvement or a decrease in performance for others. All of the methods and models introduced in this work are available under open licenses from
Neutralisation techniques, e.g. denial of responsibility and denial of victim, are used in the narrative of climate change scepticism to justify lack of action or to promote an alternative view. We first draw on social science to introduce the proble m to the community of nlp, present the granularity of the coding schema and then collect manual annotations of neutralised techniques in text relating to climate change, and experiment with supervised and semi- supervised BERT-based models.

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