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Seeking Common but Distinguishing Difference, A Joint Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Model

البحث عن اختلاف شائع ولكن تميزا، نموذج تحليل المعنويات المشترك في الجسيم

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) task consists of three typical subtasks: aspect term extraction, opinion term extraction, and sentiment polarity classification. These three subtasks are usually performed jointly to save resources and reduce the error propagation in the pipeline. However, most of the existing joint models only focus on the benefits of encoder sharing between subtasks but ignore the difference. Therefore, we propose a joint ABSA model, which not only enjoys the benefits of encoder sharing but also focuses on the difference to improve the effectiveness of the model. In detail, we introduce a dual-encoder design, in which a pair encoder especially focuses on candidate aspect-opinion pair classification, and the original encoder keeps attention on sequence labeling. Empirical results show that our proposed model shows robustness and significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on four benchmark datasets.

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Sentiment analysis aims to detect the overall sentiment, i.e., the polarity of a sentence, paragraph, or text span, without considering the entities mentioned and their aspects. Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to extract the aspects of the given target entities and their respective sentiments. Prior works formulate this as a sequence tagging problem or solve this task using a span-based extract-then-classify framework where first all the opinion targets are extracted from the sentence, and then with the help of span representations, the targets are classified as positive, negative, or neutral. The sequence tagging problem suffers from issues like sentiment inconsistency and colossal search space. Whereas, Span-based extract-then-classify framework suffers from issues such as half-word coverage and overlapping spans. To overcome this, we propose a similar span-based extract-then-classify framework with a novel and improved heuristic. Experiments on the three benchmark datasets (Restaurant14, Laptop14, Restaurant15) show our model consistently outperforms the current state-of-the-art. Moreover, we also present a novel supervised movie reviews dataset (Movie20) and a pseudo-labeled movie reviews dataset (moviesLarge) made explicitly for this task and report the results on the novel Movie20 dataset as well.
The pivot for the unified Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is to couple aspect terms with their corresponding opinion terms, which might further derive easier sentiment predictions. In this paper, we investigate the unified ABSA task from the p erspective of Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) by observing that the aspect and the opinion terms can serve as the query and answer in MRC interchangeably. We propose a new paradigm named Role Flipped Machine Reading Comprehension (RF-MRC) to resolve. At its heart, the predicted results of either the Aspect Term Extraction (ATE) or the Opinion Terms Extraction (OTE) are regarded as the queries, respectively, and the matched opinion or aspect terms are considered as answers. The queries and answers can be flipped for multi-hop detection. Finally, every matched aspect-opinion pair is predicted by the sentiment classifier. RF-MRC can solve the ABSA task without any additional data annotation or transformation. Experiments on three widely used benchmarks and a challenging dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed framework.
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) typically focuses on extracting aspects and predicting their sentiments on individual sentences such as customer reviews. Recently, another kind of opinion sharing platform, namely question answering (QA) forum, has received increasing popularity, which accumulates a large number of user opinions towards various aspects. This motivates us to investigate the task of ABSA on QA forums (ABSA-QA), aiming to jointly detect the discussed aspects and their sentiment polarities for a given QA pair. Unlike review sentences, a QA pair is composed of two parallel sentences, which requires interaction modeling to align the aspect mentioned in the question and the associated opinion clues in the answer. To this end, we propose a model with a specific design of cross-sentence aspect-opinion interaction modeling to address this task. The proposed method is evaluated on three real-world datasets and the results show that our model outperforms several strong baselines adopted from related state-of-the-art models.
Aspect category sentiment analysis has attracted increasing research attention. The dominant methods make use of pre-trained language models by learning effective aspect category-specific representations, and adding specific output layers to its pre- trained representation. We consider a more direct way of making use of pre-trained language models, by casting the ACSA tasks into natural language generation tasks, using natural language sentences to represent the output. Our method allows more direct use of pre-trained knowledge in seq2seq language models by directly following the task setting during pre-training. Experiments on several benchmarks show that our method gives the best reported results, having large advantages in few-shot and zero-shot settings.
When we are interested in a certain domain, we can collect and analyze data from the Internet. The newly collected data is not labeled, so the use of labeled data is hoped to be helpful to the new data. We perform name entity recognition (NER) and as pect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) in multi-task learning, and combine parameter generation network and DANN architecture to build the model. In the NER task, the data is labeled with Tie, Break, and the task weight is adjusted according to the loss change rate of each task using Dynamic Weight Average (DWA). This study used two different source domain data sets. The experimental results show that Tie, Break can improve the results of the model; DWA can have better performance in the results; the combination of parameter generation network and gradient reversal layer can be used for every good learning in different domain.

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