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Memory and Knowledge Augmented Language Models for Inferring Salience in Long-Form Stories

الذاكرة والمعارف نماذج اللغة المعزز للتنصي في القصص طويلة الشكل

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Measuring event salience is essential in the understanding of stories. This paper takes a recent unsupervised method for salience detection derived from Barthes Cardinal Functions and theories of surprise and applies it to longer narrative forms. We improve the standard transformer language model by incorporating an external knowledgebase (derived from Retrieval Augmented Generation) and adding a memory mechanism to enhance performance on longer works. We use a novel approach to derive salience annotation using chapter-aligned summaries from the Shmoop corpus for classic literary works. Our evaluation against this data demonstrates that our salience detection model improves performance over and above a non-knowledgebase and memory augmented language model, both of which are crucial to this improvement.

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Spoken language understanding, usually including intent detection and slot filling, is a core component to build a spoken dialog system. Recent research shows promising results by jointly learning of those two tasks based on the fact that slot fillin g and intent detection are sharing semantic knowledge. Furthermore, attention mechanism boosts joint learning to achieve state-of-the-art results. However, current joint learning models ignore the following important facts: 1. Long-term slot context is not traced effectively, which is crucial for future slot filling. 2. Slot tagging and intent detection could be mutually rewarding, but bi-directional interaction between slot filling and intent detection remains seldom explored. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to model long-term slot context and to fully utilize the semantic correlation between slots and intents. We adopt a key-value memory network to model slot context dynamically and to track more important slot tags decoded before, which are then fed into our decoder for slot tagging. Furthermore, gated memory information is utilized to perform intent detection, mutually improving both tasks through global optimization. Experiments on benchmark ATIS and Snips datasets show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance and outperforms other methods, especially for the slot filling task.
Automatic construction of relevant Knowledge Bases (KBs) from text, and generation of semantically meaningful text from KBs are both long-standing goals in Machine Learning. In this paper, we present ReGen, a bidirectional generation of text and grap h leveraging Reinforcement Learning to improve performance. Graph linearization enables us to re-frame both tasks as a sequence to sequence generation problem regardless of the generative direction, which in turn allows the use of Reinforcement Learning for sequence training where the model itself is employed as its own critic leading to Self-Critical Sequence Training (SCST). We present an extensive investigation demonstrating that the use of RL via SCST benefits graph and text generation on WebNLG+ 2020 and TekGen datasets. Our system provides state-of-the-art results on WebNLG+ 2020 by significantly improving upon published results from the WebNLG 2020+ Challenge for both text-to-graph and graph-to-text generation tasks. More details at
Emotion is fundamental to humanity. The ability to perceive, understand and respond to social interactions in a human-like manner is one of the most desired capabilities in artificial agents, particularly in social-media bots. Over the past few years , computational understanding and detection of emotional aspects in language have been vital in advancing human-computer interaction. The WASSA Shared Task 2021 released a dataset of news-stories across two tracks, Track-1 for Empathy and Distress Prediction and Track-2 for Multi-Dimension Emotion prediction at the essay-level. We describe our system entry for the WASSA 2021 Shared Task (for both Track-1 and Track-2), where we leveraged the information from Pre-trained language models for Track-specific Tasks. Our proposed models achieved an Average Pearson Score of 0.417, and a Macro-F1 Score of 0.502 in Track 1 and Track 2, respectively. In the Shared Task leaderboard, we secured the fourth rank in Track 1 and the second rank in Track 2.
The factual knowledge acquired during pre-training and stored in the parameters of Language Models (LMs) can be useful in downstream tasks (e.g., question answering or textual inference). However, some facts can be incorrectly induced or become obsol ete over time. We present KnowledgeEditor, a method which can be used to edit this knowledge and, thus, fix bugs' or unexpected predictions without the need for expensive re-training or fine-tuning. Besides being computationally efficient, KnowledgeEditordoes not require any modifications in LM pre-training (e.g., the use of meta-learning). In our approach, we train a hyper-network with constrained optimization to modify a fact without affecting the rest of the knowledge; the trained hyper-network is then used to predict the weight update at test time. We show KnowledgeEditor's efficacy with two popular architectures and knowledge-intensive tasks: i) a BERT model fine-tuned for fact-checking, and ii) a sequence-to-sequence BART model for question answering. With our method, changing a prediction on the specific wording of a query tends to result in a consistent change in predictions also for its paraphrases. We show that this can be further encouraged by exploiting (e.g., automatically-generated) paraphrases during training. Interestingly, our hyper-network can be regarded as a probe' revealing which components need to be changed to manipulate factual knowledge; our analysis shows that the updates tend to be concentrated on a small subset of components. Source code available at
Abstract Language models trained on billions of tokens have recently led to unprecedented results on many NLP tasks. This success raises the question of whether, in principle, a system can ever understand'' raw text without access to some form of gro unding. We formally investigate the abilities of ungrounded systems to acquire meaning. Our analysis focuses on the role of assertions'': textual contexts that provide indirect clues about the underlying semantics. We study whether assertions enable a system to emulate representations preserving semantic relations like equivalence. We find that assertions enable semantic emulation of languages that satisfy a strong notion of semantic transparency. However, for classes of languages where the same expression can take different values in different contexts, we show that emulation can become uncomputable. Finally, we discuss differences between our formal model and natural language, exploring how our results generalize to a modal setting and other semantic relations. Together, our results suggest that assertions in code or language do not provide sufficient signal to fully emulate semantic representations. We formalize ways in which ungrounded language models appear to be fundamentally limited in their ability to understand''.

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