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MTAG: Modal-Temporal Attention Graph for Unaligned Human Multimodal Language Sequences

MTAG: الرسم البياني للانتباه مشروط من أجل تسلسل اللغة البشرية غير المحددة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Human communication is multimodal in nature; it is through multiple modalities such as language, voice, and facial expressions, that opinions and emotions are expressed. Data in this domain exhibits complex multi-relational and temporal interactions. Learning from this data is a fundamentally challenging research problem. In this paper, we propose Modal-Temporal Attention Graph (MTAG). MTAG is an interpretable graph-based neural model that provides a suitable framework for analyzing multimodal sequential data. We first introduce a procedure to convert unaligned multimodal sequence data into a graph with heterogeneous nodes and edges that captures the rich interactions across modalities and through time. Then, a novel graph fusion operation, called MTAG fusion, along with a dynamic pruning and read-out technique, is designed to efficiently process this modal-temporal graph and capture various interactions. By learning to focus only on the important interactions within the graph, MTAG achieves state-of-the-art performance on multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion recognition benchmarks, while utilizing significantly fewer model parameters.

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This paper presents the first study on using large-scale pre-trained language models for automated generation of an event-level temporal graph for a document. Despite the huge success of neural pre-training methods in NLP tasks, its potential for tem poral reasoning over event graphs has not been sufficiently explored. Part of the reason is the difficulty in obtaining large training corpora with human-annotated events and temporal links. We address this challenge by using existing IE/NLP tools to automatically generate a large quantity (89,000) of system-produced document-graph pairs, and propose a novel formulation of the contextualized graph generation problem as a sequence-to-sequence mapping task. These strategies enable us to leverage and fine-tune pre-trained language models on the system-induced training data for the graph generation task. Our experiments show that our approach is highly effective in generating structurally and semantically valid graphs. Further, evaluation on a challenging hand-labeled, out-of-domain corpus shows that our method outperforms the closest existing method by a large margin on several metrics. We also show a downstream application of our approach by adapting it to answer open-ended temporal questions in a reading comprehension setting.
Understanding narrative text requires capturing characters' motivations, goals, and mental states. This paper proposes an Entity-based Narrative Graph (ENG) to model the internal- states of characters in a story. We explicitly model entities, their i nteractions and the context in which they appear, and learn rich representations for them. We experiment with different task-adaptive pre-training objectives, in-domain training, and symbolic inference to capture dependencies between different decisions in the output space. We evaluate our model on two narrative understanding tasks: predicting character mental states, and desire fulfillment, and conduct a qualitative analysis.
Static knowledge graph (SKG) embedding (SKGE) has been studied intensively in the past years. Recently, temporal knowledge graph (TKG) embedding (TKGE) has emerged. In this paper, we propose a Recursive Temporal Fact Embedding (RTFE) framework to tra nsplant SKGE models to TKGs and to enhance the performance of existing TKGE models for TKG completion. Different from previous work which ignores the continuity of states of TKG in time evolution, we treat the sequence of graphs as a Markov chain, which transitions from the previous state to the next state. RTFE takes the SKGE to initialize the embeddings of TKG. Then it recursively tracks the state transition of TKG by passing updated parameters/features between timestamps. Specifically, at each timestamp, we approximate the state transition as the gradient update process. Since RTFE learns each timestamp recursively, it can naturally transit to future timestamps. Experiments on five TKG datasets show the effectiveness of RTFE.
We propose the Recursive Non-autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer architecture (RNGTr) for the iterative refinement of arbitrary graphs through the recursive application of a non-autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer and apply it to syntacti c dependency parsing. We demonstrate the power and effectiveness of RNGTr on several dependency corpora, using a refinement model pre-trained with BERT. We also introduce Syntactic Transformer (SynTr), a non-recursive parser similar to our refinement model. RNGTr can improve the accuracy of a variety of initial parsers on 13 languages from the Universal Dependencies Treebanks, English and Chinese Penn Treebanks, and the German CoNLL2009 corpus, even improving over the new state-of-the-art results achieved by SynTr, significantly improving the state-of-the-art for all corpora tested.
The next generation of conversational AI systems need to: (1) process language incrementally, token-by-token to be more responsive and enable handling of conversational phenomena such as pauses, restarts and self-corrections; (2) reason incrementally allowing meaning to be established beyond what is said; (3) be transparent and controllable, allowing designers as well as the system itself to easily establish reasons for particular behaviour and tailor to particular user groups, or domains. In this short paper we present ongoing preliminary work combining Dynamic Syntax (DS) - an incremental, semantic grammar framework - with the Resource Description Framework (RDF). This paves the way for the creation of incremental semantic parsers that progressively output semantic RDF graphs as an utterance unfolds in real-time. We also outline how the parser can be integrated with an incremental reasoning engine through RDF. We argue that this DS-RDF hybrid satisfies the desiderata listed above, yielding semantic infrastructure that can be used to build responsive, real-time, interpretable Conversational AI that can be rapidly customised for specific user groups such as people with dementia.

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