تصف هذه الورقة مساهمتنا في مهمة Semeval 2021 1 (Shardlow et al.، 2021): تنبؤ التعقيد المعجمي.في نهجنا، نستفيد النموذج Electra ومحاولة تعكس نظام شرح البيانات.على الرغم من أن المهمة مهمة الانحدار، إلا أننا نوضح أننا نستطيع التعامل معها كجميع العديد من نماذج التصنيف والانحدار.حقق هذا النهج المضاد بشدة إلى حد ما درجة مياه 0.0654 للمهمة الفرعية 1 و MAE من 0.0811 بشأن المهمة الفرعية 2. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، استخدمنا مفهوم إشارات الإشراف الضعيفة من برت لمعان في عملنا، وتحسن بشكل كبيردرجة ماي في المهمة الفرعية 1.
This paper describes our contribution to SemEval 2021 Task 1 (Shardlow et al., 2021): Lexical Complexity Prediction. In our approach, we leverage the ELECTRA model and attempt to mirror the data annotation scheme. Although the task is a regression task, we show that we can treat it as an aggregation of several classification and regression models. This somewhat counter-intuitive approach achieved an MAE score of 0.0654 for Sub-Task 1 and MAE of 0.0811 on Sub-Task 2. Additionally, we used the concept of weak supervision signals from Gloss-BERT in our work, and it significantly improved the MAE score in Sub-Task 1.
References used
In this contribution, we describe the system presented by the PolyU CBS-Comp Team at the Task 1 of SemEval 2021, where the goal was the estimation of the complexity of words in a given sentence context. Our top system, based on a combination of lexic
This paper describes team LCP-RIT's submission to the SemEval-2021 Task 1: Lexical Complexity Prediction (LCP). The task organizers provided participants with an augmented version of CompLex (Shardlow et al., 2020), an English multi-domain dataset in
This paper describes a system submitted by team BigGreen to LCP 2021 for predicting the lexical complexity of English words in a given context. We assemble a feature engineering-based model with a deep neural network model founded on BERT. While BERT
In this paper, we present our contribution in SemEval-2021 Task 1: Lexical Complexity Prediction, where we integrate linguistic, statistical, and semantic properties of the target word and its context as features within a Machine Learning (ML) framew
Evaluating the complexity of a target word in a sentential context is the aim of the Lexical Complexity Prediction task at SemEval-2021. This paper presents the system created to assess single words lexical complexity, combining linguistic and psycho