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Teach the Rules, Provide the Facts: Targeted Relational-knowledge Enhancement for Textual Inference

علم القواعد، وتوفير الحقائق: تعزيز المعرفة العلائقية المستهدفة للاستدلال النصي

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We present InferBert, a method to enhance transformer-based inference models with relevant relational knowledge. Our approach facilitates learning generic inference patterns requiring relational knowledge (e.g. inferences related to hypernymy) during training, while injecting on-demand the relevant relational facts (e.g. pangolin is an animal) at test time. We apply InferBERT to the NLI task over a diverse set of inference types (hypernymy, location, color, and country of origin), for which we collected challenge datasets. In this setting, InferBert succeeds to learn general inference patterns, from a relatively small number of training instances, while not hurting performance on the original NLI data and substantially outperforming prior knowledge enhancement models on the challenge data. It further applies its inferences successfully at test time to previously unobserved entities. InferBert is computationally more efficient than most prior methods, in terms of number of parameters, memory consumption and training time.

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Adversarial examples expose the vulnerabilities of natural language processing (NLP) models, and can be used to evaluate and improve their robustness. Existing techniques of generating such examples are typically driven by local heuristic rules that are agnostic to the context, often resulting in unnatural and ungrammatical outputs. This paper presents CLARE, a ContextuaLized AdversaRial Example generation model that produces fluent and grammatical outputs through a mask-then-infill procedure. CLARE builds on a pre-trained masked language model and modifies the inputs in a context-aware manner. We propose three contextualized perturbations, Replace, Insert and Merge, that allow for generating outputs of varied lengths. CLARE can flexibly combine these perturbations and apply them at any position in the inputs, and is thus able to attack the victim model more effectively with fewer edits. Extensive experiments and human evaluation demonstrate that CLARE outperforms the baselines in terms of attack success rate, textual similarity, fluency and grammaticality.
Building models for realistic natural language tasks requires dealing with long texts and accounting for complicated structural dependencies. Neural-symbolic representations have emerged as a way to combine the reasoning capabilities of symbolic meth ods, with the expressiveness of neural networks. However, most of the existing frameworks for combining neural and symbolic representations have been designed for classic relational learning tasks that work over a universe of symbolic entities and relations. In this paper, we present DRaiL, an open-source declarative framework for specifying deep relational models, designed to support a variety of NLP scenarios. Our framework supports easy integration with expressive language encoders, and provides an interface to study the interactions between representation, inference and learning.
Detecting stance on Twitter is especially challenging because of the short length of each tweet, the continuous coinage of new terminology and hashtags, and the deviation of sentence structure from standard prose. Fine-tuned language models using lar ge-scale in-domain data have been shown to be the new state-of-the-art for many NLP tasks, including stance detection. In this paper, we propose a novel BERT-based fine-tuning method that enhances the masked language model for stance detection. Instead of random token masking, we propose using a weighted log-odds-ratio to identify words with high stance distinguishability and then model an attention mechanism that focuses on these words. We show that our proposed approach outperforms the state of the art for stance detection on Twitter data about the 2020 US Presidential election.
Natural language inference is a method of finding inferences in language texts. Understanding the meaning of a sentence and its inference is essential in many language processing applications. In this context, we consider the inference problem for a Dravidian language, Malayalam. Siamese networks train the text hypothesis pairs with word embeddings and language agnostic embeddings, and the results are evaluated against classification metrics for binary classification into entailment and contradiction classes. XLM-R embeddings based Siamese architecture using gated recurrent units and bidirectional long short term memory networks provide promising results for this classification problem.
Combining a pretrained language model (PLM) with textual patterns has been shown to help in both zero- and few-shot settings. For zero-shot performance, it makes sense to design patterns that closely resemble the text seen during self-supervised pret raining because the model has never seen anything else. Supervised training allows for more flexibility. If we allow for tokens outside the PLM's vocabulary, patterns can be adapted more flexibly to a PLM's idiosyncrasies. Contrasting patterns where a token'' can be any continuous vector from those where a discrete choice between vocabulary elements has to be made, we call our method CONtinous pAtterNs (CONAN). We evaluate CONAN on two established benchmarks for lexical inference in context (LIiC) a.k.a. predicate entailment, a challenging natural language understanding task with relatively small training data. In a direct comparison with discrete patterns, CONAN consistently leads to improved performance, setting a new state of the art. Our experiments give valuable insights on the kind of pattern that enhances a PLM's performance on LIiC and raise important questions regarding our understanding of PLMs using text patterns.

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