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A topological characterisation of the Kashiwara-Vergne groups

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 Added by Marcy Robertson
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In 2017 Bar-Natan and the first author showed that solutions to the Kashiwara--Vergne equations are in bijection with certain knot invariants: homomorphic expansions of welded foams. Welded foams are a class of knotted tubes in $mathbb{R}^4$, which can be finitely presented algebraically as a circuit algebra, or, equivalently, a wheeled prop. In this paper we describe the Kashiwara-Vergne groups $mathsf{KV}$ and $mathsf{KRV}$ -- the symmetry groups of Kashiwara-Vergne solutions -- as automorphisms of the completed circuit algebras of welded foams, and their associated graded circuit algebra of arrow diagrams, respectively. Finally, we provide a description of the graded Grothendieck-Teichmuller group $mathsf{GRT}_1$ as automorphisms of arrow diagrams.

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For a finite volume geodesic polyhedron P in hyperbolic 3-space, with the property that all interior angles between incident faces are integral submultiples of Pi, there is a naturally associated Coxeter group generated by reflections in the faces. Furthermore, this Coxeter group is a lattice inside the isometry group of hyperbolic 3-space, with fundamental domain the original polyhedron P. In this paper, we provide a procedure for computing the lower algebraic K-theory of the integral group ring of such Coxeter lattices in terms of the geometry of the polyhedron P. As an ingredient in the computation, we explicitly calculate some of the lower K-groups of the dihedral groups and the product of dihedral groups with the cyclic group of order two.
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