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Phase transition in a Rabi coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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 Added by Amandine Aftalion
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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This paper deals with the study of the phase transition of the wave functions of a segregated two-component Bose-Einstein condensate under Rabi coupling. This yields a system of two coupled ODEs where the Rabi coupling is linear in the other wave function and acts against segregation. We prove estimates on the asymptotic behaviour of the wave functions, as the strength of the interaction gets strong or weak. We also derive limiting problems in both cases.

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Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) provide a powerful tool to investigate interesting gauge-field related phenomena. We study the ground state properties of such a system and show that it can be mapped to the well-known Dicke model in quantum optics, which describes the interactions between an ensemble of atoms and an optical field. A central prediction of the Dicke model is a quantum phase transition between a superradiant phase and a normal phase. Here we detect this transition in a spin-orbit coupled BEC by measuring various physical quantities across the phase transition. These quantities include the spin polarization, the relative occupation of the nearly degenerate single particle states, the quantity analogous to the photon field occupation, and the period of a collective oscillation (quadrupole mode). The applicability of the Dicke model to spin-orbit coupled BECs may lead to interesting applications in quantum optics and quantum information science.
177 - L. Wen , W. M. Liu , Yongyong Cai 2012
We point out that the widely accepted condition g11g22<g122 for phase separation of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate is insufficient if kinetic energy is taken into account, which competes against the intercomponent interaction and favors phase mixing. Here g11, g22, and g12 are the intra- and intercomponent interaction strengths, respectively. Taking a d-dimensional infinitely deep square well potential of width L as an example, a simple scaling analysis shows that if d=1 (d=3), phase separation will be suppressed as Lrightarrow0 (Lrightarrowinfty) whether the condition g11g22<g122 is satisfied or not. In the intermediate case of d=2, the width L is irrelevant but again phase separation can be partially or even completely suppressed even if g11g22<g122. Moreover, the miscibility-immiscibility transition is turned from a first-order one into a second-order one by the kinetic energy. All these results carry over to d-dimensional harmonic potentials, where the harmonic oscillator length {xi}ho plays the role of L. Our finding provides a scenario of controlling the miscibility-immiscibility transition of a two-component condensate by changing the confinement, instead of the conventional approach of changing the values of the gs.
88 - F. X. Sun , W. Zhang , Q. Y. He 2017
Characterizing quantum phase transitions through quantum correlations has been deeply developed for a long time, while the connections between dynamical phase transitions (DPTs) and quantum entanglement is not yet well understood. In this work, we show that the time-averaged two-mode entanglement in the spin space reaches a maximal value when it undergoes a DPT induced by external perturbation in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. We employ the von Neumann entropy and a correlation-based entanglement criterion as entanglement measures and find that both of them can infer the existence of DPT. While the von Neumann entropy works only for a pure state at zero temperature and requires state tomography to reconstruct, the experimentally more feasible correlation-based entanglement criterion acts as an excellent proxy for entropic entanglement and can determine the existence of entanglement for a mixed state at finite temperature, making itself an excellent indicator for DPT. Our work provides a deeper understanding about the connection between DPTs and quantum entanglement, and may allow the detection of DPT via entanglement become accessible as the examined criterion is suitable for measuring entanglement.
We propose a quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in an atomic quantum dot, which is a single atom in a tight optical trap coupled to the quasiparticle modes of a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate. This widely tunable setup allows to simulate the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interaction in a system which enjoys an amenable characteristic timescale, paving the way for an experimental analysis of the transition between the Jaynes-Cummings and the quantum Rabi dynamics using cold-atom systems. Our scheme can be naturally extended to simulate multi-qubit quantum Rabi models. In particular, we discuss the appearance of effective two-qubit interactions due to phononic exchange, among other features.
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