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A high velocity component to the complex absorption in IRAS 13349+2438

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 Added by Michael Parker
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present an analysis of XMM-Newton spectra of the low-redshift quasar IRAS 13349+2438. The RGS spectrum shows a large number of absorption lines from two zones of warm absorption, with velocities of $sim$-600 km s$^{-1}$, as noted by previous authors. Additionally, we find robust evidence from multiple Ly{alpha} absorption lines for a previously undiscovered ultra-fast zone of absorption, with an outflow velocity of $-0.13pm0.01c$. The warm absorbers and ultra-fast outflow have similar mass outflow rates, around 40% of the Eddington accretion rate, but the kinetic power is dominated by the high velocity gas, which has a power of $sim$4% of the Eddington luminosity.

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We present joint NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observations of the bright, variable quasar IRAS 13349+2438. This combined dataset shows two clear iron absorption lines at 8 and 9 keV, which are most likely associated with two layers of mildly relativistic blueshifted absorption, with velocities of 0.14c and 0.27c. We also find strong evidence for a series of Ly$alpha$ absorption lines at intermediate energies in a stacked XMM-Newton EPIC-pn spectrum, at the same blueshift as the lower velocity iron feature. This is consistent with a scenario where an outflowing wind is radially stratified, so faster, higher ionization material is observed closer to the black hole, and cooler, slower material is seen from streamlines at larger radii.
102 - M. Sako , S. M. Kahn , E. Behar 2000
The luminous infrared-loud quasar IRAS 13349+2438 was observed with the XMM-Newton Observatory as part of the Performance Verification program. The spectrum obtained by the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) exhibits broad (v ~ 1400 km/s FWHM) absorption lines from highly ionized elements including hydrogen- and helium-like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon, and several iron L-shell ions (Fe XVII - XX). Also shown in the spectrum is the first astrophysical detection of a broad absorption feature around lambda = 16 - 17 Ang identified as an unresolved transition array (UTA) of 2p - 3d inner-shell absorption by iron M-shell ions in a much cooler medium; a feature that might be misidentified as an O VII edge when observed with moderate resolution spectrometers. No absorption edges are clearly detected in the spectrum. We demonstrate that the RGS spectrum of IRAS 13349+2438 exhibits absorption lines from at least two distinct regions, one of which is tentatively associated with the medium that produces the optical/UV reddening.
We present results from a coordinated IR-to-X-ray spectral campaign of the QSO IRAS 13349+2438. Optical spectra reveal extreme Eigenvector-1 characteristics, but the H-beta line width argues against a NLS1 classification; we refine z=0.10853 based on [O III]. We estimate a BH mass=10^9 Msun using 2 independent methods (H-beta line width & SED fits). Blue-shifted absorption (-950km/s & -75km/s) is seen for the 1st time in STIS UV spectra from Ly-alpha, NV, & CIV. The higher velocity UV lines are coincident with the lower-ionisation (xi~1.6) X-ray warm absorber lines. A dusty multiple ionization absorber blueshifted by 700-900km/s is required to fit the X-ray data. Theoretical models comparing different ionising SEDs reveal that a UV-inclusive (i.e., the accretion disc) ionising continuum strongly impacts conclusions for the thermodynamic stability of the warm absorber. Specific to IRAS13349, an Xray-UV ionising SED favors a continuous distribution of ionisation states in a smooth flow (this paper), versus discrete clouds in pressure equilibrium (work by others where UV is omitted). Direct dust detections are seen in both the IR: PAH emission at (7.7 & 11.3)micron which may also be blended with forsterite, and (10 & 18)micron silicate emission, and X-rays: iron dust with a dust-to-gas ratio > 90%. We develop a geometrical model whereby the QSO nuclear region is viewed through the upper atmosphere of an obscuring torus. This sight line is obscured by dust that blocks a direct view of the UV/optical emission region but is largely transparent in X-rays since the gas is ionised. In our model, 20% of the intrinsic UV/optical continuum is scattered into our sight line by the far wall of an obscuring torus. An additional 2.4% of the direct light, which likely dominates the UV emission, is Thomson-scattered into our line-of-sight by another off-plane component of highly ionized gas.
477 - S. Leurini 2009
Molecular outflows from high-mass young stellar objects provide an excellent way to study the star formation process, and investigate if they are scaled-u
The current paradigm for the AGN phenomenon is a central engine that consists of an inflow of material accreting in the form of a disk onto a supermassive black hole. Observations in the UV and optical find high velocity ionized material outflowing from the black hole. We present results from Suzaku and XMM-Newton observations of a sample of intrinsic NAL quasars with high velocity outflows. Our derived values of the intrinsic column densities of the X-ray absorbers are consistent with an outflow scenario in which NAL quasars are viewed at smaller inclination angles than BAL quasars. We find that the distributions of alpha_ox and Dalpha_ox of the NAL quasars of our sample differ significantly from those of BAL quasars and SDSS radio-quiet quasars. The NAL quasars are not significantly absorbed in the X-ray band and the positive values of Dalpha_ox suggest absorption in the UV band. The positive values of Dalpha_ox of the intrinsic NAL quasars can be explained in a geometric scenario where our lines of sight towards the compact X-ray hot coronae of NAL quasars do not traverse the absorbing wind whereas lines of sight towards their UV emitting accretion disks do intercept the outflowing absorbers.
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