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Systematics of dynamical mass ejection, nucleosynthesis, and radioactively powered electromagnetic signals from neutron-star mergers

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 Added by Andreas Bauswein
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate systematically the dynamical mass ejection, r-process nucleosynthesis, and properties of electromagnetic counterparts of neutron-star (NS) mergers in dependence on the uncertain properties of the nuclear equation of state (EoS) by employing 40 representative, microphysical high-density EoSs in relativistic, hydrodynamical simulations. The crucial parameter determining the ejecta mass is the radius R_1.35 of a 1.35 M_sun NS. NSs with smaller R_1.35 (soft EoS) eject systematically higher masses. These range from ~10^-3 M_sun to ~10^-2 M_sun for 1.35-1.35 M_sun binaries and from ~5*10^-3 M_sun to ~2*10^-2 M_sun for 1.2-1.5 M_sun systems (with kinetic energies between ~5*10^49 erg and 10^51 erg). Correspondingly, the bolometric peak luminosities of the optical transients of symmetric (asymmetric) mergers vary between 3*10^41 erg/s and 14*10^41 erg/s (9*10^41 erg/s and 14.5*10^41 erg/s) on timescales between ~2 h and ~12 h. If these signals with absolute bolometric magnitudes from -15.0 to -16.7 are measured, the tight correlation of their properties with those of the merging NSs might provide valuable constraints on the high-density EoS. The r-process nucleosynthesis exhibits a remarkable robustness independent of the EoS, producing a nearly solar abundance pattern above mass number 130. By the r-process content of the Galaxy and the average production per event the Galactic merger rate is limited to 4*10^-5/yr (4*10^-4/yr) for a soft (stiff) NS EoS, if NS mergers are the main source of heavy r-nuclei. The production ratio of radioactive 232Th to 238U attains a stable value of 1.64-1.67, which does not exclude NS mergers as potential sources of heavy r-material in the most metal-poor stars.

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Detection of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave (GW) sources is important to unveil the nature of compact binary coalescences. We perform three-dimensional, time-dependent, multi-frequency radiative transfer simulations for radioactively powered emission from the ejecta of black hole (BH) - neutron star (NS) mergers. Depending on the BH to NS mass ratio, spin of the BH, and equations of state of dense matter, BH-NS mergers can eject more material than NS-NS mergers. In such cases, radioactively powered emission from the BH-NS merger ejecta can be more luminous than that from NS-NS mergers. We show that, in spite of the expected larger distances to BH-NS merger events, observed brightness of BH-NS mergers can be comparable to or even higher than that of NS-NS mergers. We find that, when the tidally disrupted BH-NS merger ejecta are confined to a small solid angle, the emission from BH-NS merger ejecta tends to be bluer than that from NS-NS merger ejecta for a given total luminosity. Thanks to this property, we might be able to distinguish BH-NS merger events from NS-NS merger events by multi-band observations of the radioactively powered emission. In addition to the GW observations, such electromagnetic observations can potentially provide independent information on the nature of compact binary coalescences.
69 - Lorenzo Nativi 2020
Neutron star mergers eject neutron-rich matter in which heavy elements are synthesised. The decay of these freshly synthesised elements powers electromagnetic transients (macronovae or kilonovae) whose luminosity and colour strongly depend on their nuclear composition. If the ejecta are very neutron-rich (electron fraction $Y_mathrm{e} < 0.25$), they contain fair amounts of lanthanides and actinides which have large opacities and therefore efficiently trap the radiation inside the ejecta so that the emission peaks in the red part of the spectrum. Even small amounts of this high-opacity material can obscure emission from lower lying material and therefore act as a lanthanide curtain. Here, we investigate how a relativistic jet that punches through the ejecta can potentially push away a significant fraction of the high opacity material before the macronova begins to shine. We use the results of detailed neutrino-driven wind studies as initial conditions and explore with 3D special relativistic hydrodynamic simulations how jets are propagating through these winds. Subsequently, we perform Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations to explore the resulting macronova emission. We find that the hole punched by the jet makes the macronova brighter and bluer for on-axis observers during the first few days of emission, and that more powerful jets have larger impacts on the macronova.
Heavy elements like gold, platinum or uranium are produced in the r-process, which needs neutron-rich and explosive environments. Neutron star mergers are a promising candidate for an r-process site. They exhibit three different channels for matter ejection fulfilling these conditions: dynamic ejecta due to tidal torques, neutrino-driven winds and evaporating matter from the accretion disk. We present a first study of the integrated nucleosynthesis for a neutrino-driven wind from a neutron star merger with a hyper-massive neutron star. Trajectories from a recent hydrodynamical simulation are divided into four different angle regions and post-processed with a reaction network. We find that the electron fraction varies around $Y_e approx 0.1 - 0.4$, but its distribution differs for every angle of ejection. Hence, the wind ejecta do not undergo a robust r-process, but rather possess distinct nucleosynthesis yields depending on the angle range. Compared to the dynamic ejecta, a smaller amount of neutron-rich matter gets unbound, but the production of lighter heavy elements with $A lesssim 130$ in the neutrino-driven wind can complement the strong r-process of the dynamic ejecta.
The oscillations of a merger remnant forming after the coalescence of two neutron stars are very characteristic for the high-density equation of state. The dominant oscillation frequency occurs as a pronounced peak in the kHz range of the gravitational-wave spectrum. We describe how the dominant oscillation frequency of the remnant can be employed to infer the radii of non-rotating neutron stars.
We present a coherent study of the impact of neutrino interactions on the r-process element nucleosynthesis and the heating rate produced by the radioactive elements synthesised in the dynamical ejecta of neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) mergers. We have studied the material ejected from four NS-NS merger systems based on the hydrodynamical simulations of Ardevol-Pulpillo et al. (2019) which handle neutrino effects in an elaborate way by including neutrino equilibration with matter in optically thick regions and re-absorption in optically thin regions. We find that the neutron richness of the dynamical ejecta is significantly affected by the neutrinos emitted by the post-merger remnant, in particular when compared to a case neglecting all neutrino interactions. Our nucleosynthesis results show that a solar-like distribution of r-process elements with mass numbers $A gtrsim 90$ is produced, including a significant enrichment in Sr and a reduced production of actinides compared to simulations without inclusion of the nucleonic weak processes. The composition of the ejected matter as well as the corresponding rate of radioactive decay heating are found to be rather independent of the system mass asymmetry and the adopted equation of state. This approximate degeneracy in abundance pattern and heating rates can be favourable for extracting the ejecta properties from kilonova observations. Part II of this work will study the light curve produced by the dynamical ejecta of our four NS merger models.
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