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Effect analysis of mutual antenna coupling on ZF and Max-SNR precoders in MIMO systems

تحليل تأثير اقتران الهوائيات المتبادل على أداء المرمزين المسبقين ZF وMAX-SNR في أنظمة الهوائيات المتعددة MIMO

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 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Modern wireless networks tend to employ more antennas to profit as much as possible from MIMO techniques. But as the number of antennas increases, the problem of antenna mutual coupling will affect the performance of MIMO systems currently operating in wireless networks such as zero forcing (ZF) and Max-SNR precoders. This research treats the issue of mutual coupling resulting from the electromagnetic interaction between adjacent antennas and its effect on the work of the ZF and Max-SNR precoders in MIMO systems. The results showed a clear decrease in the performance of the two precoders at small spacing between the antennas. It also showed the possibility of reducing the problem of antenna mutual coupling by increasing the antenna spacing which is not always available in MIMO systems.

References used
XIANG, W, ZHENG, K, SHEN, X. 5G Mobile Communications, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2017, 691
CLERCKX, B, OESTAGES, C. MIMO Wireless Networks: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, Academic Press (Elsevier), Oxford, UK, 2013, 752
SHARMA,V. “MIMO Techniques in Downlink LTE Networks: A Review, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015, 325-327
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The employment of multiple antennas at the transmission and reception side for the formation of a MIMO system contributed significantly to improve the reliability of transmission and increase the data rate. In the last decade, this system represent ed the backbone of wireless communications which paved the way for the development of many techniques in this area. Therefore, there is a need to study the most important of these techniques and compare its performance analysis. This research deals with several closed-loop MIMO techniques : (P-OSM) which maximizes the minimum Euclidean distance in the received signal constellation in order to reduce the bit error rate, (X and Y Precoders) which improve the diversity gain of MIMO system. The aim is to study and analysis the performance of previous techniques in practical scenarios of wireless communication systems in the presence of limited feedback channel. The results shows the possibility of practical employment of the P-OSM technique in a simple way compared to other techniques due to its good performance and low complexity order.
Recent years have witnessed a significant growth in wireless communication as a result of user demand on high rates of data transmission. Therefore, there is a great motivation for the application of MIMO systems in many modern communication stand ards in order to provide the required data transmission rates. Unfortunately, these systems are sensitive to poor transmission conditions such as fading. Precoding can improve the performance of MIMO systems to adapt with channel conditions by knowing the full channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. However, a full CSI is often unrealistic in practice because of the huge amount of this information to be sent back. Therefore, this information must be reduced and sent through a limited feedback channel. X and Y Precoder are one of the precoding techniques that have been studied assuming a full CSI at the transmitter. In this research, we will add a limited feedback channel to this technique in order to become applicable in practice. The result has shown that the loss of performance by adding a limited feedback channel may be acceptable.
This research has studied the effect of changing the Lacunarity’s value on the radiation characteristics of square fractal antenna arrays. For the array, which has fractal distribution for its elements on both Y and Z axis, the result indicate that t he half power beamwidth (HPBW) decrease when the value of Lacunarity increase. The combination of fractal geometry with antenna array led to increase the freedom degrees of design parameters of this antenna array, by adding the fractal shape's parameters to the regular antenna array's parameters. Which help us to improve some of radiation characteristics of these antennas. One of the most important results of this combination is the advantage of side lobe level (SSL). By the analyzing of the effect of changing the Lacunarity’s value and give different values for another antenna design parameters, the level of side lobe decrease in some models and many lobes appear in another models which can be used as smart antenna models.
إنّ تزايد الطلب على معدلات النقل في الاتصالات دفع الباحثين لإيجاد طرق جديدة لتلبيّة هذه المتطلبات، ومع محدودية المصادر الترددية (عرض الحزمة) والزمنية تمّ التوّجه لإيجاد مصادر جديدة للنظام تساعد على زيادة معدل النقل وتحسين جودة النظام في الوقت نفسه بغ ية توفير عرض الحزمة والاستطاعة المستهلكة في الأنظمة التقليدية الحالية التي تحوي هوائي إرسال واحد وهوائي استقبال واحد. ظهرت أنظمة الاتصالات متعددة المداخل والمخارج MIMO لتقدّم الكثير من التحسينات والميّزات الجديدة لشبكات الاتصالات اللاسلكيّة وأدخلت أنظمة الاتصالات بعصر جديد يستخدم النظام فيه عدة هوائيات في الإرسال والاستقبال للاستفادة من خصائص القناة متعددة المسارات Multipath Channel عبر تقديم ربحين: ربح التنويع Diversity Gain وربح التنضيد Multiplexing Gain حيث يعمل ربح التنويع على زيادة تحسين جودة وأداء النظام، بينما يعمل ربح التنضيد على زيادة معدل نقل النظام، كما أدخلت مؤخرا ميزات أخرى على هذا النظام أهمها تقنية تشكيل الحزمة Beamforming التي تعمل على تركيز الحزمة بالاتجاه المطلوب لتقليل التداخل بين الأجهزة وزيادة جودة الإشارة. وظفت هذه الميزات في الكثير من أنظمة الاتصالات ومنها أنظمة Wi-Fi والأنظمة الخلوية LTE و5G التي أدخلت مفاهيم جديدة على أنظمة MIMO أهمها: تقنية Massive MIMO الذي ساعد على تحقيق معدلات وكفاءات فائقة وتقنية Virtual MIMO التي تعمل على تشكيل مصفوفات إرسال/استقبال من عدة أجهزة متفرقة. سوف نقوم في هذا البحث بشرح أساسيات القناة متعددة المسارات وأنظمة MIMO، كيفية نمذجتها رياضياً، ميزات وأرباح هذه المنظومة، بنية المنظومة، أهم تطبيقات هذه المنظومة وخصائصها الجديدة وأخيراً تحدياتها وطرق تطويرها.
The field of different variants of dipole and loop antennas is studied. The amplitude and phase of the antennas wire current in near-field zone are calculated by numerical method using integral equation. The main regularity in distributions of amp litude and phase in near-field zone and transmission coefficient between two antennas in three-element antenna array are analyzed.

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