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Heating and water heating using environmental friend rotary thermal generators

التدفئة و تسخين المياه باستخدام مولدات حرارية دوارة صديقة للبيئة

1604   1   17   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The present paper aims to use the thermal energy source for heating and water heating, by mechanical method, and using rotary thermal generator doesn't produce environmental harmful gases. The thermal rotary has high specifications: easy investment and low economic costs. In our present work, we designed a special plan for placing the thermal rotary in the housethermal heating system, for hot water production, for kitchens, washing and other alimentary manufactures. However, the plans explain using rotary thermal generator which could save in most traditional heating machines and water heating especially boiler, burner and flue that produces gases due to fuel combustion that is polluted environment, so that they are economic and environmental friend.

References used
د. عبدالله الحسين الصطوف التلوث البيئي أزمة العصر دار الزهور للنشر و التوزيع سوريا 2006 م .
د. هيثم أسمر ، د. محمد علي التدفئة و التهوية الصناعية منشورات جامعة تشرين 1996 م .
د. خالد مصطفى قاسم إدارة البيئة و التنمية المستدامة في ظل العولمة الدار الجامعية ، الإسكندرية 2007 م .
rate research

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This research performs thermal analysis of the central heating's radiator by the final elements method manner using Cosmos/m2.6, Where it was designing a three dimensional model of the radiator with engineering specifications that mimic one of the used radiators .Then apply a convection simulates the role of the mediator heating used and ambient temperature for concluding the mathematical behavior of thermal gradient within the radiator. Research proposing a control system depends on adjusting the intermediary of heating inside the radiator, through the installation of flow control valve which works by D.C motors at the entrance to each radiant. The research shows the inability of depending on controlling system which uses the PI controller in building a suitable control system, Because the difficulty of receiving signals from analog temperature sensor that reflect the constant readings of room temperature which makes the response of control valve for signals slow, Thus makes the use of PI unhelpful of the economic and technical side.
The research aims to reach fuel conservation opportunities and environment Protection while heating the water, by comparing the most common uses of primary and secondary energy carriers in our country . For example, water heating using electricity ge nerated by fuel oil and gas, or the direct use of gas and diesel oil for water heating. The coast of heating the water domestic uses was calculated by various ways, in order to find a low coast method and to avoid environmental damage. In this research ,the conservation of primary energy for water heating while using gas and diesel oil boilers, was 4 times larger compared to the use of electricity generated by gas and fuel oil .As a result, the coast of water heating using gas burner was 4 times lower, while the coast of water heating using gas boiler was 10 times lower, compared to the coast of electricity heating method. this research also showed, that the use of gas fuel , is the best water heating method, concerning fuel conservation and environment Protection.
وصف عام لمشروع التدفئة والتكيف: هو عبارة عن فندق في السويداء يتألف من أربعة طوابق وقبو.  الطابق الأرضي: هو عبارة عن غرف استقبال الزبائن وبهو للفندق ومطعم وتراسات صيفية.  الطابق الأول: هو طابق الميزانين ويحوي على مكتب المدير ومكاتب المضيفين و يوجد فيه صالة.  الطابق الثاني: هو عبرة عن طابق متكرر ويحوي غرف النزلاء.  الطابق الثالث: هو تكرار الطابق الثاني.  القبو: 1- يحتوي على غرف المستودعات ومطبخ وصالة انترنت وبلياردو وغرفة تحوي كامل تجهيزات التدفئة. 2- وسنقوم بالمشروع بتدفئة جزء من القبو والطابق الأرضي والميزانين والمتكرر بالمشعات. 3- وسنقوم بتكييف صالة البلياردو وصالة الأنترنت والبار والصالة العلوية والمطعم بوحدات المعالجة المركزية.
The basic idea of the research is to deal with the problems facing floor solar heating systems (high Constituent cost, huge size of the storage tank, difficulty of implementation ...)in addition to fuel consumption. Despite the use of solar energy for the purpose of heating, that does not mean full dispensing for heaters assistance in order to increase the temperature of water in the days which the intensity of solar radiation is low.
The research had performed in Tartous county at Alsinaea area and Faculty of Technical Engineering in year 2012 .This investigation had confirmed the possibility of quick dispose of byrene and the possibility of byrene manufacture through byrene pre ss and producing pieces for heating or producing barbecue charcoal. This products are with little smoke, smell and environment friendly. The results showed the following: 1- Producing pieces of byrene for heating with the possibility of controlling the strength and the press of pieces. With this we can contribule to environment protection and loosen the problem of heating in winter. 2- The comparison of organic fertilizer (Compost) from Byrene with mixture fertilizer from oak, straw and cock waste showed moral differences for nitrogen and kalium and no moral differences for organic substance, ashes, phosphourus and PH. The compost contains a little of Poly Phenolic. The SHETIANZY number for compost was with cold and hot water 0.277, 8.22, respectively and for mixture fertilizer 10, 16. 3- It was no moral differences between the specific heat and heat of combustion. The less moral difference was for both 0.430, 1.054, respectively. The barbecue charcoal from Dakka was with little smoke, smell and quick combustion. The producing cost of 1 kg was 5 syrian pounds
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