تم إجراء هذه الدراسة للتقصي عن التهابات الضرع تحت السريرية عند الأبقار الحلوب
في و ذلك باستخدام اختبار كاليفورنيا و الزرع الجرثومي لعينات الحليب. تم فحص 220
بقرة لا تُظهر أي أعراض سريرية لإلتهاب الضرع و ذلك باستخدام اختبار كاليفورنيا
على 880 عينة ربع تبعها زرع جرثومي للعينات الإيجابية لإختبار كاليفورنيا لتحديد
العامل المسبب للمرض.
This study was conducted to investigate of the subclinical mastitis
in dairy cows by using California Mastitis Test (CMT) and
microbial cultuer of positive California Mastitis Test milk sample .
880 quarter milk samples of 220 healthy cows were tested using ()
followed by bacteriological examination to identify the major
causative agents of intramammary infection.
References used
ABRAHMSÉN, M. , Y. PERSSON, and B.M KANYIMA, R. BAGE. 2014.Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy farms in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda. Trop Anim Health Prod. Jan;46(1):99-106
ABRAHMSÉN, M., Y. PERSSON, B. KANYIMA, and BAGE, R. 2012. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy farms in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 47(SI) s4, 462-462
ADWAN,G., D.ABUSAFIEH, R.AREF, AND J.ABOOMAR. 2005.Prevalence OF Microorganisms Associated WITH Intramammary Infection in Cows and Small Ruminants in the North OF Palestine. Journal of the Islamic University of Gaza, (Series of Natural Studies & Engineering) Vol. 13, No.l , P.165- 173,2005
Thirty native Awassi yearlings, without previous pregnancy or servicing
were used to study the level of somatic cell counts (SCC) in milk and their
relation to the other methods for detection of subclinical mastitis during the
first lactation .
This study aimed to detect the relationship between some metabolic
indicators of energy with fertility results in the period: 8 weeks
before calving till 8 weeks after calving in dairy cows.
This study aimed to detect the relationship between some metabolic
indicators of energy with fertility results in the period: 8 weeks
before calving till 8 weeks after calving in dairy cows.
This study was conducted to estimate the losses due to mastitis in Fedio
Station –Syria, by using a direct microscopic method to determine the
somatic cell count in bulk tank milk. About 52 milk bulk tank samples
were examined weekly in one year.
Forty eight dairy cows, 5-9 years old, were used to determine
their response for using of equine Chorionic Gonadotropine (eCG)
and Cloprostenol associated with PRID on post-partum anoestrus
treatment in order to increase the fertility.