ان عدم تناظر الوجه شائع بين البشر لذلك زادت نسبة الاهتمام به و ظهرت طرق مختلفة
لتقييم عدم التناظر و يعتبر التصوير الطبقي المحوسب من الطرق الدقيقة التي تمكن
الطبيب الفاحص من قراءة جيدة للوجه بالمستويات الثلاثة, و يستخدم حاليا على نطاق
واسع للحصول على معلومات ثلاثية الأبعاد على المركب القحفي الفكي من خلال
تطوير تقنيات و برامج حاسوبية تتيح بسهولة دراسة دقيقة للوجه و الفكين. يهدف هذا
البحث الى ايجاد العلاقة بين اللاتناظر الوجهي و انماط سوء الإطباق (صنف اول . صنف
ثالث) بتقنية التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد CT.
The asymmetric face is common so that increased interest in it .
there are different ways to assess the asymmetry. Computed
tomography is an accurate way that enable the examiner for reading the
face at three planes ,and present three-dimensional information on the
cranial mandibular Complex whereas (3D) analysis is essential for
making a precise diagnosis of craniofacial morphology . Aim : This
research aims to study the asymmetric at the facial patterns
malocclusion (class I. Class III) using CT .
References used
Edler R, Wertheim D, Greenhill D. Clinical and computerized assessment of mandibular asymmetry. EurJ Orthod 2001; 23(5):485-94
Haraguchi S, Iguchi Y, Takada K. Asymmetry of the Face in Orthodontic Patients. Angle Orthod 2008;78(3):421-426
Lee MS, Chung DH, Lee JW, Cha KS. Assessing softtissuecharacteristics of facial asymmetry with photographs. AmJ Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010 ;138(1):23-31
The asymmetric face is common so that increased interest in it .there are different ways to
assess the asymmetry. Computed tomography is an accurate way that enable the examiner for
reading the face at three planes ,and present three-dimensional in
Class II malocclusion is a common clinical problem among white Caucasian population and its transverse component is a critical aspect of a functional and stable occlusion. The size and shape of the arches have considerable implications in orthodontic
The aim of the study was to evaluate The relation between frontonasal complex and cases with class I, II, III Malooclousion. Material and methods: True lateral cephalometric radiograph of the sample that comprises 61 patienta of 34 females and 27 ma
Many of researchers concerned jaws bases dimensions because of it's a part of
craniofacial complex , its influence on the facial aestheticand functional portions .Though
these dimensions were studied by Björk the width of the jaws bases in the diff
Dental anomalies are congenital defected teeth which have a certain prevalence
in various malocclusions. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of different dental
anomalies in Class I malocclusion patients seeking orthodontic treatment.