إن جبر لي g هو فضاء شعاعي (على حقـل F) مـزود بتركيـب ثنـائي الخطيـة [ , ] يحقـق
الخاصة 0 = x , x فضلاً عن متطابقة جاكوبي. يسمى الجبر الجزئي B من g جبر كارتـان إذا كـان
معدوم القوى و مساوياً لمناظمه، و يبرهن أن جبر لي نصف البسيط g يتحلل إلى فضاءات وزن B .
0 نقدم في هذه الورقة العلمية مفهوم العنصر المميز h في جبر لي نصف البسيط g منتهـي البعـد
(على حقل F مميزه معدوم)، و نبين أن تحليل جبر لي نصف البسيط إلـى فـضاءات وزن B مطـابق
لتحليل g إلى الفضاءات الذاتية للمؤثر 0 ad h مما يسمح لنا بإنشاء خوارزميـة لاختبـار جبـور لـي
قمنا ببرمجة الخوارزمية السابقة لاختبار جبور لي الخطية البسيطة على حقل عـددي عـن طريـق
برنامج 0.5 Mathematica حيث تم تنفيذ هذه الخوارزمية علـى جبـر لـي الخطـي نـصف البـسيط
( ,3 )SL لإثبات أنَّه بسيط.
A Lie algebra g over a field F is a vector space together with a bilinear
map [ , ] satisfying [x ,x ] = 0 in addition to Jacobi identity . A Lie subalgebra
B of a Lie algebra g is said to be a Cartan subalgebra if it is a nilpotent and
equals its normalizer, and it is proved that semi simple Lie algebra g
decomposes into weight spaces for B.
In this scientific paper we present the conception of distinguished
element 0 h in finite dimensional semi simple Lie algebra over a field F has
characteristic 0 and we will prove that the previous decomposition g into
weight spaces for B is the same to decomposition g as a direct sum of h0 ad eigen
spaces. This leads us to construct algorithm to test simple Lie algebras.
We programmed the previous algorithm to test simple linear Lie algebras
over a numeral field by Mathematica 5.0 program where applied this algorithm
on semi simple linear Lie algebra SL(3, ) to prove that it is simple.
References used
Carter, R.W. (2005). Lie algebras of finite and affine type, Cambridge university Press , Cambridge . p 36, 46,18,37, 48
Eradman ,K., and Wildon , M.J. (2006). Introduction to Lie algebras, Springer Verlag , London . p 1, 3, 82
Humphreys, J.E. (1972). Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory, third ed . Springer. p 7,81,82
In this scientific paper, we describe an algorithm to test if the weighted
Dynkin diagram of type -Cn corresponds to one of the nilpotent orbits of sp2n,
then we defined the necessary and sufficient condition on this representative
that makes the
Our aim of this paper is to study some properties of Lie groups and
fuzzy Lie groups in many statements. So we can determine some
properties of Lie groups and we prove on its by the Topological
spaces constructing on the Lie groups as the Zero- di
We propose a rolling version of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation, called RollingLDA. By a sequential approach, it enables the construction of LDA-based time series of topics that are consistent with previous states of LDA models. After an initial mode
The aim of this paper is to use some properties of Lie groups and
fuzzy Lie groups in many statements to prove on some open
problems, so we can prove on the lemma(1) and (2).
Much of recent progress in NLU was shown to be due to models' learning dataset-specific heuristics. We conduct a case study of generalization in NLI (from MNLI to the adversarially constructed HANS dataset) in a range of BERT-based architectures (ada