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Usage of Distinguished Elements to Construct Algorithm to Test Simple Lie Algebras

استخدام العناصر المميزة في إنشاء خوارزمية لاختبار جبور لي البسيط

1173   0   7   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
  fields Mathematics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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A Lie algebra g over a field F is a vector space together with a bilinear map [ , ] satisfying [x ,x ] = 0 in addition to Jacobi identity . A Lie subalgebra B of a Lie algebra g is said to be a Cartan subalgebra if it is a nilpotent and equals its normalizer, and it is proved that semi simple Lie algebra g decomposes into weight spaces for B. In this scientific paper we present the conception of distinguished element 0 h in finite dimensional semi simple Lie algebra over a field F has characteristic 0 and we will prove that the previous decomposition g into weight spaces for B is the same to decomposition g as a direct sum of h0 ad eigen spaces. This leads us to construct algorithm to test simple Lie algebras. We programmed the previous algorithm to test simple linear Lie algebras over a numeral field by Mathematica 5.0 program where applied this algorithm on semi simple linear Lie algebra SL(3, ) to prove that it is simple.

References used
Carter, R.W. (2005). Lie algebras of finite and affine type, Cambridge university Press , Cambridge . p 36, 46,18,37, 48
Eradman ,K., and Wildon , M.J. (2006). Introduction to Lie algebras, Springer Verlag , London . p 1, 3, 82
Humphreys, J.E. (1972). Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory, third ed . Springer. p 7,81,82
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