النزف حول بطينات الدماغ و داخلها عند الخدج هو أكثر النزوف شيوعاً داخل
القحف المشاهدة في مرحلة الوليد. تتراوح نسبة الحدوث بين 20-59 % حسب المراكز
و عينات الدراسة و العوامل المؤهبة. رغم أن كل الدراسات تشير إلى أن معظم هذه النزوف
تحدث في الأسبوع الأول من العمر إلا أنه لا يزال هناك خلاف حول توقيت حدوثها و توقيت
إجراء المسح الروتيني لكشفها . هدفت دراستنا لهذه النزوف إلى معرفة نسبتها و شدتها و
أعراضها و العوامل المؤهبة لها و إنذارها و الوقت الأمثل لاستقصائها.
PIVH is the most common neonatal intracranial hemorrhage.
Incidence range between20-59% .Most of PIVH occur in the first week of
life. There are different opinions about the time of onset and timing of
screening. This study aimed to know incidence, symptoms, classification,
predisposing factors and outcome of PIVH in our NICU, and the best time
of screening .
References used
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Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. In the developing countries, it is responsible for the death of about 125 000 women each year. In most cases 67-80% are caused by uterine atony.
Uterine massage would re
Low birth weight and premature infant need complementary treatment intervention to promote optimal clinical outcome and to decrease the immediate adversities and developmental deficits associated with prematurity and intensive care unit environment.
Late hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDN) is a rare complication of
vitamin-K deficiency and is especially associated with intracranial
hemorrhage (ICH). It may also occur in infants after the neonatal period.
This research aims to drive atten
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and postmenopausal bleeding
is one of the most important challenges facing gynecologists.
The results of our study showed the Pipelle not to be as accurate as
the standard dilatation and curettage especially in postm
The bleeding after delivery (Postpartum Hemorrhage-PPH) is the most important complications that occur after a natural or cesarean delivery, and represents about a quarter of maternal mortality around the world. Midwives play a basis role in preventi