يعد شذوذ منشأ الشريان الإكليلي الأيسر من الشريان الرئوي تشوهاً ولادياً نادراً. غالباً ما يتظاهر في مرحلة الرضاعة بأعراض نقص التروية القلبية أو قصور القلب، و قد يشتبه مع حالات شائعة في الطفولة مثل القولنج المعوي أو القلس المريئي أو التهاب القصيبات. يكون الإنذار جيداً في حال الإصلاح الجراحي الباكر. نقدم في هذا التقرير حالة غير اعتيادية لطفلة بعمر 5 سنوات لديها شذوذ في منشأ الشريان الإكليلي الأيسر من الشريان الرئوي تظاهر لديها بألم صدري و زلة تنفسية و خفقان تُثار بالجهد. أظهر التصوير بالإيكو القلبي عبر جدار الصدر و التصوير الشرياني الإكليلي المنشأ الشاذ للشريان الإكليلي الأيسر مع وجود قصور في الصمام التاجي.
خضعت الطفلة لتكنيك جراحي ناجح تضمن استخدام الشريان الصدري (الثديي) الباطن في إعادة تروية الشريان الإكليلي الأيسر الرئيسي، و يعد هذا الإجراء الأول من نوعه لدى الأطفال. تم بذلك الحصول على نتائج جراحية ممتازة
و تخرجت المريضة في المشفى دون شكايات.
Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a rare congenital
anomaly. It presents predominantly in infancy with features of myocardial ischemia or cardiac failure and
may be mistaken for common pediatric conditions such as colic, reflux or bronchiolitis. With early
surgical correction the prognosis is good. In this report we present unusual case of a 5-year-old female
with an anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) presenting with
chest pain,dyspnea and palpitation during physical exertion.Trans-thoracic echocardiography and
coronary angiography revealed an anomalous origin of the left coronary artery with mitral regurgitation .
She subsequently underwent successful surgical technique where the left internal thoracic(mammary)
artery was used to revascularise the left main coronary artery which is considered as the first unique
procedure in children. Excellent surgical results were obtained and the patient was discharged from the
hospital without complaints.
References used
Stark,de Leval,Tsang. Congenital Coronary Artery Fistula and Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery,. Surgery for congenital heart defects.3rd edition.John Wiley and Sons.2006.p612- 617
Anderson,Cook,Wicox.ANOMALIES OF THE CORONARY ARTERIES.Surgical anatomy of the heart.3rd edition,Cambridge university press 2004,p298-304
Fierens C, Budts W, Denef B, et al. A 72-year-old woman with ALCAPA. Heart 2000;83:E2
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is an infrequent and often missed diagnosis among patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Unfortunately, SCAD can result in significant morbidities such as myocardial ischemia and infarcti
Coarctation represents 5-8% of congenital heart disease.We present here a
study which aimed to assess the results of this malformation correction by using left subclavian artery
flap aortoplasty technique(Waldhausen) and compare these results with those of other surgical options.
Extracranial carotid artery aneurysm (ECAA) is extremely rare, accounting for only 0.4-4% of all
peripheral artery aneurysms. Sir Astley Cooper is credited with the first successful operation for ECAA in
These aneurysms are of interest becau
Atherosclerosis and infectious diseases are the most common cause. Ultrasonography, computerized
tomography, and arteriography are used to make the diagnosis and treatment is achieved by
surgery or percutaneous techniques.
We herein report a SMA a
Heart disease, particularly coronary artery disease is a major cause of
morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes mellitus .
In addition to the increased clinical incidence of coronary artery disease ,
the extent of coronary arteries st