تنتمي الفقرة الرقبية الأولى (الفهقة) إلى الوصل القحفي الرقبي الذي يصل قاعدة الجمجمة مع العمود الفقري. و يلعب دوراً بالغ الأهمية في نمو و وظيفة المركب القحفي الوجهي، تمتلك الفهقة علاقة وظيفية – تشريحية متبادلة مع المفصل الفكي الصدغي، مما يعني أن الفهقة مرتبطة مع الفكين مورفولوجياً، وراثيا و وظيفياً.
هدف البحث: دراسة علاقة أبعاد الفهقة مع دوران الفكين لدى أفراد بالغين غير معالجين تقويمياً باستخدام التصوير الطبقي المخروطي.
First Cervical Vertebra (Atlas) belongs to the Atlantoaxial joint which
connects the base of the skull to the spine. It plays a highly significant role in the
growth and function of the craniofacial complex. Atlas has function-anatomical
interrelationship with the TMJ. That means the Axis is involved in the
morphogenetic and function of the jaws.
Aim To investigate the relationship of Atlas's dimensions with jaws rotation
in adult orthodontically non-treated subjects using CBCT scan.
References used
GRAY H. Anatomy of the Human Body. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1918; Bartleby.com, 2000
SCHAFER R.C. Clinical Biomechanics: Musculoskeletal Actions and Reactions. (Chapter 25), Williams & Wilkins; 2 Sub edition 1987
FRÄNKEL R. The applicability of the occipital reference base in cephalometric. Am J Orthod. 1980 Apr;77(4):379-95
Facial structures, as well as their functions and correlations, have been extensively
studied to expand the knowledge of craniofacial growth and development and to optimize
growth predictions and proper indications of orthodontic and surgical treat
It is generally agreed that growth in palatine results from bone formation at the
palatine sutures and lengthening of the alveolar processes, but the extent to which these
two sites contribute to the depth and length of the hard palate remains unso
Many of researchers concerned jaws bases dimensions because of it's a part of
craniofacial complex , its influence on the facial aestheticand functional portions .Though
these dimensions were studied by Björk the width of the jaws bases in the diff
The dentoalveolar mechanism, within the dentofacial complex, acts to camouflage the vertical base bone discrepancies resulting in differences in the functional occlusal plane cant (FOPC). Considering this, ensures more stable orthodontic treatment re
Class II malocclusion is a common clinical problem among white Caucasian population and its transverse component is a critical aspect of a functional and stable occlusion. The size and shape of the arches have considerable implications in orthodontic