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أهم المواقع الأثرية و الانتهاكات الصهيونية للآثار في الجولان

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 Publication date 2012
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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ابن جبير، أبو الحسن محمد بن أحمد جبير الأندلسي: رحلة ابن جبير، بيروت، د.ت.
سوسة، أحمد– العرب واليهود في التاريخ، الطبعة الثانية، العربي للإعلان والنشر والطباعة، د.ت.
الحسن، أحمد محمود – الجولان تاريخ وجذور، مطبعة صفحات للدراسات . والنشر، دمشق، 2007
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الجولان ليس مجرد هضبة و جبال و سهول و وديان تبلغ مساحتها ( 1860 كم 2 و قد وقع تحت الاحتلال الصهيوني منها نحو ( 1254 كم 2)، ثم انسحبت قواته من مساحة ( 100 كم 2) بموجب اتفاقية الفصل عام ( 1974 م)... و لا هو مجرد مياه و أشجار، تزين طبيعتها و أضرحة و آث ار؛ و كنائس و مساجد و عمران تغني تاريخها.. و ليست مجرد قطعة من الأرض تمتاز بموقعها الجغرافي؛ و سجلها التاريخي الثري بالأحداث و الانتصارات التي انعقدت على رايات الجيوش و لا سيما العربية الإسلامية...
هدفَ البحث إلى إجراء دراسة تاريخية للجولان تستعرض واقع الجولان عبر مرحلة زمنية تبرز أشكال مقاومة أهل الجولان عبر التاريخ، و من بينها النضال ضد الصليبين، و المستعمرين الفرنسيين، و تركز على النضال ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني منذ عام 1967 و حتى اليوم.
The research cleans up a phenomenon of the extremism of religious and racial on the basis of detestation of racial theories arrive to disaster results on all the humanity level from wars and accupation. The research studies two distinct samples in racial they are the Zionism and German Nazist, the research tries to spot light on the big similarity between them in the practice and thoughts, the German of Nazist is considering that German racial is development on all racials, it is clearest nation between all of world nations and it shouldn’t be mixed in others. However it has right in secures on the extent and living space that should be spread in, it is trying to justification it right in domination and colonization. However the Zionism: it racism is torture in claim that Jews shold be the chosen people of Good and it successfulls on others peoples that was the justification in occupy and expand, the aim of researcher from that is trying to reach to strategic based on scientific founditions refute the racial thought that make serious danger, it threats the humanity future and annihilates on the contact bond between peoples. The research clears existence like this racial theories that don’t existe and grow except for care of colonialism to it for justification it wars and invation in all forms expansion and domination on remainder countries world.
يقوم البحث بتحليل مضمون الأغنية الموجهة إلى الجولان و تعرف الموضوعات ذات الصلة بالجولان في الأغنية السورية. فالقضايا التي يعيشها أهل الجولان المحتل تُشكل مسألةً مهمةً على الصعيد السياسي و الوطني و الإنساني و الاجتماعي و الديني.
This research handles the economic effects of taxes and fees presented as a statistical and analytical study during the period 1990-2009 in Syria. It was based on the annual statistical data issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Using the sta tistic programme (SPSS) we have made econometric models to estimate the parameters of models of the impact of the tax on all public investment, private investment, gross capital formation, consumption, and these models can be used in the prediction of these variables, We have reached many important results, among which, the clear centrifugal relationship between taxes and total fixed capital formation in both public and private sectors. In fact, the tax itself had not been an effective tool in increasing the rate of growth of both public and private investment. It also shows us that the Syrian tax system depends on indirect taxes (consumption tax) that reduce the consumption of individuals contributing to the decline in the volume of employment and national income, In addition to the significant decline in distributing the national income fairly due to high indirect taxes which consequently affected the low-income category, Show us through the curve of Lawrence.
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