الإسقاط هو أكثر شيوعاً اختلاط في أثناء الحمل، و قد تصل نسبته إلى 25 % من الحمول المشخصة سريرياً، و هو أحد أسباب المراضة الوالدية و وفيات الأمهات في أشهر الحمل الأولى هناك حاجة لتقييم نوع الخدمات المقدمة للمريضات وجودتها و معرفة مدى مطابقتها للمستجدات المسندة بالدليل الطبي و من ثَم العمل على تطويرها و تحديثها.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى توصيف الخدمات الطبية المقدمة للمريضات في المرحلتين في أثناء الإسقاط و ما بعده داخل مستشفى التوليد الجامعي.
Abortion is the most common complication during pregnancy up to 25% of
clinically diagnosed pregnancies .It is the most common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the
first trimester. There is need to evaluate the quality of the services provided to the patients and to what
extent it is compatible with new evidence based practices subsequently working on its development and
This study aims at describing medical services provided to the patients both during and after abortion in
the Maternity University Hospital.
References used
World Health Organization ,Unsafe Abortion: Global and regional Estimates of the Incidence of Unsafe Abortion and Associated Mortality in 2003( Geneva: WHO,2007
Cansino C, Melgar JL, Burke A.Physicians' approaches to post-abortion care in Manila, Philippines.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010 Jun;109(3):216-8
Kinaro J, Ali TE, Schlangen R, Mack J.Unsafe abortion and abortion care in Khartoum, Sudan. Reprod Health Matters 2009 Nov;17(34):71-7
This study aims to treat all cases of choriocarcinoma using the
national chemotherapy courses, and analyzing the results of treatment to
assure that we are confirmed by the course (after proving its affectivity) and
to avoid missed and unorganized treatments, which worsen the prognosis.
Most of Syrian pregnant women do not remember their LMP exactly, so that if
there is another correct way (like CRL measurement by ultrasound), It may improve the obstetric
management in clinical practice.
To compares between regular last menstrual
Preterm labor is still has the main cause of preterm birth. The aim of this study
to know the rate of this complication in our hospital, and the relation between preterm
labor and some risk factors like parity ,maternal age and multiple pregnancy,
This paper reports a retrospective record analysis of the last six years which was
done in Damascus’ Maternity University Hospital, to determine the birth
prevalence of birth defects, describe its pattern, and discuss methodological
problems of su
This study includes (409)pregnant women elected from patients who have been
admitted to the department of obstetrics and gynecology or outpatient clinic belonging to
Assad University Hospital in Lattakia during the study period from 01/09/2014 up t