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A study of the effect of some post treatments at the fastness of direct dyes to washing and rubbing

دراسة تأثير بعض المعالجات المتأخرة على ثباتية الصباغ المباذر تجاه الغسيل والاحتكاك

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this study a process of dying cotton fabrics 100% was carried out by direct dye Solophynel GLE Yellow and after that it was treated by cationic softening agent for improving the fastness to washing and rubbing for the fabrics which were dyed by direct dyes .we increased the molecular weight after absorbing it on the cellulosic fiber and the result is decreasing the solubility of the dye in water and increasing the fastness to washing and rubbing . and after that we carried out the washing and friction tests and evaluated the results.

References used
نصر ؛ سلمان ، 2009 ، تقانة الصباغة الجزء النظري . الطبعة الأولى ، منشورات جامعة البعث حمص .
نصر؛ سلمان، سفّور؛ زياد ، عثماف؛ ضفاف، 2010 تقانة الصباغة الجزء العملي. الطبعة الأولى، منشورات جامعة البعث حمص.
الرفاعي؛ بلال، 2006 ، تقنيات العمليات الصباغية ، منشورات دار البشائر دمشق.
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In this study , a dyeing process of vat dyes was carried out for cotton fabrics (100%) at an optimal conditions for material's concentrations (sodium hydrosolphite , oxidization agent ,alkaline agent) to obtained a reference sample using for comp arison with another samples which dyeing at difference concentrations of materials and different oxidization agent and conditions of works ( work at close condition or open) , and it was observed the decrease of fastness's values for the tester samples against dry and wet rubbing opposite of reference sample and that due to the difference of concentration of reducing agent and the weakness of bonds between the dye and textile because of the difference of oxidization conditions.
A reactive dye was applied to woven cotton fabric then washed-off using water and three alkaline agents (ammonium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide). The aim of washing-off is to eliminate of dyes no fixed on fabric to avoid its diss olution during washing what reduces fastness to washing. The duration and temperature of wash-off were fixed, and the concentrations of alkaline agents used were varied, and the effects of these variables on the wash fastness of the dyeing were determined. There was little difference between the three alkaline agents, in terms of the level of wash-fastness achieved. The best result was with sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide
In this study, samples of cotton fabric were dyed using direct dye by the traditional method as well as using microwave energy at different energy levels. It was noted that the use of microwave energy increase the dye exhaustion at the used energy levels compared to the traditional method, as well as improving the fastness to washing and wet rubbing.
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Print pastes contain thickeners ''thickening agents'' that are often natural or synthetic polymers. The role of thickeners is thickening of print paste and making it more viscous to avoid lateral diffusion and improve finesse of motifs. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of type and concentration of thickeners in print paste (using vat dyes and Two-stage method) on fastness properties and color yield. Thickeners used usually, in this method, are sodium alginate, guar gum and starch ether. Conventional print paste recipe applied in this method give low fastness to dry and wet rubbing when we print in dark shade. We used only two thickeners in various concentrations, and then the fastness to rubbing is evaluated. The viscosity of print pastes is measured because of its effect on the penetration of the print paste across the fabric, thus its effect on color yield.
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