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Prevalence study of early childhood caries in preschool children of Lattakia city

دراسة انتشار نخور الطفولة المبكرة عند أطفال ما قبل المدرسة في مدينة اللاذقية

1707   1   42   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Dental caries is considered as one of the most common chronic diseases. The study of prevalence and severity of dental caries conducted in a specific geographic area contributes in constructing necessary plans for treatment and prevention. Aims of this study are to determine the prevalence and severity of early-childhood caries and to define risk factors associated with ECC among Lattakia/ Syrian preschool children. The sample comprised 909 children were divided into three age groups 3-4-5 years. A questionnaire was distributed and contained information on oral feeding habits, socio-economic status and educational Status of the mother. The results, and data analysis showed that the prevalence of ECC for pre-school children was 84.8%, the mean dmft and dmfs score in the group was in 3 years ( 4.09 (5.22=+6.22 & 2.85+=respectively. In 4 years3.43+=4.12) &7.29 += 8.25 ) .In 5 years (4.93 +=4.42 & (11.962+=10.157. The value of the significant caries index SIC was 9.02. We obtained on 492 questionnaire which was observed a significant relationship between ECC and age of children , socio-economic status of the family, the educational status of the mother, feeding habits ( quantity of sweet consumption per day- time of sweet consumed between meals, using baby bottle ). However, breastfeeding and gender didn't have significant effect

References used
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rate research

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Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence and severity of ECC in 3 to 5 -year children in Lattakia and the correlation of saliva pH, buffer capacity and salivary flow rate with the dental caries. Materials and methods: An epidemiological study of N = 400 children was conducted to determine the prevalence of ECC in Lattakia’s kindergartens and the association between child's gender, age and caries.The salivary tests for N = 40 children, the mean number of teeth, carious surfaces, restored and lost due to caries were measured. Results: The results indicated a high prevalence of Ecc among children (69.8%) We did not find significant differences in dmft, dmfs between children according to gender or age. The adjusted ability of saliva was high for 65% and medium for 35%. On the other hand, it was found that there is an inverse correlation between saliva pH and the studied indicators.
As dental caries are among the most common chronic diseases, the study of their prevalence and severity in a specific population area can contribute to constructing necessary plans for treatment and prevention. This study aimed to assess the rate of prevalence and severity of dental caries in 13 -15 years – old children in Lattakia City and to study the effects of the different factors and their relation to the grade of the severity of the dental caries. The study was conducted on 1680 children. The sample was divided into four main groups, depending on the grade of severity of the dental caries. The analysis of data showed that the prevalence of dental caries was 67.1±1.92% and the DMFT value was 2.35. The study also showed that mother feeding, the factor of dental care and socioeconomical factors are important in all groups
Aim of Study: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of some oral habits (mouth breathing, infantile swallowing, digit sucking) among school children in Lattakia city. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 825 childr en aged (8-12) years, from school children in Lattakia city. Information on oral habits was obtained from the parents through a specially designed questionnaire. A clinical evaluation was also done. Results:.The results showed that the percentage of prevalence of oral habits in Lattakia school children was 36.4% , and mouth breathing (22.8%) which was most commonly seen followed by infantile swallowing (17.3%). Digit sucking was a less common habit seen in only 5.8% .There were no differences in the prevalence of these habits between boys and girls and there were no significant differences according to age . Conclusions: The study showed high prevalence of these oral habits. This highlighted a lack of awareness and care by families related to their children’s oral health as well as the need to improve public health plans for orthodontic prevention so that future occurrence of malocclusion can be avoided.
The number of children with heart diseases in the Syrian society is constantly growing , In view of the importance of oral health and oral manifestations to this group of patients and the difficulties which dentists face in treating them , it is ve ry important to study oral health and the dental caries prevalence. This study seeks to determine the prevalence of dental caries and to evaluate previous dental treatment in children with heart diseases in Damascus hospitals.
Malocclusion is considered one of the most prevalent dental problems .This research aimed to study the prevalence of malocclusion states in the Syrian coast community. The sample of study consists of 1200 patients in mixed dentition stage (569 male s – 631 females) with mean age (8.65 ± 1.4 years for male, 8.64 ±1.36 years for females). The study showed a prevalence of malocclusion in about 84.8% of the sample, with about 58.33% for vertical plane malocclusion and 84% for sagittal plane malocclusion, and 37.8% for transversal plane malocclusion. We concluded that it is very important to improve the hygiene awareness between our community population for better prevention and treatment of these problems.

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