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Aim of study:The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of antiasthma drug (Budesonide) on oral health of asthmatic children during one year of treatment. Materials and Methods: Thirty children with asthma aged (5-10) years were selected fro m the children who presented to children´s section at AL-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia with medium asthma severity and they needed to use antiasthma inhaled drug (Budesonide).This study have evaluated dental caries, gingival bleeding, dental plaque and saliva pH for each child before and after treatment with Budesonide in (3-6-9-12) months. Results: The results showed increasing in DMFT, dmft indices ,gingival bleeding index and dental plaque after follow- up for 12 months.
Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence and severity of ECC in 3 to 5 -year children in Lattakia and the correlation of saliva pH, buffer capacity and salivary flow rate with the dental caries. Materials and methods: An epidemiological study of N = 400 children was conducted to determine the prevalence of ECC in Lattakia’s kindergartens and the association between child's gender, age and caries.The salivary tests for N = 40 children, the mean number of teeth, carious surfaces, restored and lost due to caries were measured. Results: The results indicated a high prevalence of Ecc among children (69.8%) We did not find significant differences in dmft, dmfs between children according to gender or age. The adjusted ability of saliva was high for 65% and medium for 35%. On the other hand, it was found that there is an inverse correlation between saliva pH and the studied indicators.
Dental caries is related to the diet and the types of foods eaten, especially snack foods between meals and at school. The mother influences her child's eating methods and choices, as she is responsible for feeding him and setting an example for him.

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