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Second Order WinoBias (SoWinoBias) Test Set for Latent Gender Bias Detection in Coreference Resolution

Order Order WinoBias (Sowinobias) مجموعة اختبار للكشف عن التحيز الجنساني الكامن في حل السلاسة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We observe an instance of gender-induced bias in a downstream application, despite the absence of explicit gender words in the test cases. We provide a test set, SoWinoBias, for the purpose of measuring such latent gender bias in coreference resolution systems. We evaluate the performance of current debiasing methods on the SoWinoBias test set, especially in reference to the method's design and altered embedding space properties. See

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We propose a neural event coreference model in which event coreference is jointly trained with five tasks: trigger detection, entity coreference, anaphoricity determination, realis detection, and argument extraction. To guide the learning of this com plex model, we incorporate cross-task consistency constraints into the learning process as soft constraints via designing penalty functions. In addition, we propose the novel idea of viewing entity coreference and event coreference as a single coreference task, which we believe is a step towards a unified model of coreference resolution. The resulting model achieves state-of-the-art results on the KBP 2017 event coreference dataset.
Recent works have found evidence of gender bias in models of machine translation and coreference resolution using mostly synthetic diagnostic datasets. While these quantify bias in a controlled experiment, they often do so on a small scale and consis t mostly of artificial, out-of-distribution sentences. In this work, we find grammatical patterns indicating stereotypical and non-stereotypical gender-role assignments (e.g., female nurses versus male dancers) in corpora from three domains, resulting in a first large-scale gender bias dataset of 108K diverse real-world English sentences. We manually verify the quality of our corpus and use it to evaluate gender bias in various coreference resolution and machine translation models. We find that all tested models tend to over-rely on gender stereotypes when presented with natural inputs, which may be especially harmful when deployed in commercial systems. Finally, we show that our dataset lends itself to finetuning a coreference resolution model, finding it mitigates bias on a held out set. Our dataset and models are publicly available at We hope they will spur future research into gender bias evaluation mitigation techniques in realistic settings.
Language models are notoriously difficult to evaluate. We release SuperSim, a large-scale similarity and relatedness test set for Swedish built with expert human judgements. The test set is composed of 1,360 word-pairs independently judged for both r elatedness and similarity by five annotators. We evaluate three different models (Word2Vec, fastText, and GloVe) trained on two separate Swedish datasets, namely the Swedish Gigaword corpus and a Swedish Wikipedia dump, to provide a baseline for future comparison. We will release the fully annotated test set, code, models, and data.
Internet search affects people's cognition of the world, so mitigating biases in search results and learning fair models is imperative for social good. We study a unique gender bias in image search in this work: the search images are often gender-imb alanced for gender-neutral natural language queries. We diagnose two typical image search models, the specialized model trained on in-domain datasets and the generalized representation model pre-trained on massive image and text data across the internet. Both models suffer from severe gender bias. Therefore, we introduce two novel debiasing approaches: an in-processing fair sampling method to address the gender imbalance issue for training models, and a post-processing feature clipping method base on mutual information to debias multimodal representations of pre-trained models. Extensive experiments on MS-COCO and Flickr30K benchmarks show that our methods significantly reduce the gender bias in image search models.
In this paper, we focus on the detection of sexist hate speech against women in tweets studying for the first time the impact of gender stereotype detection on sexism classification. We propose: (1) the first dataset annotated for gender stereotype d etection, (2) a new method for data augmentation based on sentence similarity with multilingual external datasets, and (3) a set of deep learning experiments first to detect gender stereotypes and then, to use this auxiliary task for sexism detection. Although the presence of stereotypes does not necessarily entail hateful content, our results show that sexism classification can definitively benefit from gender stereotype detection.

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