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Flesch-Kincaid is Not a Text Simplification Evaluation Metric

Flesch-Kincaid ليس أداة تقييم تبسيط النص

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Sentence-level text simplification is currently evaluated using both automated metrics and human evaluation. For automatic evaluation, a combination of metrics is usually employed to evaluate different aspects of the simplification. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL) is one metric that has been regularly used to measure the readability of system output. In this paper, we argue that FKGL should not be used to evaluate text simplification systems. We provide experimental analyses on recent system output showing that the FKGL score can easily be manipulated to improve the score dramatically with only minor impact on other automated metrics (BLEU and SARI). Instead of using FKGL, we suggest that the component statistics, along with others, be used for posthoc analysis to understand system behavior.

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The quality of fully automated text simplification systems is not good enough for use in real-world settings; instead, human simplifications are used. In this paper, we examine how to improve the cost and quality of human simplifications by leveragin g crowdsourcing. We introduce a graph-based sentence fusion approach to augment human simplifications and a reranking approach to both select high quality simplifications and to allow for targeting simplifications with varying levels of simplicity. Using the Newsela dataset (Xu et al., 2015) we show consistent improvements over experts at varying simplification levels and find that the additional sentence fusion simplifications allow for simpler output than the human simplifications alone.
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Advancements within the field of text simplification (TS) have primarily been within syntactic or lexical simplification. However, conceptual simplification has previously been identified as another field of TS that has the potential to significantly improve reading comprehension. A first step to measuring conceptual simplification is the classification of concepts as either complex or simple. This research-in-progress paper proposes a new definition of conceptual complexity alongside a simple machine-learning approach that performs a binary classification task to distinguish between simple and complex concepts. It is proposed that this be a first step when developing new text simplification models that operate on a conceptual level.
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Various temporal knowledge graph (KG) completion models have been proposed in the recent literature. The models usually contain two parts, a temporal embedding layer and a score function derived from existing static KG modeling approaches. Since the approaches differ along several dimensions, including different score functions and training strategies, the individual contributions of different temporal embedding techniques to model performance are not always clear. In this work, we systematically study six temporal embedding approaches and empirically quantify their performance across a wide range of configurations with about 3000 experiments and 13159 GPU hours. We classify the temporal embeddings into two classes: (1) timestamp embeddings and (2) time-dependent entity embeddings. Despite the common belief that the latter is more expressive, an extensive experimental study shows that timestamp embeddings can achieve on-par or even better performance with significantly fewer parameters. Moreover, we find that when trained appropriately, the relative performance differences between various temporal embeddings often shrink and sometimes even reverse when compared to prior results. For example, TTransE (CITATION), one of the first temporal KG models, can outperform more recent architectures on ICEWS datasets. To foster further research, we provide the first unified open-source framework for temporal KG completion models with full composability, where temporal embeddings, score functions, loss functions, regularizers, and the explicit modeling of reciprocal relations can be combined arbitrarily.

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