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An Empirical Study on Neural Keyphrase Generation

دراسة تجريبية عن جيل المفاتيح العصبي

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Recent years have seen a flourishing of neural keyphrase generation (KPG) works, including the release of several large-scale datasets and a host of new models to tackle them. Model performance on KPG tasks has increased significantly with evolving deep learning research. However, there lacks a comprehensive comparison among different model designs, and a thorough investigation on related factors that may affect a KPG system's generalization performance. In this empirical study, we aim to fill this gap by providing extensive experimental results and analyzing the most crucial factors impacting the generalizability of KPG models. We hope this study can help clarify some of the uncertainties surrounding the KPG task and facilitate future research on this topic.

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Despite constant improvements in machine translation quality, automatic poetry translation remains a challenging problem due to the lack of open-sourced parallel poetic corpora, and to the intrinsic complexities involved in preserving the semantics, style and figurative nature of poetry. We present an empirical investigation for poetry translation along several dimensions: 1) size and style of training data (poetic vs. non-poetic), including a zero-shot setup; 2) bilingual vs. multilingual learning; and 3) language-family-specific models vs. mixed-language-family models. To accomplish this, we contribute a parallel dataset of poetry translations for several language pairs. Our results show that multilingual fine-tuning on poetic text significantly outperforms multilingual fine-tuning on non-poetic text that is 35X larger in size, both in terms of automatic metrics (BLEU, BERTScore, COMET) and human evaluation metrics such as faithfulness (meaning and poetic style). Moreover, multilingual fine-tuning on poetic data outperforms bilingual fine-tuning on poetic data.
Smooth and effective communication requires the ability to perform latent or explicit commonsense inference. Prior commonsense reasoning benchmarks (such as SocialIQA and CommonsenseQA) mainly focus on the discriminative task of choosing the right an swer from a set of candidates, and do not involve interactive language generation as in dialogue. Moreover, existing dialogue datasets do not explicitly focus on exhibiting commonsense as a facet. In this paper, we present an empirical study of commonsense in dialogue response generation. We first auto-extract commonsensical dialogues from existing dialogue datasets by leveraging ConceptNet, a commonsense knowledge graph. Furthermore, building on social contexts/situations in SocialIQA, we collect a new dialogue dataset with 25K dialogues aimed at exhibiting social commonsense in an interactive setting. We evaluate response generation models trained using these datasets and find that models trained on both extracted and our collected data produce responses that consistently exhibit more commonsense than baselines. Finally we propose an approach for automatic evaluation of commonsense that relies on features derived from ConceptNet and pre-trained language and dialog models, and show reasonable correlation with human evaluation of responses' commonsense quality.
Pretrained multilingual language models have become a common tool in transferring NLP capabilities to low-resource languages, often with adaptations. In this work, we study the performance, extensibility, and interaction of two such adaptations: voca bulary augmentation and script transliteration. Our evaluations on part-of-speech tagging, universal dependency parsing, and named entity recognition in nine diverse low-resource languages uphold the viability of these approaches while raising new questions around how to optimally adapt multilingual models to low-resource settings.
Sequential information, a.k.a., orders, is assumed to be essential for processing a sequence with recurrent neural network or convolutional neural network based encoders. However, is it possible to encode natural languages without orders? Given a bag of words from a disordered sentence, humans may still be able to understand what those words mean by reordering or reconstructing them. Inspired by such an intuition, in this paper, we perform a study to investigate how order'' information takes effects in natural language learning. By running comprehensive comparisons, we quantitatively compare the ability of several representative neural models to organize sentences from a bag of words under three typical scenarios, and summarize some empirical findings and challenges, which can shed light on future research on this line of work.
Keyphrases, that concisely summarize the high-level topics discussed in a document, can be categorized into present keyphrase which explicitly appears in the source text and absent keyphrase which does not match any contiguous subsequence but is high ly semantically related to the source. Most existing keyphrase generation approaches synchronously generate present and absent keyphrases without explicitly distinguishing these two categories. In this paper, a Select-Guide-Generate (SGG) approach is proposed to deal with present and absent keyphrases generation separately with different mechanisms. Specifically, SGG is a hierarchical neural network which consists of a pointing-based selector at low layer concentrated on present keyphrase generation, a selection-guided generator at high layer dedicated to absent keyphrase generation, and a guider in the middle to transfer information from selector to generator. Experimental results on four keyphrase generation benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, which significantly outperforms the strong baselines for both present and absent keyphrases generation. Furthermore, we extend SGG to a title generation task which indicates its extensibility in natural language generation tasks.

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