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Stay Together: A System for Single and Split-antecedent Anaphora Resolution

ابقي معا: نظاما لقرار Anaphora الفردي والتقسيم

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The state-of-the-art on basic, single-antecedent anaphora has greatly improved in recent years. Researchers have therefore started to pay more attention to more complex cases of anaphora such as split-antecedent anaphora, as in Time-Warner is considering a legal challenge to Telecommunications Inc's plan to buy half of Showtime Networks Inc--a move that could lead to all-out war between the two powerful companies''. Split-antecedent anaphora is rarer and more complex to resolve than single-antecedent anaphora; as a result, it is not annotated in many datasets designed to test coreference, and previous work on resolving this type of anaphora was carried out in unrealistic conditions that assume gold mentions and/or gold split-antecedent anaphors are available. These systems also focus on split-antecedent anaphors only. In this work, we introduce a system that resolves both single and split-antecedent anaphors, and evaluate it in a more realistic setting that uses predicted mentions. We also start addressing the question of how to evaluate single and split-antecedent anaphors together using standard coreference evaluation metrics.

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Masked language models (MLMs) have contributed to drastic performance improvements with regard to zero anaphora resolution (ZAR). To further improve this approach, in this study, we made two proposals. The first is a new pretraining task that trains MLMs on anaphoric relations with explicit supervision, and the second proposal is a new finetuning method that remedies a notorious issue, the pretrain-finetune discrepancy. Our experiments on Japanese ZAR demonstrated that our two proposals boost the state-of-the-art performance, and our detailed analysis provides new insights on the remaining challenges.
We propose to tackle data-to-text generation tasks by directly splicing together retrieved segments of text from neighbor'' source-target pairs. Unlike recent work that conditions on retrieved neighbors but generates text token-by-token, left-to-righ t, we learn a policy that directly manipulates segments of neighbor text, by inserting or replacing them in partially constructed generations. Standard techniques for training such a policy require an oracle derivation for each generation, and we prove that finding the shortest such derivation can be reduced to parsing under a particular weighted context-free grammar. We find that policies learned in this way perform on par with strong baselines in terms of automatic and human evaluation, but allow for more interpretable and controllable generation.
While neural networks produce state-of-the- art performance in several NLP tasks, they generally depend heavily on lexicalized information, which transfer poorly between domains. Previous works have proposed delexicalization as a form of knowledge di stillation to reduce the dependency on such lexical artifacts. However, a critical unsolved issue that remains is how much delexicalization to apply: a little helps reduce overfitting, but too much discards useful information. We propose Group Learning, a knowledge and model distillation approach for fact verification in which multiple student models have access to different delexicalized views of the data, but are encouraged to learn from each other through pair-wise consistency losses. In several cross-domain experiments between the FEVER and FNC fact verification datasets, we show that our approach learns the best delexicalization strategy for the given training dataset, and outperforms state-of-the-art classifiers that rely on the original data.
Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline which is responsible for management of discovering, analyzing, redesigning, monitoring, and controlling business processes. One of the most crucial tasks of BPM is discovering and modelling business processes from text documents. In this paper, we present our system that resolves an end-to-end problem consisting of 1) recognizing conditional sentences from technical documents, 2) finding boundaries to extract conditional and resultant clauses from each conditional sentence, and 3) categorizing resultant clause as Action or Consequence which later helps to generate new steps in our business process model automatically. We created a new dataset and three models to solve this problem. Our best model achieved very promising results of 83.82, 87.84, and 85.75 for Precision, Recall, and F1, respectively, for extracting Condition, Action, and Consequence clauses using Exact Match metric.
Split-and-rephrase is a challenging task that promotes the transformation of a given complex input sentence into multiple shorter sentences retaining equivalent meaning. This rewriting approach conceptualizes that shorter sentences benefit human read ers and improve NLP downstream tasks attending as a preprocessing step. This work presents a complete pipeline capable of performing the split-and-rephrase method in a cross-lingual manner. We trained sequence-to-sequence neural models as from English corpora and applied them to predict the transformations in English and Brazilian Portuguese sentences jointly with BERT's masked language modeling. Contrary to traditional approaches that seek training models with extensive vocabularies, we present a non-trivial way to construct symbolic ones generalized solely by grammatical classes (POS tags) and their respective recurrences, reducing the amount of necessary training data. This pipeline contribution showed competitive results encouraging the expansion of the method to languages other than English.

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