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UniDrop: A Simple yet Effective Technique to Improve Transformer without Extra Cost

Unidrop: تقنية بسيطة ولكنها فعالة لتحسين المحولات دون تكلفة إضافية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Transformer architecture achieves great success in abundant natural language processing tasks. The over-parameterization of the Transformer model has motivated plenty of works to alleviate its overfitting for superior performances. With some explorations, we find simple techniques such as dropout, can greatly boost model performance with a careful design. Therefore, in this paper, we integrate different dropout techniques into the training of Transformer models. Specifically, we propose an approach named UniDrop to unites three different dropout techniques from fine-grain to coarse-grain, i.e., feature dropout, structure dropout, and data dropout. Theoretically, we demonstrate that these three dropouts play different roles from regularization perspectives. Empirically, we conduct experiments on both neural machine translation and text classification benchmark datasets. Extensive results indicate that Transformer with UniDrop can achieve around 1.5 BLEU improvement on IWSLT14 translation tasks, and better accuracy for the classification even using strong pre-trained RoBERTa as backbone.

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Sentence ordering is the task of arranging a given bag of sentences so as to maximise the coherence of the overall text. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective training method that improves the capacity of models to capture overall text cohe rence based on training over pairs of sentences/segments. Experimental results show the superiority of our proposed method in in- and cross-domain settings. The utility of our method is also verified over a multi-document summarisation task.
Numeracy plays a key role in natural language understanding. However, existing NLP approaches, not only traditional word2vec approach or contextualized transformer-based language models, fail to learn numeracy. As the result, the performance of these models is limited when they are applied to number-intensive applications in clinical and financial domains. In this work, we propose a simple number embedding approach based on knowledge graph. We construct a knowledge graph consisting of number entities and magnitude relations. Knowledge graph embedding method is then applied to obtain number vectors. Our approach is easy to implement, and experiment results on various numeracy-related NLP tasks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.
A real-world information extraction (IE) system for semi-structured document images often involves a long pipeline of multiple modules, whose complexity dramatically increases its development and maintenance cost. One can instead consider an end-to-e nd model that directly maps the input to the target output and simplify the entire process. However, such generation approach is known to lead to unstable performance if not designed carefully. Here we present our recent effort on transitioning from our existing pipeline-based IE system to an end-to-end system focusing on practical challenges that are associated with replacing and deploying the system in real, large-scale production. By carefully formulating document IE as a sequence generation task, we show that a single end-to-end IE system can be built and still achieve competent performance.
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In this study, we demonstrate the viability of deploying BERT-style models to AWS Lambda in a production environment. Since the freely available pre-trained models are too large to be deployed in this environment, we utilize knowledge distillation an d fine-tune the models on proprietary datasets for two real-world tasks: sentiment analysis and semantic textual similarity. As a result, we obtain models that are tuned for a specific domain and deployable in the serverless environment. The subsequent performance analysis shows that this solution does not only report latency levels acceptable for production use but that it is also a cost-effective alternative to small-to-medium size deployments of BERT models, all without any infrastructure overhead.

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