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Improving Pretrained Models for Zero-shot Multi-label Text Classification through Reinforced Label Hierarchy Reasoning

تحسين نماذج مسبقا لتصنيف النص متعدد الملصقات صفرية من خلال تسلسل التسلسل الهرمي للتسمية المعززة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Exploiting label hierarchies has become a promising approach to tackling the zero-shot multi-label text classification (ZS-MTC) problem. Conventional methods aim to learn a matching model between text and labels, using a graph encoder to incorporate label hierarchies to obtain effective label representations (Rios and Kavuluru, 2018). More recently, pretrained models like BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have been used to convert classification tasks into a textual entailment task (Yin et al., 2019). This approach is naturally suitable for the ZS-MTC task. However, pretrained models are underexplored in the existing work because they do not generate individual vector representations for text or labels, making it unintuitive to combine them with conventional graph encoding methods. In this paper, we explore to improve pretrained models with label hierarchies on the ZS-MTC task. We propose a Reinforced Label Hierarchy Reasoning (RLHR) approach to encourage interdependence among labels in the hierarchies during training. Meanwhile, to overcome the weakness of flat predictions, we design a rollback algorithm that can remove logical errors from predictions during inference. Experimental results on three real-life datasets show that our approach achieves better performance and outperforms previous non-pretrained methods on the ZS-MTC task.

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Hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMTC) deals with the challenging task where an instance can be assigned to multiple hierarchically structured categories at the same time. The majority of prior studies either focus on reducing the HMTC t ask into a flat multi-label problem ignoring the vertical category correlations or exploiting the dependencies across different hierarchical levels without considering the horizontal correlations among categories at the same level, which inevitably leads to fundamental information loss. In this paper, we propose a novel HMTC framework that considers both vertical and horizontal category correlations. Specifically, we first design a loosely coupled graph convolutional neural network as the representation extractor to obtain representations for words, documents, and, more importantly, level-wise representations for categories, which are not considered in previous works. Then, the learned category representations are adopted to capture the vertical dependencies among levels of category hierarchy and model the horizontal correlations. Finally, based on the document embeddings and category embeddings, we design a hybrid algorithm to predict the categories of the entire hierarchical structure. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world HMTC datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework with significant improvements over the baselines.
Multi-label document classification, associating one document instance with a set of relevant labels, is attracting more and more research attention. Existing methods explore the incorporation of information beyond text, such as document metadata or label structure. These approaches however either simply utilize the semantic information of metadata or employ the predefined parent-child label hierarchy, ignoring the heterogeneous graphical structures of metadata and labels, which we believe are crucial for accurate multi-label document classification. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel neural network based approach for multi-label document classification, in which two heterogeneous graphs are constructed and learned using heterogeneous graph transformers. One is metadata heterogeneous graph, which models various types of metadata and their topological relations. The other is label heterogeneous graph, which is constructed based on both the labels' hierarchy and their statistical dependencies. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show the proposed approach outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines.
Multi-label document classification (MLDC) problems can be challenging, especially for long documents with a large label set and a long-tail distribution over labels. In this paper, we present an effective convolutional attention network for the MLDC problem with a focus on medical code prediction from clinical documents. Our innovations are three-fold: (1) we utilize a deep convolution-based encoder with the squeeze-and-excitation networks and residual networks to aggregate the information across the document and learn meaningful document representations that cover different ranges of texts; (2) we explore multi-layer and sum-pooling attention to extract the most informative features from these multi-scale representations; (3) we combine binary cross entropy loss and focal loss to improve performance for rare labels. We focus our evaluation study on MIMIC-III, a widely used dataset in the medical domain. Our models outperform prior work on medical coding and achieve new state-of-the-art results on multiple metrics. We also demonstrate the language independent nature of our approach by applying it to two non-English datasets. Our model outperforms prior best model and a multilingual Transformer model by a substantial margin.
Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification (LMTC) includes tasks with hierarchical label spaces, such as automatic assignment of ICD-9 codes to discharge summaries. Performance of models in prior art is evaluated with standard precision, recall, and F1 measures without regard for the rich hierarchical structure. In this work we argue for hierarchical evaluation of the predictions of neural LMTC models. With the example of the ICD-9 ontology we describe a structural issue in the representation of the structured label space in prior art, and propose an alternative representation based on the depth of the ontology. We propose a set of metrics for hierarchical evaluation using the depth-based representation. We compare the evaluation scores from the proposed metrics with previously used metrics on prior art LMTC models for ICD-9 coding in MIMIC-III. We also propose further avenues of research involving the proposed ontological representation.
We introduce MULTI-EURLEX, a new multilingual dataset for topic classification of legal documents. The dataset comprises 65k European Union (EU) laws, officially translated in 23 languages, annotated with multiple labels from the EUROVOC taxonomy. We highlight the effect of temporal concept drift and the importance of chronological, instead of random splits. We use the dataset as a testbed for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, where we exploit annotated training documents in one language (source) to classify documents in another language (target). We find that fine-tuning a multilingually pretrained model (XLM-ROBERTA, MT5) in a single source language leads to catastrophic forgetting of multilingual knowledge and, consequently, poor zero-shot transfer to other languages. Adaptation strategies, namely partial fine-tuning, adapters, BITFIT, LNFIT, originally proposed to accelerate fine-tuning for new end-tasks, help retain multilingual knowledge from pretraining, substantially improving zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, but their impact also depends on the pretrained model used and the size of the label set.

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