العثور على سنة الكتابة لنص تاريخي له أهمية حاسمة للبحث التاريخي.ومع ذلك، نادرا ما يتم ذكر السنة الإبداعية الأصلية بشكل صريح ويجب استنتاجها من المحتوى النصي والسجلات التاريخية والقرائن الترفيزية.بالنظر إلى نص مكبس، فقد تم استخدام تعلم الجهاز بنجاح لتقدير سنة الإنتاج.في هذه الورقة، نقدم نظرة عامة على عدة طرق تقدير لمحفوظات النص التاريخية التي تمتد من القرن الثاني عشر حتى اليوم.
Finding the year of writing for a historical text is of crucial importance to historical research. However, the year of original creation is rarely explicitly stated and must be inferred from the text content, historical records, and codicological clues. Given a transcribed text, machine learning has successfully been used to estimate the year of production. In this paper, we present an overview of several estimation approaches for historical text archives spanning from the 12th century until today.
References used
In this study, we study language change in Chinese Biji by using a classification task: classifying Ancient Chinese texts by time periods. Specifically, we focus on a unique genre in classical Chinese literature: Biji (literally notebook'' or brush n
Pretrained language models like BERT have advanced the state of the art for many NLP tasks. For resource-rich languages, one has the choice between a number of language-specific models, while multilingual models are also worth considering. These mode
The use of Named Entity Recognition (NER) over archaic Arabic texts is steadily increasing. However, most tools have been either developed for modern English or trained over English language documents and are limited over historical Arabic text. Even
This paper describes the submissions by team HWR to the Dravidian Language Identification (DLI) shared task organized at VarDial 2021 workshop. The DLI training set includes 16,674 YouTube comments written in Roman script containing code-mixed text w
To provide analysis of recent researches of automatic question generation from text,we surveyed 9 papers between 2019 to early 2021, retrieved from Paper with Code(PwC). Our research follows the survey reported by Kurdi et al.(2020), in which analysi