التحديد التركيز هو مهمة مقترحة حديثا تركز على اختيار الكلمات للتأكيد في جمل قصيرة.الطريقة التقليدية تنظر فقط في معلومات التسلسل من الجملة مع تجاهل هيكل الجملة الغنية ومعلومات علاقة الكلمة.في هذه الورقة، نقترح إطارا جديدا يعتبر هيكل الجملة عبر رسم بياني هيكل الجملة وعلاقة كلمة عبر الرسم البياني للكلمة التشابه.يتم اشتقاق الرسم البياني هيكل الجملة من شجرة التحليل من الجملة.يسمح الرسم البياني للكلمة التشابه العقد بمشاركة المعلومات مع جيرانها لأننا نقول أنه في التركيز على التحديد، من المرجح أن يتم التأكيد على كلمات مماثلة معا.يتم استخدام الشبكات العصبية الرسم البياني لتعلم تمثيل كل عقدة لهذين الرسوم البيانية.تظهر النتائج التجريبية أن إطارنا يمكن أن يحقق أداء متفوقا.
Emphasis Selection is a newly proposed task which focuses on choosing words for emphasis in short sentences. Traditional methods only consider the sequence information of a sentence while ignoring the rich sentence structure and word relationship information. In this paper, we propose a new framework that considers sentence structure via a sentence structure graph and word relationship via a word similarity graph. The sentence structure graph is derived from the parse tree of a sentence. The word similarity graph allows nodes to share information with their neighbors since we argue that in emphasis selection, similar words are more likely to be emphasized together. Graph neural networks are employed to learn the representation of each node of these two graphs. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework can achieve superior performance.
References used
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Recently graph-based methods have been adopted for Abstractive Text Summarization. However, existing graph-based methods only consider either word relations or structure information, which neglect the correlation between them. To simultaneously captu
Incorporating external knowledge sources effectively in conversations is a longstanding problem in open-domain dialogue research. The existing literature on open-domain knowledge selection is limited and makes certain brittle assumptions on knowledge
In parataxis languages like Chinese, word meanings are constructed using specific word-formations, which can help to disambiguate word senses. However, such knowledge is rarely explored in previous word sense disambiguation (WSD) methods. In this pap
The extraction and analysis of human gait characteristics using image sequences is currently an intense area of research. Recently, the focus of this research area has turned to the realm of computer vision as a way of performing quickly and ac