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Using Collaborative Filtering to Model Argument Selection

استخدام التصفية التعاونية لتحديد الوساطة النموذجية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study evaluates whether model-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms, which have been extensively studied and widely used to build recommender systems, can be used to predict which common nouns a predicate can take as its complement. We find that, when trained on verb-noun co-occurrence data drawn from the Corpus of Contemporary American-English (COCA), two popular model-based CF algorithms, Singular Value Decomposition and Non-negative Matrix Factorization, perform well on this task, each achieving an AUROC of at least 0.89 and surpassing several different baselines. We then show that the embedding-vectors for verbs and nouns learned by the two CF models can be quantized (via application of k-means clustering) with minimal loss of performance on the prediction task while only using a small number of verb and noun clusters (relative to the number of distinct verbs and nouns). Finally we evaluate the alignment between the quantized embedding vectors for verbs and the Levin verb classes, finding that the alignment surpassed several randomized baselines. We conclude by discussing how model-based CF algorithms might be applied to learning restrictions on constituent selection between various lexical categories and how these (learned) models could then be used to augment a (rule-based) constituency grammar.

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Most reinforcement learning methods for dialog policy learning train a centralized agent that selects a predefined joint action concatenating domain name, intent type, and slot name. The centralized dialog agent suffers from a great many user-agent i nteraction requirements due to the large action space. Besides, designing the concatenated actions is laborious to engineers and maybe struggled with edge cases. To solve these problems, we model the dialog policy learning problem with a novel multi-agent framework, in which each part of the action is led by a different agent. The framework reduces labor costs for action templates and decreases the size of the action space for each agent. Furthermore, we relieve the non-stationary problem caused by the changing dynamics of the environment as evolving of agents' policies by introducing a joint optimization process that makes agents can exchange their policy information. Concurrently, an independent experience replay buffer mechanism is integrated to reduce the dependence between gradients of samples to improve training efficiency. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated in a multi-domain environment with both user simulator evaluation and human evaluation.
Accurate recovery of predicate-argument structure from a Universal Dependency (UD) parse is central to downstream tasks such as extraction of semantic roles or event representations. This study introduces compchains, a categorization of the hierarchy of predicate dependency relations present within a UD parse. Accuracy of compchain classification serves as a proxy for measuring accurate recovery of predicate-argument structure from sentences with embedding. We analyzed the distribution of compchains in three UD English treebanks, EWT, GUM and LinES, revealing that these treebanks are sparse with respect to sentences with predicate-argument structure that includes predicate-argument embedding. We evaluated the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task UDPipe (v1.2) baseline (dependency parsing) models as compchain classifiers for the EWT, GUMS and LinES UD treebanks. Our results indicate that these three baseline models exhibit poorer performance on sentences with predicate-argument structure with more than one level of embedding; we used compchains to characterize the errors made by these parsers and present examples of erroneous parses produced by the parser that were identified using compchains. We also analyzed the distribution of compchains in 58 non-English UD treebanks and then used compchains to evaluate the CoNLL'18 Shared Task baseline model for each of these treebanks. Our analysis shows that performance with respect to compchain classification is only weakly correlated with the official evaluation metrics (LAS, MLAS and BLEX). We identify gaps in the distribution of compchains in several of the UD treebanks, thus providing a roadmap for how these treebanks may be supplemented. We conclude by discussing how compchains provide a new perspective on the sparsity of training data for UD parsers, as well as the accuracy of the resulting UD parses.

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