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System description for ProfNER - SMMH: Optimized finetuning of a pretrained transformer and word vectors

وصف النظام للبرنامج - SMMH: الأمثل Finetuning من محول محول مسبقا ونظارات Word

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This shared task system description depicts two neural network architectures submitted to the ProfNER track, among them the winning system that scored highest in the two sub-tasks 7a and 7b. We present in detail the approach, preprocessing steps and the architectures used to achieve the submitted results, and also provide a GitHub repository to reproduce the scores. The winning system is based on a transformer-based pretrained language model and solves the two sub-tasks simultaneously.

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Text variational autoencoders (VAEs) are notorious for posterior collapse, a phenomenon where the model's decoder learns to ignore signals from the encoder. Because posterior collapse is known to be exacerbated by expressive decoders, Transformers ha ve seen limited adoption as components of text VAEs. Existing studies that incorporate Transformers into text VAEs (Li et al., 2020; Fang et al., 2021) mitigate posterior collapse using massive pretraining, a technique unavailable to most of the research community without extensive computing resources. We present a simple two-phase training scheme to convert a sequence-to-sequence Transformer into a VAE with just finetuning. The resulting language model is competitive with massively pretrained Transformer-based VAEs in some internal metrics while falling short on others. To facilitate training we comprehensively explore the impact of common posterior collapse alleviation techniques in the literature. We release our code for reproducability.
In a current experiment we were testing CommonGen dataset for structure-to-text task from GEM living benchmark with the constraint based POINTER model. POINTER represents a hybrid architecture, combining insertion-based and transformer paradigms, pre dicting the token and the insertion position at the same time. The text is therefore generated gradually in a parallel non-autoregressive manner, given the set of keywords. The pretrained model was fine-tuned on a training split of the CommonGen dataset and the generation result was compared to the validation and challenge splits. The received metrics outputs, which measure lexical equivalence, semantic similarity and diversity, are discussed in details in a present system description.
Lexical Complexity Prediction (LCP) involves assigning a difficulty score to a particular word or expression, in a text intended for a target audience. In this paper, we introduce a new deep learning-based system for this challenging task. The propos ed system consists of a deep learning model, based on pre-trained transformer encoder, for word and Multi-Word Expression (MWE) complexity prediction. First, on top of the encoder's contextualized word embedding, our model employs an attention layer on the input context and the complex word or MWE. Then, the attention output is concatenated with the pooled output of the encoder and passed to a regression module. We investigate both single-task and joint training on both Sub-Tasks data using multiple pre-trained transformer-based encoders. The obtained results are very promising and show the effectiveness of fine-tuning pre-trained transformers for LCP task.
Transformer has achieved great success in the NLP field by composing various advanced models like BERT and GPT. However, Transformer and its existing variants may not be optimal in capturing token distances because the position or distance embeddings used by these methods usually cannot keep the precise information of real distances, which may not be beneficial for modeling the orders and relations of contexts. In this paper, we propose DA-Transformer, which is a distance-aware Transformer that can exploit the real distance. We propose to incorporate the real distances between tokens to re-scale the raw self-attention weights, which are computed by the relevance between attention query and key. Concretely, in different self-attention heads the relative distance between each pair of tokens is weighted by different learnable parameters, which control the different preferences on long- or short-term information of these heads. Since the raw weighted real distances may not be optimal for adjusting self-attention weights, we propose a learnable sigmoid function to map them into re-scaled coefficients that have proper ranges. We first clip the raw self-attention weights via the ReLU function to keep non-negativity and introduce sparsity, and then multiply them with the re-scaled coefficients to encode real distance information into self-attention. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets show that DA-Transformer can effectively improve the performance of many tasks and outperform the vanilla Transformer and its several variants.
Due to its effectiveness and performance, the Transformer translation model has attracted wide attention, most recently in terms of probing-based approaches. Previous work focuses on using or probing source linguistic features in the encoder. To date , the way word translation evolves in Transformer layers has not yet been investigated. Naively, one might assume that encoder layers capture source information while decoder layers translate. In this work, we show that this is not quite the case: translation already happens progressively in encoder layers and even in the input embeddings. More surprisingly, we find that some of the lower decoder layers do not actually do that much decoding. We show all of this in terms of a probing approach where we project representations of the layer analyzed to the final trained and frozen classifier level of the Transformer decoder to measure word translation accuracy. Our findings motivate and explain a Transformer configuration change: if translation already happens in the encoder layers, perhaps we can increase the number of encoder layers, while decreasing the number of decoder layers, boosting decoding speed, without loss in translation quality? Our experiments show that this is indeed the case: we can increase speed by up to a factor 2.3 with small gains in translation quality, while an 18-4 deep encoder configuration boosts translation quality by +1.42 BLEU (En-De) at a speed-up of 1.4.

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