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The influence of microlensing on the shape of the AGN Fe K-alpha line

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 Added by Luka C. Popovic
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the influence of gravitational microlensing on the AGN Fe K-alpha line confirming that unexpected enhancements recently detected in the iron line of some AGNs can be produced by this effect. We use a ray tracing method to study the influence of microlensing in the emission coming from a compact accretion disc considering both geometries, Schwarzschild and Kerr. Thanks to the small dimensions of the region producing the AGN Fe K-alpha line, the Einstein Ring Radii associated to even very small compact objects have size comparable to the accretion disc hence producing noticeable changes in the line profiles. Asymmetrical enhancements contributing differently to the peaks or to the core of the line are produced by a microlens, off-centered with respect to the accretion disc. In the standard configuration of microlensing by a compact object in an intervening galaxy, we found that the effects on the iron line are two orders of magnitude larger than those expected in the optical or UV emission lines. In particular, microlensing can satisfactorily explain the excess in the iron line emission found very recently in two gravitational lens systems, H 1413+117 and MG J0414+0534. Exploring other physical {scenario} for microlensing, we found that compact objects (of the order of one Solar mass) which belong to {the bulge or the halo} of the host galaxy can also produce significant changes in the Fe K$_alpha$ line profile of an AGN. However, the optical depth estimated for this type of microlensing is {very small, $tausim 0.001$, even in a favorable case.

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The observed enhancement of the Fe K$alpha$ line in three gravitationally lensed QSOs (MG J0414+0534, QSO 2237+0305, H1413+117) is interpreted in terms of microlensing, even when equivalent X-ray continuum amplification is not observed. In order to interpret these observations, first we studied the effects of microlensing on quasars spectra, produced by straight fold caustic crossing over standard relativistic accretion disk. The disk emission was analyzed using the ray tracing method, considering Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics. When the emission is separated in two regions (an inner disk corresponding to the Fe K$alpha$ line and an outer annulus corresponding to the continuum, or vice-versa) we find microlensing events which enhance the Fe K$alpha$ line without noticeable amplification of the X-ray continuum, but only during a limited time interval. Continuum amplification is expected if a complete microlensing event is monitored. Second, we studied a more realistic case of amplification by caustic magnification pattern. In this case we could satisfactorily explain the observations if the Fe K$alpha$ line is emitted from the innermost part of the accretion disk, while the continuum is emitted from a larger region. Also, we studied the chromatic effects of microlensing, finding that the radial distribution of temperature in the accretion disk, combined with microlensing itself, can induce wavelength dependent variability of $sim$ 30% for microlenses with very small masses. All these results show that X-ray monitoring of gravitational lenses is a well suited method for studying of the innermost structure of AGN accretion disks.
Observations of the fluorescent Fe K-alpha emission line from the inner accretion flows of stellar mass black holes in X-ray binaries and supermassive black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei have become an important tool to study the magnitude and inclination of the black hole spin, and the structure of the accretion flow close to the event horizon of the black hole. Modeling spectral, timing, and soon also X-ray polarimetric observations of the Fe K-alpha emission requires to calculate the specific intensity in the rest frame of the emitting plasma. We revisit the derivation of the equation used for calculating the illumination of the accretion disk by the corona. We present an alternative derivation leading to a simpler equation, and discuss the relation to the previously published results.
316 - Jiren Liu 2016
X-ray fluorescent lines are unique features of the reflection spectrum of the cold torus when irradiated by the central AGN. Their intrinsic line widths can be used to probe the line-emitting region. The line widths of the Fe Ka line measured from the first order Chandra High Energy Grating (HEG) spectra are $3-5$ times larger than those measured with the Si Ka line for Circinus, Mrk 3, and NGC 1068. Because the observed Si Ka and Fe Ka lines are not necessarily coming from the same physical region, it is uncertain whether the line widths of the Fe Ka line are over-estimated or not. We measured the intrinsic line widths of the Fe Ka line of several nearby bright AGN using the second and third order Chandra HEG spectra, whose spectral resolutions are better than the first order data. We found the measured widths are all smaller than those from the first order data. The results clearly show that the widths of the Fe Ka line measured from the first order HEG data are over-estimated. It indicates that the Fe Ka lines of the studied sources are originating from regions around the cold dusty torus.
We systematically analyzed the high-quality Suzaku data of 88 Seyfert galaxies. We obtained a clear relation between the absorption column density and the equivalent width of the 6.4 keV line above 10$^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$, suggesting a wide-ranging column density of $10^{23-24.5}$ cm$^{-2}$ with a similar solid and a Fe abundance of 0.7--1.3 solar for Seyfert 2 galaxies. The EW of the 6.4 keV line for Seyfert 1 galaxies are typically 40--120 eV, suggesting the existence of Compton-thick matter like the torus with a column density of $>10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ and a solid angle of $(0.15-0.4)*4pi$, and no difference of neutral matter is visible between Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies. An absorber with a lower column density of $10^{21-23}$ cm$^{-2}$ for Compton-thin Seyfert 2 galaxies is suggested to be not a torus but an interstellar medium. These constraints can be understood by the fact that the 6.4 keV line intensity ratio against the 10--50 keV flux is almost identical within a range of 2--3 in many Seyfert galaxies. Interestingly, objects exist with a low EW, 10--30 eV, of the 6.4 keV line, suggesting that those torus subtends only a small solid angle of $<0.2*4pi$. Ionized Fe-K$alpha$ emission or absorption lines are detected from several percents of AGNs. Considering the ionization state and equivalent width, emitters and absorbers of ionized Fe-K lines can be explained by the same origin, and highly ionized matter is located at the broad line region. The rapid increase in EW of the ionized Fe-K emission lines at $N_{H}>10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ is found, like that of the cold material. It is found that these features seem to change for brighter objects with more than several $10^{44}$ erg/s such that the Fe-K line features become weak. We discuss this feature, together with the torus structure.
The centroid energy of the Fe K$alpha$ line has been used to identify the progenitors of supernova remnants (SNRs). These investigations generally considered the energy of the centroid derived from the spectrum of the entire remnant. Here we use {it XMM-Newton} data to investigate the Fe K$alpha$ centroid in 6 SNRs: 3C~397, N132D, W49B, DEM L71, 1E 0102.2-7219, and Kes 73. In Kes 73 and 1E 0102.2-7219, we fail to detect any Fe K$alpha$ emission. We report a tentative first detection of Fe K$alpha$ emission in SNR DEM L71, with a centroid energy consistent with its Type Ia designation. In the remaining remnants, the spatial and spectral sensitivity is sufficient to investigate spatial variations of the Fe K$alpha$ centroid. We find in N132D and W49B that the centroids in different regions are consistent with that derived from the overall spectrum, although not necessarily with the remnant type identified via other means. However, in SNR 3C~397, we find statistically significant variation in the centroid of up to 100 eV, aligning with the variation in the density structure around the remnant. These variations span the intermediate space between centroid energies signifying core-collapse and Type Ia remnants. Shifting the dividing line downwards by 50 eV can place all the centroids in the CC region, but contradicts the remnant type obtained via other means. Our results show that caution must be used when employing the Fe K$alpha$ centroid of the entire remnant as the sole diagnostic for typing a remnant.
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