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Single-particle eigenstate thermalization in quantum-chaotic quadratic Hamiltonians

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 Added by Lev Vidmar
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the matrix elements of local and nonlocal operators in the single-particle eigenstates of two paradigmatic quantum-chaotic quadratic Hamiltonians; the quadratic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK2) model and the three-dimensional Anderson model below the localization transition. We show that they display eigenstate thermalization for normalized observables. Specifically, we show that the diagonal matrix elements exhibit vanishing eigenstate-to-eigenstate fluctuations, and a variance proportional to the inverse Hilbert space dimension. We also demonstrate that the ratio between the variance of the diagonal and the off-diagonal matrix elements is $2$, as predicted by the random matrix theory. We study distributions of matrix elements of observables and establish that they need not be Gaussian. We identify the class of observables for which the distributions are Gaussian.

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129 - Zhihao Lan , Stephen Powell 2017
We use exact diagonalization to study the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) in the quantum dimer model on the square and triangular lattices. Due to the nonergodicity of the local plaquette-flip dynamics, the Hilbert space, which consists of highly constrained close-packed dimer configurations, splits into sectors characterized by topological invariants. We show that this has important consequences for ETH: We find that ETH is clearly satisfied only when each topological sector is treated separately, and only for moderate ratios of the potential and kinetic terms in the Hamiltonian. By contrast, when the spectrum is treated as a whole, ETH breaks down on the square lattice, and apparently also on the triangular lattice. These results demonstrate that quantum dimer models have interesting thermalization dynamics.
We consider a non-interacting many-fermion system populating levels of a unitary random matrix ensemble (equivalent to the q=2 complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model) - a generic model of single-particle quantum chaos. We study the corresponding many-particle level statistics by calculating the spectral form factor analytically using algebraic methods of random matrix theory, and match it with an exact numerical simulation. Despite the integrability of the theory, the many-body spectral rigidity is found to have a surprisingly rich landscape. In particular, we find a residual repulsion of distant many-body levels stemming from single-particle chaos, together with islands of level attraction. These results are encoded in an exponential ramp in the spectral form-factor, which we show to be a universal feature of non-ergodic many-fermion systems embedded in a chaotic medium.
Many phases of matter, including superconductors, fractional quantum Hall fluids and spin liquids, are described by gauge theories with constrained Hilbert spaces. However, thermalization and the applicability of quantum statistical mechanics has primarily been studied in unconstrained Hilbert spaces. In this article, we investigate whether constrained Hilbert spaces permit local thermalization. Specifically, we explore whether the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) holds in a pinned Fibonacci anyon chain, which serves as a representative case study. We first establish that the constrained Hilbert space admits a notion of locality, by showing that the influence of a measurement decays exponentially in space. This suggests that the constraints are no impediment to thermalization. We then provide numerical evidence that ETH holds for the diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of various local observables in a generic disorder-free non-integrable model. We also find that certain non-local observables obey ETH.
We discuss eigenstate correlations for ergodic, spatially extended many-body quantum systems, in terms of the statistical properties of matrix elements of local observables. While the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is known to give an excellent description of these quantities, the butterfly effect implies structure beyond ETH. We determine the universal form of this structure at long distances and small eigenvalue separations for Floquet systems. We use numerical studies of a Floquet quantum circuit to illustrate both the accuracy of ETH and the existence of our predicted additional correlations.
By calculating correlation functions for the Lieb-Liniger model based on the algebraic Bethe ansatz method, we conduct a finite-size scaling analysis of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) which is considered to be a possible mechanism of thermalization in isolated quantum systems. We find that the ETH in the weak sense holds in the thermodynamic limit even for an integrable system although it does not hold in the strong sense. Based on the result of the finite-size scaling analysis, we compare the contribution of the weak ETH to thermalization with that of yet another thermalization mechanism, the typicality, and show that the former gives only a logarithmic correction to the latter.
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