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Information Scrambling with Conservation Laws

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 Added by Laimei Nie
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The delocalization or scrambling of quantum information has emerged as a central ingredient in the understanding of thermalization in isolated quantum many-body systems. Recently, significant progress has been made analytically by modeling non-integrable systems as stochastic systems, lacking a Hamiltonian picture, while honest Hamiltonian dynamics are frequently limited to small system sizes due to computational constraints. In this paper, we address this by investigating the role of conservation laws (including energy conservation) in the thermalization process from an information-theoretic perspective. For general non-integrable models, we use the equilibrium approximation to show that the maximal amount of information is scrambled (as measured by the tripartite mutual information of the time-evolution operator) at late times even when a system conserves energy. In contrast, we explicate how when a system has additional symmetries that lead to degeneracies in the spectrum, the amount of information scrambled must decrease. This general theory is exemplified in case studies of holographic conformal field theories (CFTs) and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Due to the large Virasoro symmetry in 1+1D CFTs, we argue that, in a sense, these holographic theories are not maximally chaotic, which is explicitly seen by the non-saturation of the second Renyi tripartite mutual information. The roles of particle-hole and U(1) symmetries in the SYK model are milder due to the degeneracies being only two-fold, which we confirm explicitly at both large- and small-$N$. We reinterpret the operator entanglement in terms the growth of local operators, connecting our results with the information scrambling described by out-of-time-ordered correlators, identifying the mechanism for suppressed scrambling from the Heisenberg perspective.

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110 - Gong Cheng , Brian Swingle 2021
In this article we discuss the impact of conservation laws, specifically $U(1)$ charge conservation and energy conservation, on scrambling dynamics, especially on the approach to the late time fully scrambled state. As a model, we consider a $d+1$ dimensional ($dgeq 2$) holographic conformal field theory with Einstein gravity dual. Using the holographic dictionary, we calculate out-of-time-order-correlators (OTOCs) that involve the conserved $U(1)$ current operator or energy-momentum tensor. We show that these OTOCs approach their late time value as a power law in time, with a universal exponent $frac{d}{2}$. We also generalize the result to compute OTOCs between general operators which have overlap with the conserved charges.
75 - Asmi Haldar , Arnab Das 2021
Equilibrium statistical mechanics rests on the assumption of ergodic dynamics of a system modulo the conservation laws of local observables: extremization of entropy immediately gives Gibbs ensemble (GE) for energy conserving systems and a generalized version of it (GGE) when the number of local conserved quantities (LCQ) is more than one. Through the last decade, statistical mechanics has been extended to describe the late-time behaviour of periodically driven (Floquet) quantum matter starting from a generic state. The structure built on the fundamental assumptions of ergodicity and identification of the relevant conservation laws in this inherently non-equilibrium setting. More recently, it has been shown that the statistical mechanics has a much richer structure due to the existence of {it emergent} conservation laws: these are approximate but stable conservation laws arising {it due to the drive}, and are not present in the undriven system. Extensive numerical and analytical results support perpetual stability of these emergent (though approximate) conservation laws, probably even in the thermodynamic limit. This banks on the recent finding of a sharp ergodicity threshold for Floquet thermalization in clean, interacting non-integrable Floquet systems. This opens up a new possibility of stable Floquet engineering in such systems. This review intends to give a theoretical overview of these developments. We conclude by briefly surveying the experimental scenario.
182 - Eiki Iyoda , , Takahiro Sagawa 2017
We systematically investigate scrambling (or delocalizing) processes of quantum information encoded in quantum many-body systems by using numerical exact diagonalization. As a measure of scrambling, we adopt the tripartite mutual information (TMI) that becomes negative when quantum information is delocalized. We clarify that scrambling is an independent property of integrability of Hamiltonians; TMI can be negative or positive for both integrable and non-integrable systems. This implies that scrambling is a separate concept from conventional quantum chaos characterized by non-integrability. Furthermore, we calculate TMI in disordered systems such as many-body localized (MBL) systems and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. We find that scrambling occurs but is slow in a MBL phase, while disorder in the SYK model does not make scrambling slower but makes it smoother.
Interaction in quantum systems can spread initially localized quantum information into the many degrees of freedom of the entire system. Understanding this process, known as quantum scrambling, is the key to resolving various conundrums in physics. Here, by measuring the time-dependent evolution and fluctuation of out-of-time-order correlators, we experimentally investigate the dynamics of quantum scrambling on a 53-qubit quantum processor. We engineer quantum circuits that distinguish the two mechanisms associated with quantum scrambling, operator spreading and operator entanglement, and experimentally observe their respective signatures. We show that while operator spreading is captured by an efficient classical model, operator entanglement requires exponentially scaled computational resources to simulate. These results open the path to studying complex and practically relevant physical observables with near-term quantum processors.
We provide a protocol to measure out-of-time-order correlation functions. These correlation functions are of theoretical interest for diagnosing the scrambling of quantum information in black holes and strongly interacting quantum systems generally. Measuring them requires an echo-type sequence in which the sign of a many-body Hamiltonian is reversed. We detail an implementation employing cold atoms and cavity quantum electrodynamics to realize the chaotic kicked top model, and we analyze effects of dissipation to verify its feasibility with current technology. Finally, we propose in broad strokes a number of other experimental platforms where similar out-of-time-order correlation functions can be measured.
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