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Adv-Makeup: A New Imperceptible and Transferable Attack on Face Recognition

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 Added by Bangjie Yin
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Deep neural networks, particularly face recognition models, have been shown to be vulnerable to both digital and physical adversarial examples. However, existing adversarial examples against face recognition systems either lack transferability to black-box models, or fail to be implemented in practice. In this paper, we propose a unified adversarial face generation method - Adv-Makeup, which can realize imperceptible and transferable attack under black-box setting. Adv-Makeup develops a task-driven makeup generation method with the blending module to synthesize imperceptible eye shadow over the orbital region on faces. And to achieve transferability, Adv-Makeup implements a fine-grained meta-learning adversarial attack strategy to learn more general attack features from various models. Compared to existing techniques, sufficient visualization results demonstrate that Adv-Makeup is capable to generate much more imperceptible attacks under both digital and physical scenarios. Meanwhile, extensive quantitative experiments show that Adv-Makeup can significantly improve the attack success rate under black-box setting, even attacking commercial systems.

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125 - Yongwei Wang , Xin Ding , Li Ding 2020
Recently, generative adversarial networks (GANs) can generate photo-realistic fake facial images which are perceptually indistinguishable from real face photos, promoting research on fake face detection. Though fake face forensics can achieve high detection accuracy, their anti-forensic counterparts are less investigated. Here we explore more textit{imperceptible} and textit{transferable} anti-forensics for fake face imagery detection based on adversarial attacks. Since facial and background regions are often smooth, even small perturbation could cause noticeable perceptual impairment in fake face images. Therefore it makes existing adversarial attacks ineffective as an anti-forensic method. Our perturbation analysis reveals the intuitive reason of the perceptual degradation issue when directly applying existing attacks. We then propose a novel adversarial attack method, better suitable for image anti-forensics, in the transformed color domain by considering visual perception. Simple yet effective, the proposed method can fool both deep learning and non-deep learning based forensic detectors, achieving higher attack success rate and significantly improved visual quality. Specially, when adversaries consider imperceptibility as a constraint, the proposed anti-forensic method can improve the average attack success rate by around 30% on fake face images over two baseline attacks. textit{More imperceptible} and textit{more transferable}, the proposed method raises new security concerns to fake face imagery detection. We have released our code for public use, and hopefully the proposed method can be further explored in related forensic applications as an anti-forensic benchmark.
Although deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to be susceptible to image-agnostic adversarial attacks on natural image classification problems, the effects of such attacks on DNN-based texture recognition have yet to be explored. As part of our work, we find that limiting the perturbations $l_p$ norm in the spatial domain may not be a suitable way to restrict the perceptibility of universal adversarial perturbations for texture images. Based on the fact that human perception is affected by local visual frequency characteristics, we propose a frequency-tuned universal attack method to compute universal perturbations in the frequency domain. Our experiments indicate that our proposed method can produce less perceptible perturbations yet with a similar or higher white-box fooling rates on various DNN texture classifiers and texture datasets as compared to existing universal attack techniques. We also demonstrate that our approach can improve the attack robustness against defended models as well as the cross-dataset transferability for texture recognition problems.
Deep learning face recognition models are used by state-of-the-art surveillance systems to identify individuals passing through public areas (e.g., airports). Previous studies have demonstrated the use of adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks to successfully evade identification by such systems, both in the digital and physical domains. Attacks in the physical domain, however, require significant manipulation to the human participants face, which can raise suspicion by human observers (e.g. airport security officers). In this study, we present a novel black-box AML attack which carefully crafts natural makeup, which, when applied on a human participant, prevents the participant from being identified by facial recognition models. We evaluated our proposed attack against the ArcFace face recognition model, with 20 participants in a real-world setup that includes two cameras, different shooting angles, and different lighting conditions. The evaluation results show that in the digital domain, the face recognition system was unable to identify all of the participants, while in the physical domain, the face recognition system was able to identify the participants in only 1.22% of the frames (compared to 47.57% without makeup and 33.73% with random natural makeup), which is below a reasonable threshold of a realistic operational environment.
The existing face recognition datasets usually lack occlusion samples, which hinders the development of face recognition. Especially during the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, wearing a mask has become an effective means of preventing the virus spread. Traditional CNN-based face recognition models trained on existing datasets are almost ineffective for heavy occlusion. To this end, we pioneer a simulated occlusion face recognition dataset. In particular, we first collect a variety of glasses and masks as occlusion, and randomly combine the occlusion attributes (occlusion objects, textures,and colors) to achieve a large number of more realistic occlusion types. We then cover them in the proper position of the face image with the normal occlusion habit. Furthermore, we reasonably combine original normal face images and occluded face images to form our final dataset, termed as Webface-OCC. It covers 804,704 face images of 10,575 subjects, with diverse occlusion types to ensure its diversity and stability. Extensive experiments on public datasets show that the ArcFace retrained by our dataset significantly outperforms the state-of-the-arts. Webface-OCC is available at
Face authentication is now widely used, especially on mobile devices, rather than authentication using a personal identification number or an unlock pattern, due to its convenience. It has thus become a tempting target for attackers using a presentation attack. Traditional presentation attacks use facial images or videos of the victim. Previous work has proven the existence of master faces, i.e., faces that match multiple enrolled templates in face recognition systems, and their existence extends the ability of presentation attacks. In this paper, we perform an extensive study on latent variable evolution (LVE), a method commonly used to generate master faces. We run an LVE algorithm for various scenarios and with more than one database and/or face recognition system to study the properties of the master faces and to understand in which conditions strong master faces could be generated. Moreover, through analysis, we hypothesize that master faces come from some dense areas in the embedding spaces of the face recognition systems. Last but not least, simulated presentation attacks using generated master faces generally preserve the false-matching ability of their original digital forms, thus demonstrating that the existence of master faces poses an actual threat.
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