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Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in ultra-thin Cu$_2$Sb-type (Mn-Cr)AlGe films onto thermally oxidized silicon substrates

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 Added by Takahide Kubota
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Perpendicularly magnetized films showing small saturation magnetization, $M_mathrm{s}$, are essential for spin-transfer-torque writing type magnetoresistive random access memories, STT-MRAMs. An intermetallic compound, {(Mn-Cr)AlGe} of the Cu$_2$Sb-type crystal structure was investigated, in this study, as a material showing the low $M_mathrm{s}$ ($sim 300$ kA/m) and high-perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, $K_mathrm{u}$. The layer thickness dependence of $K_mathrm{u}$ and effects of Mg-insertion layers at top and bottom (Mn-Cr)AlGe$|$MgO interfaces were studied in film samples fabricated onto thermally oxidized silicon substrates to realize high-$K_mathrm{u}$ in the thickness range of a few nanometer. Optimum Mg-insertion thicknesses were 1.4 and 3.0 nm for the bottom and the top interfaces, respectively, which were relatively thick compared to results in similar insertion effect investigations on magnetic tunnel junctions reported in previous studies. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscope images revealed that the Mg-insertion layers acted as barriers to interdiffusion of Al-atoms as well as oxidization from the MgO layers. The values of $K_mathrm{u}$ were about $7 times 10^5$ and $2 times 10^5$ J/m$^3$ at room temperature for 5 and 3 nm-thick (Mn-Cr)AlGe films, respectively, with the optimum Mg-insertion thicknesses. The $K_mathrm{u}$ at a few nanometer thicknesses is comparable or higher than those reported in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB films which are conventionally used in MRAMs, while the $M_mathrm{s}$ value is one third or less smaller than those of the CoFeB films. The developed (Mn-Cr)AlGe films are promising from the viewpoint of not only the magnetic properties, but also the compatibility to the silicon process in the film fabrication.

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Domain structures in CoFeB-MgO thin films with a perpendicular easy magnetization axis were observed by magneto-optic Kerr-effect microscopy at various temperatures. The domain wall surface energy was obtained by analyzing the spatial period of the stripe domains and fitting established domain models to the period. In combination with SQUID measurements of magnetization and anisotropy energy, this leads to an estimate of the exchange stiffness and domain wall width in these films. These parameters are essential for determining whether domain walls will form in patterned structures and devices made of such materials.
Perpendicular magnetization is essential for high-density memory application using magnetic materials. High-spin polarization of conduction electrons is also required for realizing large electric signals from spin-dependent transport phenomena. Heusler alloy is a well-known material class showing the half-metallic electronic structure. However, its cubic lattice nature favors in-plane magnetization and thus minimizes the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), in general. This study focuses on an inverse-type Heusler alloy, Mn$_{2-delta}$CoGa$_{1+delta}$ (MCG) with a small off-stoichiometry ($delta$) , which is expected to be a half-metallic material. We observed relatively large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy ($K_mathrm{u}$) of the order of 10$^5$ J/m$^3$ at room temperature in MCG films with a small tetragonal distortion of a few percent. A positive correlation was confirmed between the $c/a$ ratio of lattice constants and $K_mathrm{u}$. Imaging of magnetic domains using Kerr microscopy clearly demonstrated a change in the domain patterns along with $K_mathrm{u}$. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) was employed using synchrotron radiation soft x-ray beam to get insight into the origin for PMA. Negligible angular variation of orbital magnetic moment ($Delta m_mathrm{orb}$) evaluated using the XMCD spectra suggested a minor role of the so-called Brunos term to $K_mathrm{u}$. Our first principles calculation reasonably explained the small $Delta m_mathrm{orb}$ and the positive correlation between the $c/a$ ratio and $K_mathrm{u}$. The origin of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy was discussed based on the second-order perturbation theory in terms of the spin-orbit coupling, claiming that the mixing of the occupied $uparrow$- and the unoccupied $downarrow$-spin states is responsible for the PMA of the MCG films.
We present experimental control of the magnetic anisotropy in a gadolinium iron garnet (GdIG) thin film from in-plane to perpendicular anisotropy by simply changing the sample temperature. The magnetic hysteresis loops obtained by SQUID magnetometry measurements unambiguously reveal a change of the magnetically easy axis from out-of-plane to in-plane depending on the sample temperature. Additionally, we confirm these findings by the use of temperature dependent broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy (FMR). In order to determine the effective magnetization, we utilize the intrinsic advantage of FMR spectroscopy which allows to determine the magnetic anisotropy independent of the paramagnetic substrate, while magnetometry determines the combined magnetic moment from film and substrate. This enables us to quantitatively evaluate the anisotropy and the smooth transition from in-plane to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Furthermore, we derive the temperature dependent $g$-factor and the Gilbert damping of the GdIG thin film.
Large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in transition metal thin films provides a pathway for enabling the intriguing physics of nanomagnetism and developing broad spintronics applications. After decades of searches for promising materials, the energy scale of PMA of transition metal thin films, unfortunately, remains only about 1 meV. This limitation has become a major bottleneck in the development of ultradense storage and memory devices. We discovered unprecedented PMA in Fe thin-film growth on the $(000bar{1})$ N-terminated surface of III-V nitrides from first-principles calculations. PMA ranges from 24.1 meV/u.c. in Fe/BN to 53.7 meV/u.c. in Fe/InN. Symmetry-protected degeneracy between $x^2-y^2$ and $xy$ orbitals and its lift by the spin-orbit coupling play a dominant role. As a consequence, PMA in Fe/III-V nitride thin films is dominated by first-order perturbation of the spin-orbit coupling, instead of second-order in conventional transition metal/oxide thin films. This game-changing scenario would also open a new field of magnetism on transition metal/nitride interfaces.
159 - G. Z. Xu , Y. Du , X. M. Zhang 2014
Spin gapless semiconductors are interesting novel class of materials by embracing both magnetism and semiconducting. Its potential application in future spintronics requires realization in thin film form. In this letter, we report a successful growth of spin gapless Mn2CoAl films on thermally oxidized Si substrates by magnetron sputtering deposition. The films deposited at 673K are well oriented to (001) direction and display a uniform-crystalline surface. Magnetotransport measurements on the oriented films reveal a semiconducting-like resistivity, small anomalous Hall conductivity and linear magnetoresistance (MR) representative of the transport signatures of spin gapless semiconductors. The magnetic properties of the films have also been investigated and compared to that of bulk Mn2CoAl, with small discrepancy induced by the composition deviation.
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