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We estimate the rate of tidal disruption events (TDEs) that will be detectable with future space-based gravitational wave detectors as well as the most probable properties of these events. We find that the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be able to detect up to few 10 events, but this number will strongly depend on our ability to disentangle the signal from the noise. The future number of (non-)observation will add additional constraints on the typical age of stars surrounding central black holes (BHs), however it will not constrain the unknown regimes of the BH mass function. Most probable events will involve 10 M$_odot$ stars around few $10^6$ M$_odot$ BHs and will be detectable in the X-ray and optical part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which may open the multi-messenger era for TDEs. The generation of detectors following LISA will routinely detect gravitational waves from TDEs at cosmological distances.
Tidal disruption events are an excellent probe for supermassive black holes in distant inactive galaxies because they show bright multi-wavelength flares lasting several months to years. AT2019dsg presents the first potential association with neutrino emission from such an explosive event.
Recent claimed detections of tidal disruption events (TDEs) in multi-wavelength data have opened potential new windows into the evolution and properties of otherwise dormant supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the centres of galaxies. At present, there are several dozen TDE candidates, which share some properties and differ in others. The range in properties is broad enough to overlap other transient types, such as active galactic nuclei (AGN) and supernovae (SNe), which can make TDE classification ambiguous. A further complication is that TDE signatures have not been uniformly observed to similar sensitivities or even targeted across all candidates. This chapter reviews those events that are unusual relative to other TDEs, including the possibility of TDEs in pre-existing AGN, and summarises those characteristics thought to best distinguish TDEs from continuously accreting AGN, strongly flaring AGN, SNe, and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), as well as other potential impostors like stellar collisions, micro-TDEs, and circumbinary accretion flows. We conclude that multiple observables should be used to classify any one event as a TDE. We also consider the TDE candidate population as a whole, which, for certain host galaxy or SMBH characteristics, is distinguishable statistically from non-TDEs, suggesting that at least some TDE candidates do in fact arise from SMBH-disrupted stars.
A tidal disruption event (TDE) occurs when a star plunges through a supermassive black holes tidal radius, at which point the stars self-gravity is overwhelmed by the tidal gravity of the black hole. In a partial TDE, where the star does not reach the full disruption radius, only a fraction of the stars mass is tidally stripped while the rest remains intact in the form of a surviving core. Analytical arguments have recently suggested that the temporal scaling of the fallback rate of debris to the black hole asymptotes to $t^{-9/4}$ for partial disruptions, effectively independently of the mass of the intact core. We present hydrodynamical simulations that verify the existence of this predicted, $t^{-9/4}$ scaling. We also define a break timescale -- the time at which the fallback rate transitions from a $t^{-5/3}$ scaling to the characteristic $t^{-9/4}$ scaling -- and measure this break timescale as a function of the impact parameter and the surviving core mass. These results deepen our understanding of the properties and breadth of possible fallback curves expected from TDEs and will therefore facilitate more accurate interpretation of data from wide-field surveys.
In this paper we derive the gravitational wave stochastic background from tidal disruption events (TDEs). We focus on both the signal emitted by main sequence stars disrupted by super-massive black holes (SMBHs) in galaxy nuclei, and on that from disruptions of white dwarfs by intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) located in globular clusters. We show that the characteristic strain $h_{rm c}$s dependence on frequency is shaped by the pericenter distribution of events within the tidal radius, and under standard assumptions $h_{rm c} propto f^{-1/2}$. This is because the TDE signal is a burst of gravitational waves at the orbital frequency of the closest approach. In addition, we compare the background characteristic strains with the sensitivity curves of the upcoming generation of space-based gravitational wave interferometers: the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), TianQin, ALIA, the DECI-hertz inteferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO) and the Big Bang Observer (BBO). We find that the background produced by main sequence stars might be just detected by BBO in its lowest frequency coverage, but it is too weak for all the other instruments. On the other hand, the background signal from TDEs with white dwarfs will be within reach of ALIA, and especially of DECIGO and BBO, while it is below the LISA and TianQin sensitive curves. This background signal detection will not only provide evidence for the existence of IMBHs up to redshift $zsim 3$, but it will also inform us on the number of globular clusters per galaxy and on the occupation fraction of IMBHs in these environments.
The discovery of jets from tidal disruption events (TDEs) rejuvenated the old field of relativistic jets powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes. In this Chapter, we first review the extensive multi-wavelength observations of jetted TDEs. Then, we show that these events provide valuable information on many aspects of jet physics from a new prospective, including the on-and-off switch of jet launching, jet propagation through the ambient medium, $gamma/$X-ray radiation mechanism, jet composition, and the multi-messenger picture. Finally, open questions and future prospects in this field are summarized.