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Multi-Wavelength Photometry Derived from Monochromatic Kepler Data

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 Added by Christina Hedges
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Kepler mission has provided a wealth of data, revealing new insights in time-domain astronomy. However, Keplers single band-pass has limited studies to a single wavelength. In this work we build a data-driven, pixel-level model for the Pixel Response Function (PRF) of Kepler targets, modeling the image data from the spacecraft. Our model is sufficiently flexible to capture known detector effects, such as non-linearity, intra-pixel sensitivity variations, and focus change. In theory, the shape of the Kepler PRF should also be weakly wavelength dependent, due to optical chromatic aberration and wavelength dependent detector response functions. We are able to identify these predicted shape changes to the PRF using the residuals between Kepler data and our model. In this work, we show that these PRF changes correspond to wavelength variability in Kepler targets using a small sample of eclipsing binaries. Using our model, we demonstrate that pixel-level light curves of eclipsing binaries show variable eclipse depths, ellipsoidal modulation and limb darkening. These changes at the pixel level are consistent with multi-wavelength photometry. Our work suggests each pixel in the Kepler data of a single target has a different effective wavelength, ranging from $approx$ 550-750 $nm$. In this proof of concept, we demonstrate our model, and discuss possible use cases for the wavelength dependent Pixel Response Function of Kepler. These use cases include characterizing variable systems, and vetting exoplanet discoveries at the pixel level. The chromatic PRF of Kepler is due to weak wavelength dependence in the optical systems and detector of the telescope, and similar chromatic PRFs are expected in other similar telescopes, notably the NASA TESS telescope.

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High-precision time series photometry with the Kepler satellite has been crucial to our understanding both of exoplanets, and via asteroseismology, of stellar physics. After the failure of two reaction wheels, the Kepler satellite has been repurposed as Kepler-2 (K2), observing fields close to the ecliptic plane. As these fields contain many more bright stars than the original Kepler field, K2 provides an unprecedented opportunity to study nearby objects amenable to detailed follow-up with ground-based instruments. Due to bandwidth constraints, only a small fraction of pixels can be downloaded, with the result that most bright stars which saturate the detector are not observed. We show that engineering data acquired for photometric calibration, consisting of collateral `smear measurements, can be used to reconstruct light curves for bright targets not otherwise observable with Kepler/K2. Here we present some examples from Kepler Quarter 6 and K2 Campaign 3, including the delta Scuti variables HD 178875 and 70 Aqr, and the red giant HR 8500 displaying solar-like oscillations. We compare aperture and smear photometry where possible, and also study targets not previously observed. These encouraging results suggest this new method can be applied to most Kepler and K2 fields.
The Kepler Mission was launched on March 6, 2009 to perform a photometric survey of more than 100,000 dwarf stars to search for Earth-size planets with the transit technique. The reliability of the resulting planetary candidate list relies on the ability to identify and remove false positives. Major sources of astrophysical false positives are planetary transits and stellar eclipses on background stars. We describe several new techniques for the identification of background transit sources that are separated from their target stars, indicating an astrophysical false positive. These techniques use only Kepler photometric data. We describe the concepts and construction of these techniques in detail as well as their performance and relative merits.
Multi-messenger astronomy is becoming the key to understanding the Universe from a comprehensive perspective. In most cases, the data and the technology are already in place, therefore it is important to provide an easily-accessible package that combines datasets from multiple telescopes at different wavelengths. In order to achieve this, we are working to produce a data analysis pipeline that allows the data reduction from different instruments without needing detailed knowledge of each observation. Ideally, the specifics of each observation are automatically dealt with, while the necessary information on how to handle the data in each case is provided by a tutorial that is included in the program. We first focus our project on the study of pulsars and their wind nebulae (PWNe) at radio and gamma-ray frequencies. In this way, we aim to combine time-domain and imaging datasets at two extremes of the electromagnetic spectrum. In addition, the emission has the same non-thermal origin in pulsars at radio and gamma-ray frequencies, and the population of electrons is believed to be the same at these energies in PWNe. The final goal of the project will be to unveil the properties of these objects by tracking their behaviour using all of the available multi-wavelength data.
172 - M. Zhang , G. A. Bakos (1 , 2 2015
Ground-based exoplanet surveys such as SuperWASP, HATNet and KELT have discovered close to two hundred transiting extrasolar planets in the past several years. The strategy of these surveys is to look at a large field of view and measure the brightnesses of its bright stars to around half a percent per point precision, which is adequate for detecting hot Jupiters. Typically, these surveys use CCD detectors to achieve high precision photometry. These CCDs, however, are expensive relative to other consumer-grade optical imaging devices, such as digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs). We look at the possibility of using a digital single-lens reflex camera for precision photometry. Specifically, we used a Canon EOS 60D camera that records light in 3 colors simultaneously. The DSLR was integrated into the HATNet survey and collected observations for a month, after which photometry was extracted for 6600 stars in a selected stellar field. We found that the DSLR achieves a best-case median absolute deviation (MAD) of 4.6 mmag per 180 s exposure when the DSLR color channels are combined, and 1000 stars are measured to better than 10 mmag (1%). Also, we achieve 10,mmag or better photometry in the individual colors. This is good enough to detect transiting hot Jupiters. We performed a candidate search on all stars and found four candidates, one of which is KELT-3b, the only known transiting hot Jupiter in our selected field. We conclude that the Canon 60D is a cheap, lightweight device capable of useful photometry in multiple colors.
159 - Vivienne Wild 2014
We present a new method to classify the broad band optical-NIR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies using three shape parameters (super-colours) based on a Principal Component Analysis of model SEDs. As well as providing a compact representation of the wide variety of SED shapes, the method allows for easy visualisation of information loss and biases caused by the incomplete sampling of the rest-frame SED as a function of redshift. We apply the method to galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey with 0.9<z<1.2, and confirm our classifications by stacking rest-frame optical spectra for a fraction of objects in each class. As well as cleanly separating a tight red-sequence from star-forming galaxies, three unusual populations are identifiable by their unique colours: very dusty star-forming galaxies with high metallicity and old mean stellar age; post-starburst galaxies which have formed greater than around 10% of their mass in a recent unsustained starburst event; and metal-poor quiescent dwarf galaxies. We find that quiescent galaxies account for 45% of galaxies with log(M*/Msol)>11, declining steadily to 13% at log(M*/Msol)=10. The properties and mass-function of the post-starburst galaxies are consistent with a scenario in which gas-rich mergers contribute to the growth of the low and intermediate mass range of the red sequence.
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