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Precision multi-band photometry with a DSLR camera

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 Added by Gaspar A. Bakos
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Ground-based exoplanet surveys such as SuperWASP, HATNet and KELT have discovered close to two hundred transiting extrasolar planets in the past several years. The strategy of these surveys is to look at a large field of view and measure the brightnesses of its bright stars to around half a percent per point precision, which is adequate for detecting hot Jupiters. Typically, these surveys use CCD detectors to achieve high precision photometry. These CCDs, however, are expensive relative to other consumer-grade optical imaging devices, such as digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs). We look at the possibility of using a digital single-lens reflex camera for precision photometry. Specifically, we used a Canon EOS 60D camera that records light in 3 colors simultaneously. The DSLR was integrated into the HATNet survey and collected observations for a month, after which photometry was extracted for 6600 stars in a selected stellar field. We found that the DSLR achieves a best-case median absolute deviation (MAD) of 4.6 mmag per 180 s exposure when the DSLR color channels are combined, and 1000 stars are measured to better than 10 mmag (1%). Also, we achieve 10,mmag or better photometry in the individual colors. This is good enough to detect transiting hot Jupiters. We performed a candidate search on all stars and found four candidates, one of which is KELT-3b, the only known transiting hot Jupiter in our selected field. We conclude that the Canon 60D is a cheap, lightweight device capable of useful photometry in multiple colors.

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ASTERIA (Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research In Astrophysics) is a 6U CubeSat space telescope (10 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm, 10 kg). ASTERIAs primary mission objective was demonstrating two key technologies for reducing systematic noise in photometric observations: high-precision pointing control and high-stabilty thermal control. ASTERIA demonstrated 0.5 arcsecond RMS pointing stability and $pm$10 milliKelvin thermal control of its camera payload during its primary mission, a significant improvement in pointing and thermal performance compared to other spacecraft in ASTERIAs size and mass class. ASTERIA launched in August 2017 and deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) November 2017. During the prime mission (November 2017 -- February 2018) and the first extended mission that followed (March 2018 - May 2018), ASTERIA conducted opportunistic science observations which included collection of photometric data on 55 Cancri, a nearby exoplanetary system with a super-Earth transiting planet. The 55 Cancri data were reduced using a custom pipeline to correct CMOS detector column-dependent gain variations. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach was used to simultaneously detrend the photometry using a simple baseline model and fit a transit model. ASTERIA made a marginal detection of the known transiting exoplanet 55 Cancri e ($sim2$~Rearth), measuring a transit depth of $374pm170$ ppm. This is the first detection of an exoplanet transit by a CubeSat. The successful detection of super-Earth 55 Cancri e demonstrates that small, inexpensive spacecraft can deliver high-precision photometric measurements.
We present a new method employing machine learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high precision photometry using Random Forests. The main systematic in IRAC light curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet spot pixel) to make a fast, easy to use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent dataset instead of using the science data on itself, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of ten archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 +- 200 parts per million. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods, however the spread in measurements is 30-100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial dataset of XO-3b as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test datasets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet.
The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS, launched early 2018) is expected to find a multitude of new transiting planet candidates around the nearest and brightest stars. Timely high-precision follow-up observations from the ground are essential in confirming and further characterizing the planet candidates that TESS will find. However, achieving extreme photometric precisions from the ground is challenging, as ground-based telescopes are subject to numerous deleterious atmospheric effects. Beam-shaping diffusers are emerging as a low-cost technology to achieve hitherto unachievable differential photometric precisions from the ground. These diffusers mold the focal plane image of a star into a broad and stable top-hat shape, minimizing photometric errors due to non-uniform pixel response, atmospheric seeing effects, imperfect guiding, and telescope-induced variable aberrations seen in defocusing. In this paper, we expand on our previous work (Stefansson et al. 2017; Stefansson et al. 2018 [submitted]), providing a further detailed discussion of key guidelines when sizing a diffuser for use on a telescope. Furthermore, we present our open source Python package iDiffuse which can calculate the expected PSF size of a diffuser in a telescope system, along with its expected on-sky diffuser-assisted photometric precision for a host star of a given magnitude. We use iDiffuse to show that most ($sim$80%) of the planet hosts that TESS will find will be scintillation limited in transit observations from the ground. Although iDiffuse has primarily been developed to plan challenging transit observations using the diffuser on the ARCTIC imager on the ARC 3.5m Telescope at Apache Point observatory, iDiffuse is modular and can be easily extended to calculate the expected diffuser-assisted photometric precisions on other telescopes.
The Kepler mission has provided a wealth of data, revealing new insights in time-domain astronomy. However, Keplers single band-pass has limited studies to a single wavelength. In this work we build a data-driven, pixel-level model for the Pixel Response Function (PRF) of Kepler targets, modeling the image data from the spacecraft. Our model is sufficiently flexible to capture known detector effects, such as non-linearity, intra-pixel sensitivity variations, and focus change. In theory, the shape of the Kepler PRF should also be weakly wavelength dependent, due to optical chromatic aberration and wavelength dependent detector response functions. We are able to identify these predicted shape changes to the PRF using the residuals between Kepler data and our model. In this work, we show that these PRF changes correspond to wavelength variability in Kepler targets using a small sample of eclipsing binaries. Using our model, we demonstrate that pixel-level light curves of eclipsing binaries show variable eclipse depths, ellipsoidal modulation and limb darkening. These changes at the pixel level are consistent with multi-wavelength photometry. Our work suggests each pixel in the Kepler data of a single target has a different effective wavelength, ranging from $approx$ 550-750 $nm$. In this proof of concept, we demonstrate our model, and discuss possible use cases for the wavelength dependent Pixel Response Function of Kepler. These use cases include characterizing variable systems, and vetting exoplanet discoveries at the pixel level. The chromatic PRF of Kepler is due to weak wavelength dependence in the optical systems and detector of the telescope, and similar chromatic PRFs are expected in other similar telescopes, notably the NASA TESS telescope.
GJ 758 B is a cold (~600K) companion to a Sun-like star at 29 AU projected separation, which was recently detected with high-contrast imaging. Here we present photometry of the companion in seven photometric bands from Subaru/HiCIAO, Gemini/NIRI and Keck/NIRC2, providing a rich sampling of the spectral energy distribution in the 1-5 micron wavelength range. A clear detection at 1.58 micron combined with an upper limit at 1.69 micron shows methane absorption in the atmosphere of the companion. The mass of the companion remains uncertain, but an updated age estimate indicates that the most likely mass range is ~30-40 Mjup. In addition, we present an updated astrometric analysis that imposes tighter constraints on GJ 758 Bs orbit and identifies the proposed second candidate companion, GJ 758 C, as a background star.
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