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Tree pivot-minors and linear rank-width

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 Added by O-Joung Kwon
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Tree-width and its linear variant path-width play a central role for the graph minor relation. In particular, Robertson and Seymour (1983) proved that for every tree~$T$, the class of graphs that do not contain $T$ as a minor has bounded path-width. For the pivot-minor relation, rank-width and linear rank-width take over the role from tree-width and path-width. As such, it is natural to examine if for every tree~$T$, the class of graphs that do not contain $T$ as a pivot-minor has bounded linear rank-width. We first prove that this statement is false whenever $T$ is a tree that is not a caterpillar. We conjecture that the statement is true if $T$ is a caterpillar. We are also able to give partial confirmation of this conjecture by proving: (1) for every tree $T$, the class of $T$-pivot-minor-free distance-hereditary graphs has bounded linear rank-width if and only if $T$ is a caterpillar; (2) for every caterpillar $T$ on at most four vertices, the class of $T$-pivot-minor-free graphs has bounded linear rank-width. To prove our second result, we only need to consider $T=P_4$ and $T=K_{1,3}$, but we follow a general strategy: first we show that the class of $T$-pivot-minor-free graphs is contained in some class of $(H_1,H_2)$-free graphs, which we then show to have bounded linear rank-width. In particular, we prove that the class of $(K_3,S_{1,2,2})$-free graphs has bounded linear rank-width, which strengthens a known result that this graph class has bounded rank-width.

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123 - Sang-il Oum 2020
The cut-rank of a set $X$ in a graph $G$ is the rank of the $Xtimes (V(G)-X)$ submatrix of the adjacency matrix over the binary field. A split is a partition of the vertex set into two sets $(X,Y)$ such that the cut-rank of $X$ is less than $2$ and both $X$ and $Y$ have at least two vertices. A graph is prime (with respect to the split decomposition) if it is connected and has no splits. A graph $G$ is $k^{+ell}$-rank-connected if for every set $X$ of vertices with the cut-rank less than $k$, $lvert Xrvert$ or $lvert V(G)-Xrvert $ is less than $k+ell$. We prove that every prime $3^{+2}$-rank-connected graph $G$ with at least $10$ vertices has a prime $3^{+3}$-rank-connected pivot-minor $H$ such that $lvert V(H)rvert =lvert V(G)rvert -1$. As a corollary, we show that every excluded pivot-minor for the class of graphs of rank-width at most $k$ has at most $(3.5 cdot 6^{k}-1)/5$ vertices for $kge 2$. We also show that the excluded pivot-minors for the class of graphs of rank-width at most $2$ have at most $16$ vertices.
76 - Duksang Lee , Sang-il Oum 2021
We show that for pairs $(Q,R)$ and $(S,T)$ of disjoint subsets of vertices of a graph $G$, if $G$ is sufficiently large, then there exists a vertex $v$ in $V(G)-(Qcup Rcup Scup T)$ such that there are two ways to reduce $G$ by a vertex-minor operation while preserving the connectivity between $Q$ and $R$ and the connectivity between $S$ and $T$. Our theorem implies an analogous theorem of Chen and Whittle (2014) for matroids restricted to binary matroids.
Minimum $k$-Section denotes the NP-hard problem to partition the vertex set of a graph into $k$ sets of sizes as equal as possible while minimizing the cut width, which is the number of edges between these sets. When $k$ is an input parameter and $n$ denotes the number of vertices, it is NP-hard to approximate the width of a minimum $k$-section within a factor of $n^c$ for any $c<1$, even when restricted to trees with constant diameter. Here, we show that every tree $T$ allows a $k$-section of width at most $(k-1) (2 + 16n / diam(T) ) Delta(T)$. This implies a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation for the Minimum $k$-Section Problem when restricted to trees with linear diameter and constant maximum degree. Moreover, we extend our results from trees to arbitrary graphs with a given tree decomposition.
514 - David R. Wood 2011
A clique minor in a graph G can be thought of as a set of connected subgraphs in G that are pairwise disjoint and pairwise adjacent. The Hadwiger number h(G) is the maximum cardinality of a clique minor in G. This paper studies clique minors in the Cartesian product G*H. Our main result is a rough structural characterisation theorem for Cartesian products with bounded Hadwiger number. It implies that if the product of two sufficiently large graphs has bounded Hadwiger number then it is one of the following graphs: - a planar grid with a vortex of bounded width in the outerface, - a cylindrical grid with a vortex of bounded width in each of the two `big faces, or - a toroidal grid. Motivation for studying the Hadwiger number of a graph includes Hadwigers Conjecture, which states that the chromatic number chi(G) <= h(G). It is open whether Hadwigers Conjecture holds for every Cartesian product. We prove that if |V(H)|-1 >= chi(G) >= chi(H) then Hadwigers Conjecture holds for G*H. On the other hand, we prove that Hadwigers Conjecture holds for all Cartesian products if and only if it holds for all G * K_2. We then show that h(G * K_2) is tied to the treewidth of G. We also develop connections with pseudoachromatic colourings and connected dominating sets that imply near-tight bounds on the Hadwiger number of grid graphs (Cartesian products of paths) and Hamming graphs (Cartesian products of cliques).
Tree-chromatic number is a chromatic version of treewidth, where the cost of a bag in a tree-decomposition is measured by its chromatic number rather than its size. Path-chromatic number is defined analogously. These parameters were introduced by Seymour (JCTB 2016). In this paper, we survey all the known results on tree- and path-chromatic number and then present some new results and conjectures. In particular, we propose a version of Hadwigers Conjecture for tree-chromatic number. As evidence that our conjecture may be more tractable than Hadwigers Conjecture, we give a short proof that every $K_5$-minor-free graph has tree-chromatic number at most $4$, which avoids the Four Colour Theorem. We also present some hardness results and conjectures for computing tree- and path-chromatic number.
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