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Serpentine optical phased arrays for scalable integrated photonic LIDAR beam steering

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 Added by Nathan Dostart
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Optical phased arrays (OPAs) implemented in integrated photonic circuits could enable a variety of 3D sensing, imaging, illumination, and ranging applications, and their convergence in new LIDAR technology. However, current integrated OPA approaches do not scale - in control complexity, power consumption, and optical efficiency - to the large aperture sizes needed to support medium to long range LIDAR. We present the serpentine optical phased array (SOPA), a new OPA concept that addresses these fundamental challenges and enables architectures that scale up to large apertures. The SOPA is based on a serially interconnected array of low-loss grating waveguides and supports fully passive, two-dimensional (2D) wavelength-controlled beam steering. A fundamentally space-efficient design that folds the feed network into the aperture also enables scalable tiling of SOPAs into large apertures with a high fill-factor. We experimentally demonstrate the first SOPA, using a 1450 - 1650 nm wavelength sweep to produce 16,500 addressable spots in a 27x610 array. We also demonstrate, for the first time, far-field interference of beams from two separate OPAs on a single silicon photonic chip, as an initial step towards long-range computational imaging LIDAR based on novel active aperture synthesis schemes.

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The ability of photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) to confine and slow down light makes them an ideal component to enhance the performance of various photonic devices, such as optical modulators or sensors. However, the integration of PCWs in photonic applications poses design challenges, most notably, engineering the PCW mode dispersion and creating efficient coupling devices. Here, we solve these challenges with photonic inverse design, and experimentally demonstrate a slow-light PCW optical phased array (OPA) with a wide steering range. Even and odd mode PCWs are engineered for a group index of 25, over a bandwidth of 20nm and 12nm, respectively. Additionally, for both PCW designs, we create strip waveguide couplers and free-space vertical couplers. Finally, also relying on inverse design, the radiative losses of the PCW are engineered, allowing us to construct OPAs with a 20{deg} steering range in a 20nm bandwidth.
Optical unitary converter (OUC) that can convert a set of N mutually orthogonal optical modes into another set of arbitrary N orthogonal modes is expected to be the key device in diverse applications, including the optical communication, deep learning, and quantum computing. While various types of OUC have been demonstrated on photonic integration platforms, its sensitivity against a slight deviation in the waveguide dimension has been the crucial issue in scaling N. Here, we demonstrate that an OUC based on the concept of multi-plane light conversion (MPLC) shows outstanding robustness against waveguide deviations. Moreover, it becomes more and more insensitive to fabrication errors as we increase N, which is in clear contrast to the conventional OUC architecture, composed of 2 $times$ 2 Mach-Zehnder interferometers. The physical origin behind this unique robustness and scalability is studied by considering a generalized OUC configuration. As a result, we reveal that the number of coupled modes in each stage plays an essential role in determining the sensitivity of the entire OUC. The maximal robustness is attained when all-to-all-coupled interferometers are employed, which are naturally implemented in MPLC-OUC.
Implantable silicon neural probes with integrated nanophotonic waveguides can deliver patterned dynamic illumination into brain tissue at depth. Here, we introduce neural probes with integrated optical phased arrays and demonstrate optical beam steering in vitro. Beam formation in brain tissue was simulated and characterized. The probes were used for optogenetic stimulation and calcium imaging.
Switchable and active metasurfaces allow for the realization of beam steering, zoomable metalenses, or dynamic holography. To achieve this goal, one has to combine high-performance metasurfaces with switchable materials that exhibit high refractive index contrast and high switching speeds. In this work, we present an electrochemically switchable metasurface for beam steering where we use the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxythiophene) (PEDOT) as an active material. We show beam diffraction with angles up to 10{deg} and change of the intensities of the diffracted and primary beams employing an externally applied cyclic voltage between -1 V and +0.5 V. With this unique combination, we realize switching speeds in the range of 1 Hz while the extension to typical display frequencies in the tens of Hz region is possible. Our findings have immediate implications on the design and fabrication of future electronically switchable and display nanotechnologies, such as dynamic holograms.
161 - Zejie Yu , Xiang Xi , Jingwen Ma 2019
Waves that are perfectly confined in the continuous spectrum of radiating waves without interaction with them are known as bound states in the continuum (BICs). Despite recent discoveries of BICs in nanophotonics, full routing and control of BICs are yet to be explored. Here, we experimentally demonstrate BICs in a fundamentally new photonic architecture by patterning a low-refractive-index material on a high-refractive-index substrate, where dissipation to the substrate continuum is eliminated by engineering the geometric parameters. Pivotal BIC-based photonic components are demonstrated, including waveguides, microcavities, directional couplers, and modulators. Therefore, this work presents the critical step of photonic integrated circuits in the continuum, and enables the exploration of new single-crystal materials on an integrated photonic platform without the fabrication challenges of patterning the single-crystal materials. The demonstrated lithium niobate platform will facilitate development of functional photonic integrated circuits for optical communications, nonlinear optics at the single photon level as well as scalable photonic quantum information processors.
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