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Spectral Sets: Numerical Range and Beyond

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 Added by Anne Greenbaum
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We extend the proof in [M.~Crouzeix and C.~Palencia, {em The numerical range is a $(1 + sqrt{2})$-spectral set}, SIAM Jour.~Matrix Anal.~Appl., 38 (2017), pp.~649-655] to show that other regions in the complex plane are $K$-spectral sets. In particular, we show that various annular regions are $(1 + sqrt{2} )$-spectral sets and that a more general convex region with a circular hole or cutout is a $(3 + 2 sqrt{3} )$-spectral set. We demonstrate how these results can be used to give bounds on the convergence rate of the GMRES algorithm for solving linear systems and on that of rational Krylov subspace methods for approximating $f(A)b$, where $A$ is a square matrix, $b$ is a given vector, and $f$ is a function that can be uniformly approximated on such a region by rational functions with poles outside the region.

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We propose a Hermite spectral method for the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation. For the inverse-power-law model, we generalize an approximate quadratic collision operator defined in the normalized and dimensionless setting to an operator for arbitrary distribution functions. An efficient algorithm with a fast transform is introduced to discretize this new collision operator. The method is tested for one-dimensional benchmark microflow problems.
We discuss a new numerical schema for solving the initial value problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation for large times. Our approach is based upon the Inverse Scattering Transform that reduces the problem to calculating the reflection coefficient of the corresponding Schrodinger equation. Using a step-like approximation of the initial profile and a fragmentation principle for the scattering data, we obtain an explicit recursion formula for computing the reflection coefficient, yielding a high resolution KdV solver. We also discuss some generalizations of this algorithm and how it might be improved by using Haar and other wavelets.
156 - Giorgio Mantica 2015
We describe a numerical procedure to compute the so-called isospectral torus of finite gap sets, that is, the set of Jacobi matrices whose essential spectrum is composed of finitely many intervals. We also study numerically the convergence of specific Jacobi matrices to their isospectral limit. We then extend the analyis to the definition and computation of an isospectral torus for Cantor sets in the family of Iterated Function Systems. This analysis is developed with the ultimate goal of attacking numerically the conjecture that the Jacobi matrices of I.F.S. measures supported on Cantor sets are asymptotically almost-periodic.
We introduce the concept of essential numerical range $W_{!e}(T)$ for unbounded Hilbert space operators $T$ and study its fundamental properties including possible equivalent characterizations and perturbation results. Many of the properties known for the bounded case do emph{not} carry over to the unbounded case, and new interesting phenomena arise which we illustrate by some striking examples. A key feature of the essential numerical range $W_{!e}(T)$ is that it captures spectral pollution in a unified and minimal way when approximating $T$ by projection methods or domain truncation methods for PDEs.
Consider a bounded domain with the Dirichlet condition on a part of the boundary and the Neumann condition on its complement. Does the spectrum of the Laplacian determine uniquely which condition is imposed on which part? We present some results, conjectures and problems related to this variation on the isospectral theme.
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